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Created July 2, 2018 12:06
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struct Application {
struct Auth {
static func isUserLoggedin() -> Bool {
return Defaults[.authToken] != ""
static func signOut() {
static func signOut(in time: Double) {
Async.main(after: time) {
static func authTokenKey() -> String {
return DefaultsKeys.authToken._key
static func bearerToken() -> String {
return "Bearer \(Defaults[.authToken])"
static func saveToken(_ token: String) {
Defaults[.authToken] = token
/// Saves Users Information to User Defaults in JSON String
/// - Parameter data: Information Dictionary
static func save(_ data: [String: Any]) {
Defaults[.userInfo] = data.JSONString()
static func currentUser() -> User {
guard let data: [String: Any] = Defaults[.userInfo].toAny() as? [String: Any] else {
return User()
return User(from: data)
/// By using a listener, you ensure that the Auth object isn't in an intermediate state—such as initialization—when you get the current user.
static func addStateDidChangeListener() -> Observable<String?> {
return UserDefaults.standard.rx.observe(String.self, self.authTokenKey())
struct Location {
static func isEmpty() -> Bool{
return Defaults[.latitude] == 0.0 && Defaults[.longitude] == 0.0
static func current() -> CLLocation {
return CLLocation(latitude: CLLocationDegrees(Defaults[.latitude]), longitude: CLLocationDegrees(Defaults[.longitude]))
static func save(_ location : CLLocation) {
Defaults[.latitude] = location.coordinate.latitude
Defaults[.longitude] = location.coordinate.longitude
struct Filter {
static func distance() -> Double{
return Defaults[.distance] == 0.0 ? 50.0 : Defaults[.distance]
static func save(distance : Double) {
Defaults[.distance] = distance
struct Environment {
private static let production: Bool = {
return false
return true
static func isProduction() -> Bool {
return self.production
static func isDebug() -> Bool {
return !self.production
static func isSimulator() -> Bool{
#if targetEnvironment(simulator)
return true
return false
static func appDelegate() -> AppDelegate? {
return UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate
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