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Created June 20, 2021 08:40
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ExtraTaker stage V solver
h = 6
w = 9
bo = """
#G # ##
## X
###### S
pbo = """
#G # ##
def isin(y,x):
return 0 <= y and y < h and 0 <= x and x < w and bo[y][x] != '#'
def isinbox(y,x):
return 0 <= y and y < h and 0 <= x and x < w and bo[y][x] != '#' and bo[y][x] != 'G'
def isbeam(y,x,vs):
if x == 6:
# print((y,x),vs)
for ty in range(1,y):
if (ty,x) in vs:
return False
return True
if y == 1:
if ((1,4) in vs and (y,x) == (1,5)) or x == 1:
return False
return True
if x == 3:
for ty in range(2,y):
if (ty,x) in vs:
return False
return True
if x == 2:
for ty in range(1,y):
if (ty,x) in vs:
return False
return True
return False
def p2v(p):
return p[0] * w + p[1]
def p2pbop(p):
return p[0] * (w+1) + p[1] + 1
def reprs(s,p,c):
return s[:p] + c + s[p+1:]
class State:
def __init__(self,p,vs,ison,nidx,bidx):
self.vs = sorted(vs)
self.p = p
self.ison = ison
self.nidx = nidx
self.bidx = bidx
def __hash__(self):
res = p2v(self.p)
for p in self.vs:
res = res * h * w + p2v(p)
res = res * h * w + self.ison
# print(res)
return res
def __str__(self):
res = pbo
for y in range(h):
for x in range(w):
if isinbox(y,x) and isbeam(y,x,self.vs):
res = reprs(res,p2pbop((y,x)),'B')
res = reprs(res,p2pbop(self.p),'S')
for p in self.vs:
res = reprs(res,p2pbop(p),'X')
return res
p = None
vs = []
for y in range(h):
for x in range(w):
if bo[y][x] == 'X':
elif bo[y][x] == 'S':
p = (y,x)
inst = State(p,vs,0,0,-1)
dy = [0,1,0,-1]
dx = [1,0,-1,0]
def copy(v):
return [i for i in v]
dp = set()
import queue
que = queue.Queue()
mem = []
bd = -1
while not que.empty():
d,st = que.get()
if d != bd:
bd = d
if st.ison == 3 or d == 107:
for dep in range(d)[::-1]:
st = mem[st.bidx]
for i in range(4):
ty,tx = st.p[0] + dy[i], st.p[1] + dx[i]
if not isin(ty,tx):
has = False
tp = st.p
tvs = copy(st.vs)
tison = st.ison
bidx = st.nidx
for j,(vy,vx) in enumerate(tvs):
if vy == ty and vx == tx:
has = True
tvy,tvx = vy + dy[i], vx + dx[i]
if (not (tvy,tvx) in tvs) and isinbox(tvy,tvx):
tvs[j] = (tvy,tvx)
tvs = None
if not has:
if isbeam(ty,tx,tvs):
tvs = None
tp = (ty,tx)
if bo[ty][tx] == 'G':
if tx == 1:
tison = tison | 1
tison = tison | 2
tp = st.p
if tvs is not None:
tst = State(tp,tvs,tison,len(mem),bidx)
ha = tst.__hash__()
if not ha in dp:
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