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Develop a blockchain application from scratch in Python

Tutorial for implementing a mini, fully-functional blockchain-based project.

This tutorial introduces Python developers, of any programming skill level, to blockchain. You'll discover exactly what a blockchain is by implementing a public blockchain from scratch and by building a simple application to leverage it.

We'll be creating endpoints for different functions of the blockchain using the Flask microframework, and then run the scripts on multiple machines to create a decentralized network. You'll also see how to build a simple user interface that interacts with the blockchain and stores information for any use case, such as peer-to-peer payments, chatting, or e-commerce.

Python is an easy programming language to understand, so that's why I've chosen it for this tutorial. As you progress through this tutorial, you'll implement a public blockchain and see it in action. The code for a complete sample application, written using pure Python, is available on GitHub.

Get the code

Now, to understand blockchain from the ground up, let's walk through it together.


  • Basic programming knowledge of Python
  • Knowledge of REST-APIs
  • Familiarity with the Flask microframework (not mandatory, but nice to have)


In 2008, a whitepaper titled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System was released by an individual (or maybe a group) named Satoshi Nakamoto. The paper combined several cryptographic techniques and a peer-to-peer network to transfer payments without the involvement of any central authority (like banks). A cryptocurrency named Bitcoin was born. Apart from Bitcoin, that same paper introduced a distributed system of storing data (now popularly known as "blockchain"), which had far wide applicability than just payments, or cryptocurrencies.

Since then, blockchain has attracted interest across nearly every industry. Blockchain is now the underlying technology behind fully digital cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, distributed computing technologies like Ethereum, and open source frameworks like Hyperledger Fabric, on which the IBM Blockchain Platform is built.

What is "blockchain"?

Blockchain is a way of storing digital data. The data can literally be anything. For Bitcoin, it's the transactions (logs of transfers of Bitcoin from one account to another account), but it can even be files; it doesn't matter. The data is stored in the form of blocks, which are linked (or chained) together by cryptographic hashes. Hence the name "blockchain."

All of the magic lies in the way this data is stored and added to the blockchain. A blockchain is essentially a linked-list containing ordered-data, with some constraints like below;

  • Blocks can't be modified once added; in other words, it is "append-only."
  • There are specific rules for appending data to it.
  • It's distributed in architecture.

Enforcing these constraints yields some highly desirable characteristics:

  • Immutability and durability of data
  • No single point of control or failure
  • A verifiable audit trail of the order in which data was added

So, how these constraints can achieve these characteristics? We'll get more into that as we implement one. Let's get started,

About the application

Let us briefly define the scope of our mini-application. The goal is to build an application that allows users to share information by posting. Since the content will be stored on the blockchain, it'll be immutable and permanent. Users will interact with the application via a simple web interface.

We'll follow a bottom-up approach to implement things. Let's begin by defining the structure of the data that we'll store in the blockchain. Three essential elements will identify a post (message posted by any user on our application):

  1. Content
  2. Author
  3. Timestamp

1. Store transactions into blocks

We'll be storing data in our blockchain in a format that's widely used: JSON. Here's what a post stored in blockchain will look like:

  "author": "some_author_name", 
  "content": "Some thoughts that author wants to share", 
  "timestamp": "The time at which the content was created"

The generic term "data" is often replaced on the internet by the term "transactions." So, just to avoid confusion and maintain consistency, we'll be using the term "transaction" to refer to data posted in our example application.

The transactions are packed into blocks. A block can contain one or many transactions. The blocks containing the transactions are generated frequently and added to the blockchain. Because there can be multiple blocks, each block should have a unique id:

class Block:
    def __init__(self, index, transactions, timestamp):
            Constructor for the `Block` class.
            :param index: Unique ID of the block.
            :param transactions: List of transactions.
            :param timestamp: Time of generation of the block.
        self.index = index 
        self.transactions = transactions 
        self.timestamp = timestamp

2. Add digital fingerprints to the blocks

We'd like to prevent any kind of tampering in the data stored inside the block, and detection is the first step to that. To detect if the data in the block is tampered, we can use cryptographic hash functions.

