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Created May 18, 2018 13:41
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def eval(s,inputs):
mem = [0 for i in xrange(6000)]
ip = 0
mp = 0
stack = []
def state2s():
return (
''.join(map(lambda (i,c): "*"+c if i == ip else c ,enumerate(s))) + '\n' +
str(map(lambda (i,c): "@"+str(c) if i == mp else c ,enumerate(mem[:200])))
while ip < len(s):
#print ip,s[ip],mem
if s[ip]=='+':
mem[mp] = (mem[mp] + 1) % 256
elif s[ip]=='-':
mem[mp] = (mem[mp] + 255) % 256
elif s[ip]=='>':
mp += 1
elif s[ip]=='<':
mp -= 1
elif s[ip]=='[':
if mem[mp]==0:
d = 1
while d > 0:
ip += 1
if s[ip]=='[':
d += 1
elif s[ip]==']':
d -= 1
stack += [ip]
elif s[ip]==']':
ip = stack[-1]-1
stack = stack[:-1]
elif s[ip]==',':
mem[mp] = ord(inputs[0])
inputs = inputs[1:]
elif s[ip]=='.':
print chr(mem[mp]),
elif s[ip]=='@':
#print ip,mp
#print state2s()
vs = []
for i in range(40):
k = ''
for j in range(6):
k = chr(mem[i*49+j*7+8+1]+48) + k
for i in range(12):
print [x for x in enumerate(vs)][i*3:i*3+3]
#print ''
ip += 1
#coding: utf-8
from Tkinter import Tk
import bf_interpreter
import re
r = Tk()
# 各桁に5個くらいスペースがほしい。
def comp(s):
s = ''.join(map(lambda s: s.split('#')[0],s.split('\n')))
#print s
s = ''.join(re.split('\s',s))
#print s
s = re.split('(\d*.)',s)
#print s
s = ''.join(map(lambda x: (x if len(x)<=1 else x[-1] * int(x[:-1])),s))
#print s
return s
# [keta x
def norm():
# [h' x 0 0 0 0]
res = '''
# [h x 1' 0 0 0]
# [h x' 0 0 0 0]
[>+>+<<-]>[<+>-] 10+ # [h x 10' x 0 0 0]
# [h x d' dx 0 0 b]
>[>+>+<<-]+ # [h x d 1' dx dx b]
>[<->[-]]< # [h x d (if dx then 0 else 1)' 0 dx b]
[>>>+<<<-] # [h x d 0' 0 dx (b |= dx == 0)]
>>[<<+>>-] # [h x d dx 0 0' (b |= dx == 0)]
# [h x 0' (x-10) 0 0 b]
# [h x 0 0' 0 0 (x < 10)]
# [h x 0 0 0 (x >= 10)' 0]
<<<< 10-
# [h x-=10' 0 0 0 0 0]
# [h x iscont 0 0 0' 0]
# [h x%10 0' 0 0 0 0]
return comp(res)
def putd():
return comp('''
[> >8+[<6+>-]< .<7<]
#s = norm(0)
np = 0
# [keta, x, point]
# s[1] += s[0]. s[1] と s[0] は破壊される。
# 位置はs[0] から s[1] になる。
def add():
global np
np = np + 1
return comp('''
>>+<<[7>]7> >>+7<-[+7<-]+<<
# @1'0 @1
# @1'1 @1
>7>-[+7>-]7>+7<-[+7<-] 7>+2<
# @2'0 @2
''') + norm()
# s[0] = - s[0].
def hosuu():
return comp('''
# h', x, 0
# h, 9-x, 0'
''') + norm()
# s[2] = s[1] * s[0].
p = 0
rp = 0
while p < len(s[0]):
# 0 -> 2o
r = rp
q = 0
# 1 -> 2i
while r < len(s[2]):
#s[2][r] += s[1][q] * s[0][p]
# 2i -> 0
while s[0][p]>0:
# 0 -> 1
while s[1][q] >0:
# 1 -> 2i
s[2][r] += 1
# 2i -> 1
s[1][q] -= 1
# 1 -> 0
s[0][p] -= 1
# 0 -> 1
q += 1
r += 1
p += 1
rp += 1
# s[0] [keta, x, 0, 外loop, 0, 0, 0]
# s[1] [keta, x, 0, 0, 内loop]
# s[2] [keta, x, 0, 0, 0, 内loop(r), 外loop(rp)]
def mult():
global np
np += 2
return (comp('''
# rp = 0
# p = 0
# while p < len(s[0]):
# s[2] のやつが外に出るまで
# r = rp
<<<<< [7<]7<[7<]7>>>>>+
# q = 0
# while r < len(s[2]):
>>>-[+7<-]+ <<[>+>>+<<<-]>>>[<<<+>>>-]<<
# copy(s[0][p])
# s[0] :: [keta, x, x', 外loop, 0, 0, 0]
# while s[0][p]>0:
>>-[+7>-]+ <<<[>+>+<<-]>>[<<+>>-]<
# s[1] :: [h, x, x', 0, 内loop]
# while s[1][q] >0:
#s[2][r] += 1
#s[1][q] -= 1
#s[0][p] -= 1
>>-[+7>-] 7>+
# q += 1
>-[+7>-] 7>+
# r += 1
''') + '@' +
comp('-[+7<-]<<<<<<+') +
comp('[7<]7>') + norm() +
comp('@ --[++7>--]+>>>>>>+ @') +
comp(''' @
-[+7<-] 7>+
# rp += 1
# qを消す
< -[+7<-] 7>+
# p += 1
''')) + norm()
# a[0] /= 6
def div6():
return comp('''
# [h x 1' 0 0 0]
# [h x' 0 0 0 0]
[>+>+<<-]>[<+>-] 6+ # [h x 6' x 0 0 0]
# [h x d' dx 0 0 b]
>[>+>+<<-]+ # [h x d 1' dx dx b]
