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Dim A(1000) As Integer
Dim top, pc, isend
Dim s As String
Dim out As String
Sub initi()
out = ""
top = 0
pc = 0
isend = 0
End Sub
Function push(x)
A(top) = x
top = top + 1
push = A(top - 1)
Cells(1, top) = x
End Function
Function pop()
Cells(1, top) = ""
top = top - 1
pop = A(top)
End Function
Sub instr(x)
Dim p As Integer, q As Integer
Select Case x
Case "#"
push (0)
Case "="
p = pop()
q = pop()
If p = q Then
push (1)
push (0)
End If
Case "*"
p = pop()
q = pop()
push (p * q)
Case "+"
p = pop()
q = pop()
push (p + q)
Case "-"
p = pop()
q = pop()
push (q - p)
Case ":"
p = pop()
push (p)
push (p)
Case "!"
p = pop()
If p = 0 Then
push (1)
push (0)
End If
Case ";"
'MsgBox ("end")
Case "\"
p = pop()
push (A(top - p - 1))
Case "@"
pc = pop() + pc
Case "."
out = out + Chr(pop())
Case ","
out = out + LTrim(Str(pop()))
Case ";"
isend = 1
Case "0"
push (pop() * 10 + 0)
Case "1"
push (pop() * 10 + 1)
Case "2"
push (pop() * 10 + 2)
Case "3"
push (pop() * 10 + 3)
Case "4"
push (pop() * 10 + 4)
Case "5"
push (pop() * 10 + 5)
Case "6"
push (pop() * 10 + 6)
Case "7"
push (pop() * 10 + 7)
Case "8"
push (pop() * 10 + 8)
Case "9"
push (pop() * 10 + 9)
Case "~"
push (pop() * -1)
Case "_" '_
Case Else
MsgBox ("err! " + x)
End Select
End Sub
Sub run(sss As String)
Count = 0
For i = 0 To 1000000
Dim ns As String
If Len(sss) <= pc Then
Exit For
End If
ns = Mid(sss, pc + 1, 1)
Cells(2, 1) = ns
Cells(2, 2) = pc
instr (ns)
'If pc >= 68 Then
'pc = pc
'End If
pc = pc + 1
Next i
End Sub
Sub main()
Dim se As String
se = "#1#59#64#126#52#49#35#46#64#42#54#35#61#49#35#58#95#64#126#53#50#35#44#46#53#51#35#92#58#64#42#50#49#35#61#48#35#58#43#126#49#35#54#52#35"
'se = "#1#59#64#126#52#49#35#46#64#42#54#35#61#49#35#58#95#64#126#53#50#35#44#46#53#51#35#92#58#64#42#50#49#35#61#48#35#58#43#126#49#35#48#49#35"
' se = "#1#59#64#126#57#49#35#46#64#43#54#35#42#54#35#126#33#61#49#35#58#95#64#126#49#51#35#44#46#53#51#35#92#58#64#43#50#49#35#42#50#49#35#126#33#61#48#35#58#43#126#49#35#55#53#35"
'se = "#1#59#64#126#57#49#35#46#64#43#54#35#42#54#35#126#33#61#49#35#58#95#64#126#49#51#35#44#46#53#51#35#92#58#64#43#50#49#35#42#50#49#35#126#33#61#48#35#58#43#126#49#35#48#49#35"
'se = "#1#59#64#126#57#49#35#46#64#43#54#35#42#54#35#126#33#61#49#35#58#95"
'se = "#1#59#64#126#57#49#35#46#64#43#54#35#42#54#35#126#33#61#49#35#58#95#64#126#49#51#35#44#46#53#51#35#92#58#64#43#50#49#35#42#50#49#35#126#33#61#48#35#58#43#126#49#35#48#49#35#57#53#35#52#54#35#54#50#49#35#55#53#35#57#52#35#53#51#35#54#52#35#52#54#35#51#52#35#52#53#35#53#51#35#50#52#35#52#53#35#53#51#35#54#50#49#35#51#51#35#49#54#35#57#52#35#53#51#35#56#53#35#53#57#35#52#54#35#54#50#49#35#57#52#35#49#53#35#53#51#35#52#52#35#54#52#35#51#53#35#49#53#35#53#51#35#50#57#35#56#53#35#52#54#35#51#52#35#48#53#35#57#52#35#53#51#35#50#52#35#48#53#35#57#52#35#53#51#35#54#50#49#35#51#51#35"
'se = "#1#56#35#49#48#35#49#126#43#58#35#48#61#33#126#35#49#50#42#35#49#50#43#64#58#92#35#51#53#46#44#35#51#49#126#64#95#58#35#49#61#33#126#35#54#42#35#54#43#64#46#35#49#57#126#64#59"
'se = "#1#12#12#12#14#13#16#15#17#19#18#25#1#38"
'se = se + "#57#1~+:#0=!~#12*#12+@" 'forのための。
se = se + "#46#1~+:#0=#12*@" 'ないなら0なので。
se = se + ":\#35.,#25~@" 'ループ1
'run (se)
'MsgBox (out)
se = se + "_:#1=#6*@"
se = se + "."
se = se + "#14~@"
se = se + ";"
Cells(3, 1) = se
run (se)
'MsgBox (out)
Cells(4, 1) = out
Dim cs As String
cs = ""
ccs = ""
For j = (Len(se) - 43) To Len(se)
nc = Mid(se, j, 1)
cs = ("#" + LTrim(Str(Asc(nc)))) + cs
ccs = ccs + nc
Next j
Cells(5, 1) = cs
Cells(7, 1) = Len(cs)
Cells(6, 1) = ccs
Cells(8, 1) = Len(se)
End Sub
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