A hash function is a function that takes data of any size and produces data of a fixed size from it (called hash), which is generally used to identify the input. The characteristics of an ideal hash function are:

  • It should be computationally easy to compute.
  • It should be deterministic, meaning the same data will always result in the same hash.
  • Should be uniformly random, meaning, even a single bit change in data should change the hash significantly.

The consequence of this is,

  • It is impossible to guess the input data given the hash (the only way is to try all the possible input combinations).
  • If you know both the input and hash, you can simply pass the input through the hash function to verify the provided hash.

This kind of asymmetry of efforts required to figure out the hash from an input (easy) vs. figuring out the input from a hash (almost impossible) is what blockchain exploits to obtain the desired characteristics.

There are various popular hash functions. Here's an example in Python using the SHA-256 hashing function:

>>> from hashlib import sha256
>>> data = b"Some variable length data"
>>> sha256(data).hexdigest()
>>> sha256(data).hexdigest() # no matter how many times you run it, the result is going to be the same 256 character string
>>>  data = b"Some variable length data2" # Added one character at the end.

# Note that the hash has changed entirely! 

We'll store the hash of the block in a field inside our Block object, and it'll act like a digital fingerprint (or signature) of data contained in it:

from hashlib import sha256
import json
def compute_hash(block):
    Returns the hash of the block instance by first converting it
    into JSON string.
    block_string = json.dumps(self.__dict__, sort_keys=True)
    return sha256(block_string.encode()).hexdigest()

Sidenote: In most cryptocurrencies, even the individual transactions in the block are hashed and then stored to form a hash tree (also known as a merkle tree). The root of the tree usually represents the hash of the block. It's not a necessary requirement for the functioning of the blockchain, so we're omitting it to keep things neat and simple.

3. Chain the blocks

Okay, we've now set up the blocks. The blockchain is supposed to be a collection of blocks. We can store all of the blocks in the Python list (the equivalent of an array). But this is not sufficient, because what if someone intentionally replaces an old block with a new block in the collection? Creating a new block with altered transactions, computing the hash, and replacing with any older block is no big deal in our current implementation.

We need a mechanism to make sure that any change in the previous blocks invalidates the entire chain. The Bitcoin way to do this is creating dependency among consecutive blocks by chaining them with the hash of block immediately previous to them. By chaining here, we mean to include the hash of the previous block in the current block in a new field called previous_hash.

Okay, if every block is linked to the previous block by the previous_hash field, what about the very first block? The very first block is called the genesis block and can be generated either manually or by some unique logic. Let's add the previous_hash field to the Block class and implement the initial structure of our Blockchain class (see Listing 1).

Listing 1. The initial structure of our Blockchain class

from hashlib import sha256
import json
import time

class Block:
    def__init__(self, index, transactions, timestamp, previous_hash):
            Constructor for the `Block` class.
            :param index:         Unique ID of the block.
            :param transactions:  List of transactions.
            :param timestamp:     Time of generation of the block.
            :param previous_hash: Hash of the previous block in the chain which this block is part of.                                        
        self.index = index
        self.transactions = transactions
        self.timestamp = timestamp
        self.previous_hash = previous_hash # Adding the previous hash field
    def compute_hash(self):
        Returns the hash of the block instance by first converting it
        into JSON string.
        block_string = json.dumps(self.__dict__, sort_keys=True) # The string equivalent also considers the previous_hash field now
        return sha256(block_string.encode()).hexdigest()

class Blockchain:
    def __init__(self):
            Constructor for the `Blockchain` class.
        self.chain = []
    def create_genesis_block(self):
        A function to generate genesis block and appends it to
        the chain. The block has index 0, previous_hash as 0, and
        a valid hash.
        genesis_block = Block(0, [], time.time(), "0")
        genesis_block.hash = genesis_block.compute_hash()
    def last_block(self):
          A quick pythonic way to retrieve the most recent block in the chain. Note that
          the chain will always consist of at least one block (i.e., genesis block)
        return self.chain[-1]

Now, if the content of any of the previous blocks changes,

  • The hash of that previous block would change.
  • This will lead to a mismatch with the previous_hash field in the next block.
  • Since the input data to compute the hash of any block also consists of the previous_hash field, the hash of the next block will also change.

