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Created April 20, 2020 15:53
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// uniform vec3 iResolution;
// uniform float iTime;
// uniform float iTimeDelta;
// uniform float iFrame;
// uniform float iChannelTime[4];
// uniform vec4 iMouse;
// uniform vec4 iDate;
// uniform float iSampleRate;
// uniform vec3 iChannelResolution[4];
// uniform samplerXX iChanneli;
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
#define PI 3.14159265359
#define TWO_PI 6.28318530718
#define EPS 0.01
float CSG_Union (float d1, float d2) {
return min(d1, d2);
float CSG_Intersection (float d1, float d2) {
return max(d1, d2);
float CSG_Substraction (float d1, float d2) {
return max(d1, -d2);
vec3 mod289(vec3 x) { return x - floor(x * (1.0 / 289.0)) * 289.0; }
vec2 mod289(vec2 x) { return x - floor(x * (1.0 / 289.0)) * 289.0; }
vec3 permute(vec3 x) { return mod289(((x * 34.0) + 1.0) * x); }
float snoise(vec2 v) {
// Precompute values for skewed triangular grid
const vec4 C = vec4(0.211324865405187,
// (3.0-sqrt(3.0))/6.0
// 0.5*(sqrt(3.0)-1.0)
// -1.0 + 2.0 * C.x
// 1.0 / 41.0
// First corner (x0)
vec2 i = floor(v + dot(v, C.yy));
vec2 x0 = v - i + dot(i, C.xx);
// Other two corners (x1, x2)
vec2 i1 = vec2(0.0);
i1 = (x0.x > x0.y)? vec2(1.0, 0.0):vec2(0.0, 1.0);
vec2 x1 = x0.xy + C.xx - i1;
vec2 x2 = x0.xy + C.zz;
// Do some permutations to avoid
// truncation effects in permutation
i = mod289(i);
vec3 p = permute(
permute( i.y + vec3(0.0, i1.y, 1.0))
+ i.x + vec3(0.0, i1.x, 1.0 ));
vec3 m = max(0.5 - vec3(
), 0.0);
m = m*m ;
m = m*m ;
// Gradients:
// 41 pts uniformly over a line, mapped onto a diamond
// The ring size 17*17 = 289 is close to a multiple
// of 41 (41*7 = 287)
vec3 x = 2.0 * fract(p * C.www) - 1.0;
vec3 h = abs(x) - 0.5;
vec3 ox = floor(x + 0.5);
vec3 a0 = x - ox;
// Normalise gradients implicitly by scaling m
// Approximation of: m *= inversesqrt(a0*a0 + h*h);
m *= 1.79284291400159 - 0.85373472095314 * (a0*a0+h*h);
// Compute final noise value at P
vec3 g = vec3(0.0);
g.x = a0.x * x0.x + h.x * x0.y;
g.yz = a0.yz * vec2(x1.x,x2.x) + h.yz * vec2(x1.y,x2.y);
return 130.0 * dot(m, g);
vec2 skew (vec2 st) {
vec2 r = vec2(0.0);
r.x = 1.1547 * st.x;
r.y = st.y + 0.5 * r.x;
return r;
float random (vec2 st) {
return fract( sin( dot( st.xy, vec2( 12.9898, 78.233 ) ) ) * 43758.5453123 );
vec2 random2( vec2 p ) {
return fract(sin(vec2(dot(p, vec2(127.1, 311.7)), dot(p, vec2(269.5,183.3)))) * 43758.5453);
mat2 scale2d(vec2 _scale) {
return mat2(_scale.x, 0.0,
0.0, _scale.y);
mat2 rotate2d(float _angle) {
float c = cos(_angle);
float s = sin(_angle);
return mat2(c, -s,
s, c);
// Function from Iñigo Quiles
vec3 hsb2rgb( in vec3 c ){
vec3 rgb = clamp(abs(mod(c.x * 6.0 + vec3(0.0, 4.0, 2.0),
6.0) - 3.0) - 1.0,
1.0 );
rgb = rgb * rgb * (3.0 - 2.0 * rgb);
return c.z * mix(vec3(1.0), rgb, c.y);
float circle(in vec2 _st, in float _radius, in float _th){
return 1. - smoothstep( _radius - (_radius * _th),
_radius + (_radius * _th),
dot(_st, _st));
float box(in vec2 _st, in vec2 _wh, in float _smooth) {
vec2 r = abs(_st);
return 1. - max(smoothstep(_wh.x, _wh.x + _smooth, r.x), smoothstep(_wh.y, _wh.y + _smooth, r.y));
float plot(in vec2 _st, in float _pct, in float _t) {
return smoothstep( _pct - _t, _pct, _st.y) -
smoothstep( _pct, _pct + _t, _st.y);
float ngon(in vec2 _st, in float _r, in float _t, in int _n) {
// Angle and radius from the current pixel
float a = atan(_st.x, _st.y) + PI;
float r = TWO_PI / float(_n);
// Shaping function that modulate the distance
float d = cos(floor(.5 + a / r) * r - a) * length(_st);
return 1.0 - smoothstep(_r, _r + _t, d);
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
float t = iTime;
float dt = iTimeDelta;
vec3 color = vec3(0.);
vec2 st = 2. * fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy - 1.0; // -1 <> 1
vec2 st01 = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy; // 0 <> 1
vec2 mouse = 2. * iMouse.xy / iResolution.xy - 1.0;
vec3 camera = vec3(0., 0., -5.);
float near = 2.5;
vec3 ray = normalize(vec3(st, near));
fragColor = vec4(color, 1.);
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