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Created September 23, 2014 22:38
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Diffusion processing with bedpostx_gpu, tracula and dipy
import os
from glob import glob
from nipype import config
from nipype import Node, Function, Workflow, IdentityInterface
from import SelectFiles, DataSink
import os
from glob import glob
data_dir = '/om/user/satra/projects/TEXASTBI/data/'
tracula_dir = '/om/user/satra/projects/TEXASTBI/tracula'
sids = [val.split('/')[-3] for val in glob(data_dir + 'S*/dmri/*AP*.nii.gz')]
if not os.path.exists(tracula_dir):
def run_prep(sid, template, data_dir):
from glob import glob
import os
nifti = os.path.abspath(glob(os.path.join(data_dir, '%s/dmri/*AP*.nii.gz' % sid))[0])
bvec = os.path.abspath(glob(os.path.join(data_dir, '%s/dmri/*.bvecs' % sid))[0])
bval = os.path.abspath(glob(os.path.join(data_dir, '%s/dmri/*.bvals' % sid))[0])
from string import Template
with open(template, 'rt') as fp:
tpl = Template(
out = tpl.substitute(subjects=sid, bvec=bvec, bval=bval, niftis=nifti)
config_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'config_%s' % sid)
with open(config_file, 'wt') as fp:
from nipype import config
from nipype.interfaces.base import CommandLine
from nipype.pipeline.engine import Node
node = Node(CommandLine('trac-all -prep -c %s' % config_file, terminal_output='allatonce'),
name='trac-prep-%s' % sid)
node.base_dir = os.getcwd()
return sid, config_file
def run_bedpost(sid, tracula_dir):
import os
from nipype import config
from nipype.interfaces.base import CommandLine
pwd = os.getcwd()
os.chdir(os.path.join(tracula_dir, sid))
bedpost = CommandLine('bedpostx_gpu dmri', terminal_output='allatonce')
return sid
def run_path(sid, config_file):
import os
from nipype import config
from nipype.interfaces.base import CommandLine
from nipype.pipeline.engine import Node
node = Node(CommandLine('trac-all -path -c %s' % config_file, terminal_output='allatonce'),
name='trac-path-%s' % sid)
node.base_dir = os.getcwd()
return sid
def dmri_recon(sid, tracula_dir, recon='csd', num_threads=1):
import os
oldval = None
if 'MKL_NUM_THREADS' in os.environ:
oldval = os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS']
os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS'] = '%d' % num_threads
ompoldval = None
if 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' in os.environ:
ompoldval = os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS']
os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = '%d' % num_threads
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
from glob import glob
fimg = os.path.abspath(glob(os.path.join(tracula_dir, '%s/dmri/dwi.nii.gz' % sid))[0])
fbvec = os.path.abspath(glob(os.path.join(tracula_dir, '%s/dmri/bvecs' % sid))[0])
fbval = os.path.abspath(glob(os.path.join(tracula_dir, '%s/dmri/bvals' % sid))[0])
img = nib.load(fimg)
data = img.get_data()
prefix = sid
from import read_bvals_bvecs
from dipy.core.gradients import vector_norm
bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fbval, fbvec)
b0idx = []
for idx, val in enumerate(bvals):
if val < 1:
#bvecs[idx] = [1, 0, 0]
bvecs[b0idx, :] = bvecs[b0idx, :]/vector_norm(bvecs[b0idx])[:, None]
from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table
gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)
from dipy.reconst.csdeconv import auto_response