Ultimately, the entire chain following the replaced block is invalidated, and the only way to fix it is to recompute the entire chain.

4. Implement a Proof of Work algorithm

There's a problem, however. If we change the previous block, we can re-compute the hashes of all the following blocks quite easily and create a different valid blockchain. To prevent this, we will now exploit the asymmetry in efforts of hash functions that we discussed previously to make the task of calculating the hash difficult and random. Here's how we do this. Instead of accepting any hash for the block, we add some constraint to it. Let's add a constraint that our hash should start with "n leading zeroes" where n can be any positive integer.

We know that unless we change the data of the block, the hash is not going to change, and of course, we don't want to change existing data. So, what do we do? Simple! We'll add some dummy data that we can change. Let's introduce a new field in our block called nonce. A nonce is a number that we'll keep on changing until we get a hash that satisfies our constraint. The nonce satisfying the constraint serves as proof that some computation has been performed. The number of zeroes specified in the constraint decides the "difficulty" of our Proof of Work algorithm (more the number of zeroes, harder it is to figure out the nonce).

Also, due to the asymmetry Proof of Work is difficult to compute but very easy to verify once we figure out the nonce (you just have to run the hash function again):

class Blockchain:
    # difficulty of PoW algorithm
    difficulty = 2
    Previous code contd..
    def proof_of_work(self, block):
        Function that tries different values of the nonce to get a hash
        that satisfies our difficulty criteria.
        block.nonce = 0
        computed_hash = block.compute_hash()
        while not computed_hash.startswith('0' * Blockchain.difficulty):
            block.nonce += 1
            computed_hash = block.compute_hash()
        return computed_hash

Notice that there is no definite logic to figure out the nonce quickly; it's just brute force. The only definite improvement that you can make is to use hardware chips specially designed to compute the hash function in less number of CPU instructions.

5. Add blocks to the chain

To add a block to the chain, we'll first have to verify that,

  • The data is untampered i.e., the Proof of Work provided is correct
  • The order of transactions is preserved i.e., the previous_hash field of the block to be added points to the hash of the latest block in our chain.

Let's see the code for adding blocks into the chain:

class Blockchain:
    Previous code contd..

    def add_block(self, block, proof):
        A function that adds the block to the chain after verification.
        Verification includes:
        * Checking if the proof is valid.
        * The previous_hash referred in the block and the hash of a latest block
          in the chain match.
        previous_hash = self.last_block.hash

        if previous_hash != block.previous_hash:
            return False

        if not Blockchain.is_valid_proof(block, proof):
            return False

        block.hash = proof
        return True
        def is_valid_proof(self, block, block_hash):
        Check if block_hash is valid hash of block and satisfies
        the difficulty criteria.
        return (block_hash.startswith('0' * Blockchain.difficulty) and
                block_hash == block.compute_hash())


The transactions will be initially stored as a pool of unconfirmed transactions. The process of putting the unconfirmed transactions in a block and computing Proof of Work is known as the mining of blocks. Once the nonce satisfying our constraints is figured out, we can say that a block has been mined, and it can be put into the chain.

In most of the cryptocurrencies (including Bitcoin), miners may be awarded some cryptocurrency as a reward for spending their computing power to compute a Proof of Work. Here's what our mining function looks like:

class Blockchain:
    def __init__(self):
        self.unconfirmed_transactions = [] # data yet to get into blockchain
        self.chain = []

    Previous code contd...
    def add_new_transaction(self, transaction):
    def mine(self):
        This function serves as an interface to add the pending
        transactions to the blockchain by adding them to the block
        and figuring out Proof of Work.
        if not self.unconfirmed_transactions:
            return False
        last_block = self.last_block
        new_block = Block(index=last_block.index + 1,
        proof = self.proof_of_work(new_block)
        self.add_block(new_block, proof)
        self.unconfirmed_transactions = []
        return new_block.index

Alright, we're almost there. You can see the combined code up to this point on GitHub.

