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Last active May 28, 2021 15:22
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Mint Token
public void mintToken() throws ApiException, AddressExcepion, CborSerializationException {
BackendService backendService =
BackendFactory.getBlockfrostBackendService(Constants.BLOCKFROST_TESTNET_URL, Constant.BF_PROJECT_KEY);
FeeCalculationService feeCalculationService = backendService.getFeeCalculationService();
TransactionHelperService transactionHelperService = backendService.getTransactionHelperService();
BlockService blockService = backendService.getBlockService();
String senderMnemonic = "kit color frog trick speak employ suit sort bomb goddess jewel primary spoil fade person useless measure manage warfare reduce few scrub beyond era";
Account sender = new Account(Networks.testnet(), senderMnemonic);
Keys keys = KeyGenUtil.generateKey();
VerificationKey vkey = keys.getVkey();
SecretKey skey = keys.getSkey();
ScriptPubkey scriptPubkey = ScriptPubkey.create(vkey);
String policyId = scriptPubkey.getPolicyId();
MultiAsset multiAsset = new MultiAsset();
Asset asset = new Asset("TestCoin", BigInteger.valueOf(50000));
CBORMetadataMap tokenInfoMap
= new CBORMetadataMap()
.put("token", "Test Token")
.put("symbol", "TTOK");
CBORMetadataList tagList
= new CBORMetadataList()
Metadata metadata = new CBORMetadata()
.put(new BigInteger("770001"), tokenInfoMap)
.put(new BigInteger("770002"), tagList);
MintTransaction mintTransaction =
long ttl = blockService.getLastestBlock().getValue().getSlot() + 1000;
TransactionDetailsParams detailsParams =
BigInteger fee
= feeCalculationService.calculateFee(mintTransaction, detailsParams, metadata);
Result<String> result
= transactionHelperService.mintToken(mintTransaction, detailsParams, metadata);
System.out.println("Transaction Id: " + result.getValue());
System.out.println("Transaction failed: " + result);
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