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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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describe("lua script") {
it("will be expected to work fast with smembers command execution") {
val REDIS_HOST: String = "localhost"
val REDIS_PORT: Int = 6379
val DATABASE: Int = 2
lazy val client = new RedisClient(REDIS_HOST, REDIS_PORT, DATABASE)
val testKey = "test_key"
//|return 1.0
val loopSmembersCode = s"""
|for k=1,1000 do
| local res ='SMEMBERS', "${testKey}")
val loopSmembersSHAHash = client.scriptLoad(loopSmembersCode).get
def execTime[R](str: String)(proc: => R): R = {
val start = System.nanoTime()
val result = proc
val end = System.nanoTime()
val time = (end - start) / 1000000D
println(s"execution time of ${str}: ${time} [ms]")
(1 to 1000).foreach(id => client.sadd(testKey, id))
import scala.sys.process._
execTime(s"1000 loop smembers with 1000 members(eval)") {
(1 to 1000).foreach(id => """redis-cli -n 2 EVAL "return'SMEMBERS','test_key')" 0""" !! )
execTime(s"1000 loop smembers with 1000 members(scala-redis evalBulk)") {
client.evalBulk(loopSmembersCode, List(), List())
execTime(s"1000 loop smembers with 1000 members(scala-redis evalSHA)") {
client.evalSHA(loopSmembersSHAHash, List(), List())
execTime(s"1000 loop smembers with 1000 members(scala-redis smembers)") {
(1 to 1000).foreach(id => client.smembers(testKey))
execution time of 1000 loop smembers with 1000 members(eval): 76349.003494 [ms]
execution time of 1000 loop smembers with 1000 members(scala-redis evalBulk): 7120.779401 [ms]
execution time of 1000 loop smembers with 1000 members(scala-redis evalSHA): 7001.60564 [ms]
execution time of 1000 loop smembers with 1000 members(scala-redis smembers): 2139.525746 [ms]
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