6. Create interfaces

Okay, now it's time to create interfaces for our blockchain node to interact with the application we're going to build. We'll be using a popular Python microframework called Flask to create a REST-API to interact and invoke various operations in our blockchain node. If you've worked with any web framework before, the code below shouldn't be difficult to follow along.

from flask import Flask, request
import requests
# Initialize flask application
app =  Flask(__name__)
# Initialize a blockchain object.
blockchain = Blockchain()

We need an endpoint for our application to submit a new transaction. This will be used by our application to add new data (posts) to the blockchain:

# Flask's way of declaring end-points
@app.route('/new_transaction', methods=['POST'])
def new_transaction():
    tx_data = request.get_json()
    required_fields = ["author", "content"]
    for field in required_fields:
        if not tx_data.get(field):
            return "Invlaid transaction data", 404
    tx_data["timestamp"] = time.time()
    return "Success", 201

Here's an endpoint to return the node's copy of the chain. Our application will be using this endpoint to query all of the data to display:

@app.route('/chain', methods=['GET'])
def get_chain():
    chain_data = []
    for block in blockchain.chain:
    return json.dumps({"length": len(chain_data),
                       "chain": chain_data})

Here's an endpoint to request the node to mine the unconfirmed transactions (if any). We'll be using it to initiate a command to mine from our application itself:

@app.route('/mine', methods=['GET'])
def mine_unconfirmed_transactions():
    result = blockchain.mine()
    if not result:
        return "No transactions to mine"
    return "Block #{} is mined.".format(result)

def get_pending_tx():
    return json.dumps(blockchain.unconfirmed_transactions)

These REST endpoints can be used to play around with our blockchain by creating some transactions and then mining them.

7. Establish consensus and decentralization

The blockchain we've implemented till now is meant to run on a single computer. Even though we're linking block with hashes and applying the proof of work constraint, we still can't trust a single entity (single machine in our case). We need the data to be distributed. We need multiple nodes maintaining the blockchain. So, to transition from a single node to a peer-to-peer network, let's first create a mechanism to let a new node become aware of other peers in the network:

# Contains the host addresses of other participating members of the network
peers = set()

# Endpoint to add new peers to the network.
@app.route('/register_node', methods=['POST'])
def register_new_peers():
      # The host address to the peer node 
    node_address = request.get_json()["node_address"]
    if not node_address:
        return "Invalid data", 400

    # Add the node to the peer list

    # Return the blockchain to the newly registered node so that it can sync
    return get_chain()

@app.route('/register_with', methods=['POST'])
def register_with_existing_node():
    Internally calls the `register_node` endpoint to
    register current node with the remote node specified in the
    request, and sync the blockchain as well with the remote node.
    node_address = request.get_json()["node_address"]
    if not node_address:
        return "Invalid data", 400

    data = {"node_address": request.host_url}
    headers = {'Content-Type': "application/json"}

    # Make a request to register with remote node and obtain information
    response = + "/register_node",
                             data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers)

    if response.status_code == 200:
        global blockchain
        global peers
        # update chain and the peers
        chain_dump = response.json()['chain']
        blockchain = create_chain_from_dump(chain_dump)
        return "Registration successful", 200
        # if something goes wrong, pass it on to the API response
        return response.content, response.status_code

def create_chain_from_dump(chain_dump):
    blockchain = Blockchain()
    for idx, block_data in enumerate(chain_dump):
        block = Block(block_data["index"],
        proof = block_data['hash']
        if idx > 0:
            added = blockchain.add_block(block, proof)
            if not added:
                raise Exception("The chain dump is tampered!!")
        else:  # the block is a genesis block, no verification needed
    return blockchain

A new node participating in the network can invoke the register_with_existing_node method (via /register_with endpoint) to register with existing nodes in the network. This will help with the following things,

  • Ask the remote node to add a new peer to its list of known peers.
  • Initialize the blockchain of the new node with that of the remote node.
  • Resyncing the blockchain with the network if the node goes off-grid.