response, ratio = auto_response(gtab, data, roi_radius=10, fa_thr=0.7)
#from dipy.segment.mask import median_otsu
#b0_mask, mask = median_otsu(data[:, :, :, b0idx].mean(axis=3).squeeze(), 4, 4)
fmask1 = os.path.abspath(glob(os.path.join(tracula_dir,
'%s/dlabel/diff/aparc+aseg_mask.bbr.nii.gz' % sid))[0])
fmask2 = os.path.abspath(glob(os.path.join(tracula_dir,
'%s/dlabel/diff/notventricles.bbr.nii.gz' % sid))[0])
mask = (nib.load(fmask1).get_data() > 0.5) * nib.load(fmask2).get_data()
useFA = True
if recon == 'csd':
from dipy.reconst.csdeconv import ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel
model = ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel(gtab, response)
useFA = True
elif recon == 'csa':
from dipy.reconst.shm import CsaOdfModel, normalize_data
model = CsaOdfModel(gtab, 4)
useFA = False
raise ValueError('only csd, csa supported currently')
from dipy.reconst.dsi import (DiffusionSpectrumDeconvModel,
model = DiffusionSpectrumDeconvModel(gtab)
#fit =
from import get_sphere
sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724')
#odfs = fit.odf(sphere)
from dipy.reconst.peaks import peaks_from_model
peaks = peaks_from_model(model=model,
parallel=num_threads > 1,
from dipy.reconst.dti import TensorModel
tenmodel = TensorModel(gtab)
tenfit =, mask)
from dipy.reconst.dti import fractional_anisotropy
FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
fa_img = nib.Nifti1Image(FA, img.get_affine())
tensor_fa_file = os.path.abspath('%s_tensor_fa.nii.gz' % prefix), tensor_fa_file)
evecs = tenfit.evecs
evec_img = nib.Nifti1Image(evecs, img.get_affine())
tensor_evec_file = os.path.abspath('%s_tensor_evec.nii.gz' % prefix), tensor_evec_file)
#from dipy.reconst.dti import quantize_evecs
#peak_indices = quantize_evecs(tenfit.evecs, sphere.vertices)
#eu = EuDX(FA, peak_indices, odf_vertices = sphere.vertices, a_low=0.2, seeds=10**6, ang_thr=35)
fa_img = nib.Nifti1Image(peaks.gfa, img.get_affine())
model_gfa_file = os.path.abspath('%s_%s_gfa.nii.gz' % (prefix, recon)), model_gfa_file)
from dipy.tracking.eudx import EuDX
if useFA:
eu = EuDX(FA, peaks.peak_indices[..., 0], odf_vertices = sphere.vertices,
a_low=0.1, seeds=10**6, ang_thr=35)
eu = EuDX(peaks.gfa, peaks.peak_indices[..., 0], odf_vertices = sphere.vertices,
a_low=0.1, seeds=10**6, ang_thr=35)
#import dipy.tracking.metrics as dmetrics
streamlines = ((sl, None, None) for sl in eu) # if dmetrics.length(sl) > 15)
hdr = nib.trackvis.empty_header()
hdr['voxel_size'] = fa_img.get_header().get_zooms()[:3]
hdr['voxel_order'] = 'LAS'
hdr['dim'] = FA.shape[:3]
sl_fname = os.path.abspath('%s_%s_streamline.trk' % (prefix, recon))
nib.trackvis.write(sl_fname, streamlines, hdr, points_space='voxel')
if oldval:
os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS'] = oldval
del os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS']
if ompoldval:
os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = ompoldval
del os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS']
return tensor_fa_file, tensor_evec_file, model_gfa_file, sl_fname
infosource = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['subject_id']), name='infosource')
infosource.iterables = ('subject_id', sids)
node1 = Node(Function(input_names=['sid', 'template', 'data_dir'],
output_names=['sid', 'config_file'], function=run_prep),
node1.inputs.template = os.path.abspath('tracula_config')
