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Created December 19, 2023 12:44
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Babashka script to download contentful images
(ns script
(:require [babashka.pods :as pods]
[babashka.fs :as fs]
[babashka.http-client :as http]
[ :as csv]
[ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str]
[babashka.cli :as cli]))
;; read the CSV line-by-line into a data structure
(defn csv-data*
(with-open [reader (io/reader path)]
;; Babashka aliases as csv
(doall (csv/read-csv reader))))
(defn csv-data
(let [[header & data] (csv-data* path)]
(map (partial zipmap (map keyword header)) data)))
(defn mkdirs
[{:keys [out-dir] :or {out-dir "./cfassets"}} test-cases]
(doseq [{:keys [test-name fmt]} test-cases]
(fs/create-dirs (str/join "/" [out-dir test-name "full"]))
(fs/create-dirs (str/join "/" [out-dir test-name "thumbs"]))))
(defn url->filename
(->> url
(re-find #".*\/(.*\.\w+)" )
(defn download
[{:keys [out-dir]} {:keys [fmt-params test-name]} {:keys [url filename thumbnail width-requested] :as asset}]
(let [out-path (str/join "/" [out-dir
(if (= thumbnail "true") "thumbs" "full")
(if (.exists (io/file out-path))
(println (format "\t%s .. exists, skipping" filename))
(println (format "\t%s %s" filename (fmt-params asset)))
(:body (http/get (str "https:" url)
(merge {:w width-requested}
(fmt-params asset))
"Accept-Encoding" ["gzip" "deflate"]
:as :stream}))
(io/file out-path))))))
(defn download-assets-for-test
[{:keys [out-dir] :as cfg} {:keys [fmt-params test-name] :as test} assets]
(doseq [asset assets]
(download cfg test asset)))
(defn download-all
[{:keys [out-dir] :as cfg} tests assets]
(doseq [test tests]
(println (format "%s - Downloading assets" (:test-name test)))
(download-assets-for-test cfg test assets)))
(def test-cases
"Thumbnails are always requested as thumbnails, images are always
requested with the same width in the test file. Only the format and
specialisation (like 8 bit png / progressive) is changed."
[{:test-name "default"
:fmt-params (constantly {:fl "progressive"})}
{:test-name "default-70"
:fmt-params (constantly {:fl "progressive"
:q "70"})}
{:test-name "smart-logic"
(fn [{:keys [original-size]}]
(let [sz (Long/parseLong original-size)
q (cond
(> sz 2000000) "50"
(> sz 1000000) "50"
:else "70")]
(cond-> {:fl "progressive"
:fm "jpg"}
q (assoc :q q))))}
{:test-name "progressive+jpgs"
:fmt-params (constantly {:fl "progressive" :fm "jpg"})}
{:test-name "progressive+jpgs-70"
:fmt-params (constantly {:fl "progressive" :fm "jpg" :q "70"})}
{:test-name "avif"
:fmt-params (constantly {:fm "avif"})}
{:test-name "png"
:fmt-params (constantly {:fm "png"})}
{:test-name "8bit-png"
:fmt-params (constantly {:fm "png"
:fl "png8"})}])
(def DEFAULT-CONFIG {:out-dir "./cfassets"})
;; (defmulti command (fn [{:keys [dispatch]}] dispatch))
;; (defmethod command :default
;; [{:keys [opts]}]
;; (println "default " opts))
;; (def table
;; [{:cmds ["mkdirs"] :fn command :args->opts [:out-dir]}
;; {:cmds ["download"] :fn command :args->opts [:out-dir]}
;; {:cmds ["report"] :fn command :args->opts [:out-dir]}
;; {:cmds [] :fn command }])
;; (defn -main [& args]
;; (cli/dispatch table args {:exec-args {:out-dir "./cfassets"}}))
;; (apply -main *command-line-args*)
(def assets
(->> "./test-data.log"
(map #(assoc % :filename (url->filename (:url %))))))
{:out-dir "./cfassets"}
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