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Created November 12, 2015 09:07
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Save satnami/f13f2c52984f5a458b58 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Chili Recipe
%html{ ng: { app: 'rodeo' } }
%script{ src: '//' }
%script{ src: '//' }
%script{ src: '//' }
%body{ ng: { controller: 'book' } }
.recipe--author Chris Coyier's
.recipe--title Four-Bean Chili
.recipe--ingredient-preview.hidden-xs{ ng: { class: "{ '{{image}}': true, 'is-active': (image === ingredientImages[activeIngredient]) }", repeat: 'image in ingredientImages' } }
1hr 20m
%input{ type: 'text', ng: { model: 'servings' } }
%span.glyphicon.glyphicon-minus{ ng: { click: 'downServing()' } }
%span.glyphicon.glyphicon-plus{ ng: { click: 'upServing()' } }
%h3 Ingredients
%li.recipe--ingredient{ ng: { repeat: 'ingredient in ingredients', click: 'toggleCheck($index)', class: "{ 'is-checked': ingredient.checked }" } }
%span.glyphicon{ ng: { class: "{ 'glyphicon-unchecked': !ingredient.checked, 'glyphicon-check': ingredient.checked }" } }
%span.recipe--amount{ ng: { if: 'ingredient.isWhole' } } {{ ingredient.amount }}
%span.fraction{ ng: { if: 'ingredient.hasFraction' } }
%sup {{ ingredient.fraction.numerator }}
%sub {{ ingredient.fraction.denominator }}
%span.recipe--unit {{ ingredient.unit }}
%span {{ }}
%h3 Directions
%li{ ng: { repeat: 'direction in directions', class: "{ 'is-completed': direction.isCompleted }", click: 'toggleDirection($index)' } }
%span {{ direction.step }}
.recipe--ingredient-preview{ ng: { repeat: 'image in direction.images', class: "{ '{{image}}': true, 'is-hidden': direction.isCompleted }" } }
Made in DC by
%a{ href: '', target: '_blank' } @jan_rubio
%a{ href: '', target: '_blank' }
CodePen Pattern Rodeo #9
angular.module('rodeo', []);
.controller('book', function ($scope, $interval) {
$scope.servings = 4;
$scope.ingredientImages = ['tomatoes', 'garlic', 'jalapeno','salt', 'pepper', 'buffalo', 'cayenne', 'broth', 'onion', 'pinto-beans', 'black-beans', 'great-northern-beans', 'kidney-beans'];
$scope.directions = [
{ isCompleted: false, step: 'Get your filthiest campfire-scorched Dutch oven over the fire the best you can situate it.', images: ['pot'] },
{ isCompleted: false, step: 'Brown the bison.', images: ['buffalo'] },
{ isCompleted: false, step: 'Add the diced onion and spices, sautee until soft.', images: ['onion', 'jalapeno', 'garlic', 'salt', 'pepper', 'cayenne'] },
{ isCompleted: false, step: 'Add tomatoes and broth and bring to a simmer for 40 minutes.', images: ['tomatoes', 'broth'] },
{ isCompleted: false, step: 'Add beans and cook another 30 minutes.', images: ['pinto-beans', 'black-beans', 'great-northern-beans', 'kidney-beans'] },
{ isCompleted: false, step: 'Serve with Tabasco and a giant spoon.', images: ['done'] }
$scope.toggleDirection = function (index) {
$scope.directions[index].isCompleted = !$scope.directions[index].isCompleted;
$scope.$watch('directions', function () {
if (_.all($scope.directions, 'isCompleted') && $scope.directions.length < 7) {
$scope.directions.push({ isCompleted: false, step: 'Enjoy! Squeeze scorpion venom to taste.', images: [] });
}, true);
$scope.activeIngredient = 0;
$scope.isActiveIngredient = function (ingredient) {
return ingredient === $scope.ingredientImages[$scope.activeIngredient];
$interval(function () {
$scope.activeIngredient = ($scope.activeIngredient + 1) % $scope.ingredientImages.length;
}, 1600);
$scope.ingredients = [
{ base: .25, unit: 'lb', name: 'ground bison', checked: false },
{ base: .25, unit: 'cup', name: 'diced onion', checked: false },
{ base: 1, unit: '', name: 'diced jalepeños', checked: false },
{ base: .25, unit: 'cup', name: 'black beans', checked: false },
{ base: .25, unit: 'cup', name: 'great northern beans', checked: false },
{ base: .25, unit: 'cup', name: 'kidney beans', checked: false },
{ base: 1, unit: 'cloves', name: 'garlic', checked: false },
{ base: .5, unit: 'tbsp', name: 'mexican chili powder', checked: false },
{ base: .5, unit: 'tsp', name: 'salt', checked: false },
{ base: .5, unit: 'tsp', name: 'ground pepper', checked: false },
{ base: .25, unit: 'cup', name: 'cayenne', checked: false },
{ base: 7, unit: 'oz', name: 'crushed tomatoes', checked: false },
{ base: .75, unit: 'cups', name: 'beef broth', checked: false }
$scope.upServing = function () {
$scope.servings = _.parseInt($scope.servings) + 1;
$scope.downServing = function () {
$scope.servings = Math.max(1, _.parseInt($scope.servings) - 1);
$scope.toggleCheck = function (index) {
$scope.ingredients[index].checked = !$scope.ingredients[index].checked;
$scope.$watch('servings', function () {
_.forEach($scope.ingredients, function (ingredient) {
var fraction = null,
author = 'rubiojan';
ingredient.amount = ingredient.base * $scope.servings;
fraction = ingredient.amount - Math.floor(ingredient.amount);
if (fraction === 0) {
ingredient.hasFraction = false;
ingredient.fraction = {};
} else {
ingredient.hasFraction = true;
fraction = new Fraction(fraction);
ingredient.fraction = {
numerator: fraction.numerator,
denominator: fraction.denominator
ingredient.isWhole = Math.floor(ingredient.amount) > 0;
if (ingredient.isWhole && ingredient.hasFraction) {
ingredient.amount = Math.floor(ingredient.amount);
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