node1.inputs.data_dir = data_dir
node2 = Node(Function(input_names=['sid', 'tracula_dir'],
output_names=['sid'], function=run_bedpost),
node2.inputs.tracula_dir = tracula_dir
node2.plugin_args = {'sbatch_args': '--gres=gpu:1'}
node3 = Node(Function(input_names=['sid', 'config_file'],
output_names=['sid'], function=run_path),
tracker = Node(Function(input_names=['sid', 'tracula_dir', 'recon', 'num_threads'],
output_names=['tensor_fa_file', 'tensor_evec_file', 'model_gfa_file',
function=dmri_recon), name='tracker')
tracker.inputs.recon = 'csd'
tracker.inputs.tracula_dir = tracula_dir
num_threads = 20
tracker.inputs.num_threads = num_threads
tracker.plugin_args = {'sbatch_args': '-p om_interactive -t 01:00:00 --mem=%dG -N 1 -c %d' % (3 * num_threads,
'overwrite': True}
ds = Node(DataSink(parameterization=False), name='sinker')
ds.inputs.base_directory = tracula_dir
ds.plugin_args = {'sbatch_args': '-p om_interactive -t 00:10:00 -N 1 -c 1',
'overwrite': True}
wf = Workflow(name='texas-tracula')
wf.connect(infosource, 'subject_id', node1, 'sid')
wf.connect(node1, 'sid', node2, 'sid')
wf.connect(node1, 'sid', tracker, 'sid')
wf.connect(node2, 'sid', node3, 'sid')
wf.connect(node1, 'config_file', node3, 'config_file')
wf.connect(node1, 'sid', ds, 'container')
wf.connect(tracker, 'tensor_fa_file', ds, 'recon.@fa')
wf.connect(tracker, 'tensor_evec_file', ds, 'recon.@evec')
wf.connect(tracker, 'model_gfa_file', ds, 'recon.@gfa')
wf.connect(tracker, 'model_track_file', ds, 'recon.@track')
wf.base_dir = '/om/scratch/Fri/satra/''SLURM', plugin_args={'sbatch_args': '-p om_all_nodes -t 2:00:00 --mem=16384 -N1'})
# dmrirc.example
# This file contains commands that will be run by trac-all before an analysis.
# It is used to set all parameters needed for the analysis.
# Remove a parameter from your dmrirc file if you want use the default value.
# Parameters that don't have default values must be specified.
# Any other commands that you might want to run before an analysis can be added
# to this file.
# Terms and conditions for use, reproduction, distribution and contribution
# are found in the 'FreeSurfer Software License Agreement' contained
# in the file 'LICENSE' found in the FreeSurfer distribution, and here:
# Reporting:
# T1 images and FreeSurfer segmentations are expected to be found here
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /om/user/satra/projects/TEXASTBI/fsdata
# Output directory where trac-all results will be saved
# Default: Same as SUBJECTS_DIR
set dtroot = /om/user/satra/projects/TEXASTBI/tracula
# Subject IDs
set subjlist = ($subjects)
# In case you want to analyze only Huey and Louie
# Default: Run analysis on all subjects
# set runlist = (1 3)
# Input diffusion DICOMs (file names relative to dcmroot)
# If original DICOMs don't exist, these can be in other image format
# but then the gradient table and b-value table must be specified (see below)
#set dcmroot = /path/to/dicoms/of/ducks
set dcmlist = ($niftis)
# Diffusion gradient tables (if there is a different one for each scan)
# Must be specified if inputs are not MGH DICOMs
# The tables must have either three columns, where each row is a gradient vector
# or three rows, where each column is a gradient vector
# There must be as many gradient vectors as volumes in the diffusion data set
# Default: Read from DICOM header
#set bveclist = (...)