However, there's a problem with multiple nodes. Due to intentional manipulation or unintentional reasons (like network latency), the copy of chains of a few nodes can differ. In that case, nodes need to agree upon some version of the chain to maintain the integrity of the entire system. In other words, we need to achieve "consensus."

A simple consensus algorithm could be to agree upon the longest valid chain when the chains of different participating nodes in the network appear to diverge. The rationale behind this approach is that the longest chain is a good estimate of the most amount of work done (remember proof of work is difficult to compute):

class Blockchain
    previous code continued...
    def check_chain_validity(cls, chain):
                A helper method to check if the entire blockchain is valid.            
        result = True
        previous_hash = "0"

        # Iterate through every block
        for block in chain:
            block_hash = block.hash
            # remove the hash field to recompute the hash again
            # using `compute_hash` method.
            delattr(block, "hash")

            if not cls.is_valid_proof(block, block.hash) or \
                    previous_hash != block.previous_hash:
                result = False

            block.hash, previous_hash = block_hash, block_hash

        return result

def consensus():
    Our simple consensus algorithm. If a longer valid chain is
    found, our chain is replaced with it.
    global blockchain

    longest_chain = None
    current_len = len(blockchain.chain)

    for node in peers:
        response = requests.get('{}/chain'.format(node))
        length = response.json()['length']
        chain = response.json()['chain']
        if length > current_len and blockchain.check_chain_validity(chain):
              # Longer valid chain found!
            current_len = length
            longest_chain = chain

    if longest_chain:
        blockchain = longest_chain
        return True

    return False

And now, we need to develop a way for any node to announce to the network that it has mined a block so that everyone can update their blockchain and move on to mine other transactions. Other nodes can simply verify the proof of work and add the mined block to their respective chains (remember that verification is easy once the nonce is known):

# endpoint to add a block mined by someone else to
# the node's chain. The node first verifies the block
# and then adds it to the chain.
@app.route('/add_block', methods=['POST'])
def verify_and_add_block():
    block_data = request.get_json()
    block = Block(block_data["index"],

    proof = block_data['hash']
    added = blockchain.add_block(block, proof)

    if not added:
        return "The block was discarded by the node", 400

    return "Block added to the chain", 201

def announce_new_block(block):
    A function to announce to the network once a block has been mined.
    Other blocks can simply verify the proof of work and add it to their
    respective chains.
    for peer in peers:
        url = "{}add_block".format(peer), data=json.dumps(block.__dict__, sort_keys=True))

The announce_new_block method should be called after every block is mined by the node so that peers can add it to their chains.

8. Build the application

Alright, the blockchain server is all set up. You can see the code up to this point on GitHub.

Now, it's time to start working on the interface of our application. We've used Jinja2 templating to render the web pages and some CSS to make things look nice.

Our application needs to connect to a node in the blockchain network to fetch the data and also to submit new data. There can be multiple such nodes too:

import datetime
import json
import requests
from flask import render_template, redirect, request
from app import app

# Node in the blockchain network that our application will communicate with
# to fetch and add data.
posts = []

The fetch_posts function gets the data from the node's /chain endpoint, parses the data, and stores it locally.

def fetch_posts():
    Function to fetch the chain from a blockchain node, parse the
    data and store it locally.
    get_chain_address = "{}/chain".format(CONNECTED_NODE_ADDRESS)
    response = requests.get(get_chain_address)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        content = []
        chain = json.loads(response.content)
        for block in chain["chain"]:
            for tx in block["transactions"]:
                tx["index"] = block["index"]
                tx["hash"] = block["previous_hash"]

        global posts
        posts = sorted(content,
                       key=lambda k: k['timestamp'],

The application has an HTML form to take user input and then makes a POST request to a connected node to add the transaction into its unconfirmed transactions pool. The transaction is then mined by the network, and then finally fetched once we refresh our web page:

@app.route('/submit', methods=['POST'])
def submit_textarea():
    Endpoint to create a new transaction via our application.
    post_content = request.form["content"]
    author = request.form["author"]

    post_object = {
        'author': author,
        'content': post_content,

    # Submit a transaction
    new_tx_address = "{}/new_transaction".format(CONNECTED_NODE_ADDRESS),
                  headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'})

    # Return to the homepage
    return redirect('/')

9. Run the application

It's done! You can find the final code on GitHub.

