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Created February 25, 2014 01:58
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variance laplacians
def _laplacian_dense2(graph, normalization=None, return_diag=False,
max_iters=100, tol=1e-5):
"""Compute different graph Laplacians
dd = np.sum(graph, axis=0)
dd_idx = np.nonzero(dd)[0]
dd_inv = dd
dd_inv[dd_idx] = np.power(dd_inv[dd_idx], -1.)
if normalization == 'bimarkov':
# BIMARKOV computes the bimarkov normalization function p(x) for the
# nonnegative, symemtric kernel K(x,y) using an iterative scheme. The
# function p(x) is the unique function s.t.
# diag(1./sqrt(p)*K*diag(1./sqrt(p))
# is both row and column stochastic. Note that a bimarkov kernel
# necessarily has L^2 norm 1.
# initialize output
lap = graph.copy()
N = graph.shape[0]
dd = np.ones(N) # bimarkov normalization function
for i in range(max_iters):
S = np.sum(lap, axis=1)
err = max(abs(1-max(S)), abs(1-min(S)))
if err < tol:
dd = S * dd
lap = _laplacian_dense2(lap, normalization='sym_markov')
if normalization == 'sym_markov':
D = np.diag(np.sqrt(dd_inv))
lap =
lap = (lap.T + lap)/2 # iron out numerical wrinkles
if normalization == 'markov':
lap = np.diag(dd_inv).dot(graph)
if normalization == 'sym_beltrami':
D = np.diag(dd_inv)
K =
lap = _laplacian_dense2(K, normalization='sym_markov')
if normalization == 'beltrami':
D = np.diag(dd_inv)
K =
lap = _laplacian_dense2(K, normalization='markov')
if normalization == 'sym_fokker_planck':
D = np.diag(np.sqrt(dd_inv))
K =
lap = _laplacian_dense2(K, normalization='sym_markov')
if normalization == 'fokker_planck':
D = np.diag(np.sqrt(dd_inv))
K =
lap = _laplacian_dense2(K, normalization='markov')
if return_diag:
return lap, dd
return lap
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