# Diffusion gradient table (if using the same one for all scans)
# Must be specified if inputs are not MGH DICOMs
# The table must have either three columns, where each row is a gradient vector
# or three rows, where each column is a gradient vector
# There must be as many gradient vectors as volumes in the diffusion data set
# Default: Read from DICOM header
set bvecfile = $bvec
# Diffusion b-value table
# Must be specified if inputs are not MGH DICOMs
# There must be as many b-values as volumes in the diffusion data set
# Default: Read from DICOM header
set bvalfile = $bval
# Perform registration-based B0-inhomogeneity compensation?
# Default: 0 (no)
set dob0 = 0
# Input B0 field map magnitude DICOMs (file names relative to dcmroot)
# Only used if dob0 = 1
# Default: None
# set b0mlist = (huey/fmag/XXX-1.dcm dewey/fmag/XXX-1.dcm louie/fmag/XXX-1.dcm)
# Input B0 field map phase DICOMs (file names relative to dcmroot)
# Only used if dob0 = 1
# Default: None
# set b0plist = (huey/fphas/XXX-1.dcm dewey/fphas/XXX-1.dcm louie/fphas/XXX-1.dcm)
# Echo spacing for field mapping sequence (from sequence printout)
# Only used if dob0 = 1
# Default: None
# set echospacing = 0.7
# Perform registration-based eddy-current compensation?
# Default: 1 (yes)
set doeddy = 1
# Rotate diffusion gradient vectors to match eddy-current compensation?
# Only used if doeddy = 1
# Default: 1 (yes)
set dorotbvecs = 1
# Fractional intensity threshold for BET mask extraction from low-b images
# This mask is used only if usemaskanat = 0
# Default: 0.3
set thrbet = 0.5
# Perform diffusion-to-T1 registration by flirt?
# Default: 0 (no)
set doregflt = 0
# Perform diffusion-to-T1 registration by bbregister?
# Default: 1 (yes)
set doregbbr = 1
# Perform registration of T1 to MNI template?
# Default: 1 (yes)
set doregmni = 1
# MNI template
# Only used if doregmni = 1
# Default: $$FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz
# set mnitemp = /path/to/mni_template.nii.gz
# Perform registration of T1 to CVS template?
# Default: 0 (no)
set doregcvs = 0
# CVS template subject ID
# Only used if doregcvs = 1
# Default: cvs_avg35
set cvstemp = donald
# Parent directory of the CVS template subject
# Only used if doregcvs = 1
# Default: $$FREESURFER_HOME/subjects
set cvstempdir = /path/to/cvs/atlases/of/ducks
# Use brain mask extracted from T1 image instead of low-b diffusion image?
# Has no effect if there is no T1 data
# Default: 1 (yes)
set usemaskanat = 1
# Paths to reconstruct
# Default: All paths in the atlas
set pathlist = ( lh.cst_AS rh.cst_AS \
lh.unc_AS rh.unc_AS \
lh.ilf_AS rh.ilf_AS \
fmajor_PP fminor_PP \
lh.atr_PP rh.atr_PP \
lh.ccg_PP rh.ccg_PP \
lh.cab_PP rh.cab_PP \
lh.slfp_PP rh.slfp_PP \
lh.slft_PP rh.slft_PP )
# Number of path control points
# It can be a single number for all paths or a different number for each of the
# paths specified in pathlist
# Default: 7 for the forceps major, 6 for the corticospinal tract,
# 4 for the angular bundle, and 5 for all other paths
set ncpts = (6 6 5 5 5 5 7 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5)
# List of training subjects
# This text file lists the locations of training subject directories
# Default: $$FREESURFER_HOME/trctrain/trainlist.txt
set trainfile = $$FREESURFER_HOME/trctrain/trainlist.txt
# Number of "sticks" (anisotropic diffusion compartments) in the bedpostx
# ball-and-stick model
# Default: 2
set nstick = 2
# Number of MCMC burn-in iterations
# (Path samples drawn initially by MCMC algorithm and discarded)
# Default: 200
set nburnin = 200
# Number of MCMC iterations
# (Path samples drawn by MCMC algorithm and used to estimate path distribution)
# Default: 7500
set nsample = 7500
# Frequency with which MCMC path samples are retained for path distribution
# Default: 5 (keep every 5th sample)
set nkeep = 5
# Reinitialize path reconstruction?
# This is an option of last resort, to be used only if one of the reconstructed
# pathway distributions looks like a single curve. This is a sign that the
# initial guess for the pathway was problematic, perhaps due to poor alignment
# between the individual and the atlas. Setting the reinit parameter to 1 and
# rerunning "trac-all -prior" and "trac-all -path", only for the specific
# subjects and pathways that had this problem, will attempt to reconstruct them
# with a different initial guess.
# Default: 0 (do not reinitialize)
set reinit = 0
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