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// Q1: Create a template string of a button HTML Element. Save the title
// for the button in a separate var and use it in the button correctly.
let buttonTitle = "This is used to save value in DB";
let btn = `<button title="${buttonTitle}">Save</button>`;
// Q2: Create a function that returns a list element (<li>) HTML
// use this function to create an ordered list HTML structure of numbers from
let abc = () => {
let arr = Array.apply(0, Array(30))
.map(function(val, index) {
return index;
let err = 0
let a = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
arr = => {
if (val% 2== 0) {
return (val * val)
// Question 1: Create an Array from 0...100 without using traditional For-loop
let array = Array(101).fill(1).map(item = (val , index) => index);
console.log("array of 0 to 100 ");
// Question 2: Create an Array of only even numbers from the above array
let evenArray = array.filter( val => val % 2 == 0);