Clone the project,

$ git clone

Install the dependencies,

$ cd python_blockchain_app
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Start a blockchain node server,

$ export
$ flask run --port 8000

One instance of our blockchain node is now up and running at port 8000.

Run the application on a different terminal session,

$ python

The application should be up and running at http://localhost:5000.

Here are a few screenshots

  1. Posting some content


  1. Requesting the node to mine


  1. Resyncing with the chain for updated data


Running with multiple nodes

To play around by spinning off multiple custom nodes, use the register_with/ endpoint to register a new node with the existing peer network.

Here's a sample scenario that you might want to try,

# already running
$ flask run --port 8000 &
# spinning up new nodes
$ flask run --port 8001 &
$ flask run --port 8002 &

You can use the following cURL requests to register the nodes at port 8001 and 8002 with the already running 8000.

$ curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"node_address": ""}'

$ curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"node_address": ""}'

This will make the node at port 8000 aware of the nodes at port 8001 and 8002 and vice-versa. The newer nodes will also sync the chain with the existing node so that they are able to participate in the mining process actively.

To update the node with which the frontend application syncs (default is localhost port 8000), change the CONNECTED_NODE_ADDRESS field in the file.

Once you do all this, you can run the application (python, create transactions (post messages via the web interface), and once you mine the transactions, all the nodes in the network will update the chain. The chain of the nodes can also be inspected by invoking /chain endpoint using cURL or Postman.

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8001/chain
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8002/chain

Authenticate transactions

You might have noticed a possible flaw in the application: Anyone can change any name and post any content. Also, the post is susceptible to tampering while submitting the transaction to the blockchain network. One way to solve this is by creating user accounts using public-private key cryptography. Every new user needs a public key (analogous to username) and the private key to be able to post in our application. The keys are used to create and verify the digital signature. Here's how that will work

  • Every new transaction submitted (post submitted) is signed with the user's private key. This signature is added to the transaction data along with the user information.
  • During the verification phase, while mining the transactions, we can verify if the claimed owner of the post is the same as one specified in transaction data, and also that message has not been modified. This can be done using the signature and the public key of the claimed owner of the post.


This tutorial covered the fundamentals of a public blockchain. If you followed along, you implemented a blockchain from scratch and built a simple application allowing users to share information on the blockchain. Our implementation is not as sophisticated as other public blockchains like Bitcoin or Ethereum (and still has some loopholes), but, if you keep asking the right questions as per your requirements, you'll eventually get there. The key thing to note is that most of the work in designing a blockchain for your need is about the amalgamation of existing Computer Science concepts, nothing more!

Next steps

You can spin off multiple nodes on the cloud and play around with the application you've built. You can deploy any Flask application to the IBM Cloud.

Alternatively, you can use a tunneling service like ngrok to create a public URL for your localhost server, and then you'll be able to interact with multiple machines.

About the author

Satwik Kansal is a Creative technologist with experience in Distributed Systems and Data Science. You can connect with him via his website, Linkedin or Twitter.

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sir curl command to register new node is not working and showing internal server error . pls help

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sir curl command to register new node is not working and showing internal server error . pls help image

mr ajay please look at the error correctly you are not ending the quotes("") correctly it should be '{"node_address": ""}'

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Amazing work 👌

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please provide a
data flow diagrammm

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This tutorial is very helpful. I am going to follow this to make my chat app a blockchain based app. Thanks @satwikkansal

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Thanks @dipikasgp 🙌

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mitroh commented Jun 4, 2024


I was posting some content and while requesting the node to mine, it is giving this error (302 FOUND). How to resolve it?

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