>[<->[-]]< # [h x d (if dx then 0 else 1)' 0 dx b]
[>>>+<<<-] # [h x d 0' 0 dx (b |= dx == 0)]
>>[<<+>>-] # [h x d dx 0 0' (b |= dx == 0)]
# [h x 0' (x-6) 0 0 b]
# [h x 0 0' 0 0 (x < 6)]
# [h x 0 0 0 (x >= 6)' 0]
<<<< 6-
# [h x-=6' 0 0 0 0 0]
# [h x iscont 0 0 0' 0]
# [x/6 h x%6 0' 0 0 0 0]
s = comp('''
6+<+6< 9+<+6< 5+<+
''') + '@' + norm() + '@' + putd()
s = comp('''
1+<+6< 2+<+6< 3+<+6< 7< 4+<+6< 5+<+6< 6+<+
''') + add() + '@' + putd()
s = comp('''
0+<+6< 0+<+6< 0+<+6< 7< 1+<+6< 2+<+6< 6+<+6< 7< 4+<+6< 5+<+6< 2+<+
''') + mult() + '@' + putd()
s = comp('''
8+<+6< 2+<+6< 3+<+ @
''') + div6() + '@' + putd()
s = comp('''
8+<+6< 2+<+6< 0+<+ @
''') + hosuu() + '@' + putd()
np = 0
def movp(p):
global np
dp = p - np
#print dp,p,np
np = p
if dp > 0:
return comp('''
''' % dp)
elif dp < 0:
return comp('''
''' % (-dp))
return ''
# stp n ls h
def init(n,ls):
global np
np = 0
return '>>>>>' + comp('+>' + str(n) + '+' + '''
''' % ls)
def readd():
return comp('>7>,48- 7<,48- >,[-]<<')
def move(p,q):
if p==q:
return ''
# now q
if p < q:
s = comp('''
# at p [r _ h' x
#r _ h x'
elif p > q:
s = comp('''
# at p [r _ h' x
#r _ h x'
return (
movp(p) + '<<+>>' +
movp(q) + '<<+>>' +
def move_copy(p,q,r):
if p==q:
q,r = r,q
if q==p:
return ''
return (
movp(p) +
[> [>+>+<<-] >[<+>-] <<7>]
# h x 0 x
''') + move(p,q) +
movp(p) +
[>>> [<<+>>-] <<<7>]
# h x
''') + move(p,r)
#s = init(3,5) + '@' + movp(2) + '@' + movp(1) + '@'
#s = init(3,5) + readd() + movp(1) + readd() + movp(0) + add() + movp(1) + putd()
#s = init(3,5) + readd() + putd()
#s = init(3,5) + movp(1) + readd() + '@' + move_copy(1,0,2) + '@'
s = init(40,6)
for i in range(12):
s += (
movp(i*3) + readd()
for i in range(3):
s += (
movp(i*3) + hosuu()
for j in range(0,3):
t = j*3+i+3
print i,t
s += (
(move_copy(i*3,i*3,t*3+1) if j!=2 else move(i*3,t*3+1)) +
movp(t*3) + add()
def movc(p,q):
return move_copy(p,p,q)
s += (
movc(19,33) +
movc(34,21) +
movc(22,27) +
movc(28,24) +
movc(25,30) +
s += '@'
for i in range(6,12):
s += movp(i*3) + mult()
for i in range(3):
s += move(i*3+10,i*3+9)
s += '@'
s += (
move(23,10) +
move(26,13) +
move(20,16) +
move(32,11) +
move(35,14) +
s += '@'
for i in range(3):
s += (
movp(i*3+11) + hosuu() +
movp(i*3+10) + add() +
move(i*3+11,i*3+10) +
movp(i*3+9) + mult()
s += '@'
s += (
move(11,3) + move(14,4) + move(17,5) +
movp(3) + add() + movp(4) + add() + movp(5) + '@' + div6()
s += '@'
s += putd()
#s += putd()
for i in range(0,12):
for j in range(3):
s += (
movp(i*3+j) + putd() + comp('[-]32+.[-]7>')
s += comp('<[-]10+.>')
#s = init(39,6) + movp(0) + readd() + putd() + '[-]+10.[-]7>' + movp(1) + readd() + putd() + '[-]+10.[-]7>'
#s = init(39,6) + movp(0) + readd() + putd() + comp('[-]10+.[-]7>')
def shlink(s):
ts = ""
for c in s:
ts += c
if ts[-2:]=='<>':
ts = ts[:-2]
elif ts[-2:]=='><':
ts = ts[:-2]
return ts
#s = init(4,6) + movp(0) + readd() + movp(1) + readd() + movp(0) + '@' + mult()
s = shlink(s)
#print s
print len(s)
v = '29 84 73 51 22 95 03 02 69 95 01 17 '
for k in range(1):
v = v[9:] + v[:9]
#bf_interpreter.eval(s,'98 76 ')
#bf_interpreter.eval(s,'00 00 00 03 05 06 01 02 04 09 07 08 ')
s = [[],[],[]]
s[2] = [0 for _ in range(3)]
s[1] = [1,2,3]
s[0] = [4,5,6]
p = 0
rp = 0
while p < len(s[0]):
r = rp
q = 0
while r < len(s[2]):
#s[2][r] += s[1][q] * s[0][p]
m = s[0][p]
while s[0][p]>0:
n = s[1][q]
while s[1][q] >0:
s[1][q] -= 1
s[2][r] += 1
s[1][q] = n
s[0][p] -= 1
s[0][p] = m
r += 1
q += 1
p += 1
rp += 1
print s[2]
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