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Tips to pass Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam
Tips to pass Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam
Getting started Kubernetes :-
a) Book : Kubernetes: Up & Running
b) Practice practice & practice with CKAD Exercises
the Best Kubernetes CKAD sample exercises which cover all parts of the exam
c) Again, the best practice is use kubectl command well. Use kubectl to create resources (such as deployment, service, cronjobs, secret, configmap…) instead of creating them from manifest files.
Incase you have to edit manifest, use dry-run and -o yamlto save yaml file then edit manifest files.
d) Kubernetes in Action by Mario Luksa. The book is the holy bible of Kubernetes, and it basically answer all questions you may have ;
e) Whether or not you use Kubernetes at work, you should still provision your own cluster somewhere and play with it.
Try to convert an application you know to a Kubernetes application.
It’s useless to follow Kelsey Hightower’s Kubernetes the hard way for this cert… use GKE or EKS instead,
it’ll do the job for your study ;
f) I terraformed a tiny Kubernetes cluster on Amazon EKS, and went to play with it.
I encourage to do the same, but delete the ressources when not used ;
g) Fav this GitHub repository and do all the exercises on your cluster.
If you can complete these exercises, you are ready for the exam ;
Finally Tips for the exam
Remember 120 minutes contains 19 problems, ~6.3 minutes/problem.
Don’t spend too much time on one question.
Skip the questions with weight 2%-3% if it takes a long time.
Note it and re-do when you have time.
From my experiences, some important parts with the high weight you need to read then practice for earning the CKAD certificate.
On the CKAD exercise, it misses two parts includes network policy and logging architect.
But it takes 15% of your score so it’s very important to finish.
Network policy question: On my exam, this is a troubleshooting problem.
The pod cannot access service because of created network policy.
So you might describe network policy then the correct label of the pods to fix it.
If you understand the network policy, very quickly to finish the problem.
Read more the task Declare Network Policy.
Logging architecture k8s: You should understand cluster-level-logging.
Read Logging Architecture, especially Sidecar container with a logging agent to understand sidecar container, fluentd.
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