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Created August 14, 2011 06:32
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Pagination using collections: Backbone.js
class Pager
constructor: (collection, attributes) ->
@collection = collection
@currentPage = attributes.current_page
@totalPages = attributes.total_pages
@perPage = attributes.per_page
@totalEntries = attributes.total_entries
@pages = @visiblePageNumbers().map (page) =>
page: page
path: @buildPath page
createLink: page isnt @currentPage and page isnt '...'
visiblePageNumbers: ->
innerWindow = 3
outerWindow = 0
windowFrom = @currentPage - innerWindow
windowTo = @currentPage + innerWindow
if windowTo > @totalPages
windowFrom -= windowTo - @totalPages
windowTo = @totalPages
if windowFrom < 1
windowTo += 1 - windowFrom
windowFrom = 1
windowTo = @totalPages if windowTo > @totalPages
visible = [1..@totalPages]
leftGap = [Math.min(2 + outerWindow, windowFrom)...windowFrom]
rightGap = [Math.min(windowTo + 1, @totalPages - outerWindow)...(@totalPages - outerWindow)]
if leftGap.length > 1
visible = _(visible).reject (page) -> _(leftGap).include(page)
visible.splice(outerWindow + 1, 0, '...')
if rightGap.length > 1
visible = _(visible).reject (page) -> _(rightGap).include(page)
visible.splice(visible.length - outerWindow - 1, 0, '...')
render: -> if @totalPages > 1 then JST.pager(this) else ''
buildPath: (page) ->
"#/#{ _([ @collection._filter, page ]).compact().join('/') }"
isFirstPage: -> @currentPage == 1
isLastPage: -> @currentPage == @totalPages
prevPath: -> @buildPath @currentPage - 1
nextPath: -> @buildPath @currentPage + 1
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