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Last active August 12, 2024 04:14
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C++ STL cheatsheet for competitive progrmming
This a header file that includes every standard library.
You can use it to save time.
NOTE: This header file may not be recognized by compilers
other than gcc.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
//Use this if the above header file doesn't work.
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <priority_queue>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// These will be used later
struct Person {
string name;
int age;
} p1, p2, p3;
struct is_older {
bool operator()(struct Person p1, struct Person p2) {
return p1.age > p2.age;
bool compare_names(struct Person p1, struct Person p2) {
return <;
bool way_to_sort(int i, int j) { return i > j; }
int main() {
stack <string> distros; //Create a stack of strings.
distros.push("Ubuntu"); //Pushing elements into the stack.
cout << "Number of distros in the stack are " << distros.size() << endl;
cout << "Distro on the top is " << << endl;
cout << "The top of the stack is now " << << endl;
vector <int> numbers;
if (numbers.empty()){ //check if the vector is empty?
cout << "The vector is empty :(" << endl;
for(int i=0; i<100; i+=10){ //Add some values to the vector
cout << "Size of the vector is " << numbers.size() << endl;
// iterating over the vector, declaring the iterator
vector <int>::iterator it;
cout << "The vector contains: ";
for (it=numbers.begin(); it!=numbers.end(); it++) {
cout << " " << *it;
// getting value at particular position
int position = 5;
cout<<"\nVector at position "<<position<<" contains "<<<<endl;
// deleting an element at position
numbers.erase(numbers.begin() + position);
cout<<"Vector at position "<<position<<" contains "<<<<endl;
// deleting a range of elements, first two elements
// NOTE: You may expect elements at 0, 1 and 2 to be deleted
// but index 2 is not inclusive.
numbers.erase(numbers.begin(), numbers.begin()+2);
cout << "The vector contains: ";
for (it=numbers.begin(); it!=numbers.end(); it++) {
cout << " " << *it;
// Clearing the vector
if (numbers.empty()){
cout << "\nThe vector is now empty again :(";
// Declaration <key type, value type>
map <string, string> companies;
companies["Google"] = "Larry Page";
companies["Facebook"] = "Mark Zuckerberg";
// insertion can also be done as
companies.insert(pair<string, string> ("Xarvis Tech", "xarvis"));
// or
companies.insert(map<string,string>::value_type("Quora", "Adam D'Angelo"));
// or even
companies.insert(make_pair(string("Uber"), string("Travis Kalanick")));
// Iterating the map
map<string, string>::iterator itz;
cout << "\n\nCompanies and founders" << endl;
for (itz=companies.begin(); itz!=companies.end(); itz++){
cout << "Company: " << (*itz).first << "\t Founder: " << itz->second <<endl;
itz = companies.find("Google");
cout << itz->second;
/* Check if key exists!
if ( m.find("f") == m.end() ) {
// not found
} else {
// found
list<int> mylist;
list<int>::iterator it1,it2,itx;
// set some values:
for (int i=1; i<10; ++i) mylist.push_back(10*i);
// 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
it1 = it2 = mylist.begin(); // ^^
advance (it2,6); // ^ ^
++it1; // ^ ^
it1 = mylist.erase (it1); // 10 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
// ^ ^
it2 = mylist.erase (it2); // 10 30 40 50 60 80 90
// ^ ^
++it1; // ^ ^
--it2; // ^ ^
mylist.erase (it1,it2); // 10 30 60 80 90
cout << "\nmylist contains:";
for (itx=mylist.begin(); itx!=mylist.end(); ++itx)
cout << ' ' << *itx;
cout << '\n';
// NOTE: it1 still points to 40, and 60 is not deleted
cout << endl << *it1 << "\t" << *it2 <<endl;
// This will print an unexpected value
cout << *it1;
cout << "\nmylist now contains:";
for (it1=mylist.begin(); it1!=mylist.end(); ++it1)
cout << ' ' << *it1;
cout << '\n';
// Creates a max heap
priority_queue <int> pq;
// To create a min heap instead, just uncomment the below line
// priority_queue <int, vector<int>, greater<int> > pq;
// Extracting items from the heap
while (!pq.empty())
cout << << " ";
// creating heap from user defined objects
// Let's initialize the properties of `Person` object first = "Linus Torvalds";
p1.age = 47; = "Elon Musk";
p2.age = 46; = "Me!";
p3.age = 19;
// Initialize a min heap
// Note: We defined a comparator is_older in the beginning to
// compare the ages of two person.
priority_queue <struct Person, vector<struct Person>, is_older> mh;
// Extracting items from the heap
while (!mh.empty())
struct Person p =;
cout << << " ";
// The following list type initialization is only supported after C++11
//vector<int> int_vec = {56, 32, -43, 23, 12, 93, 132, -154};
// If the above style of initialization doesn't work, use the following one
static int arr[] = {56, 32, -43, 23, 12, 93, 132, -154};
int arr_len = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
vector <int> int_vec(arr, arr + arr_len);
cout << endl;
// Default: sort ascending
// sort(int_vec.begin(), int_vec.end());
// To sort in descending order:
// Do not include the () when you call wayToSort
// It must be passed as a function pointer or function object
sort(int_vec.begin(), int_vec.end(), way_to_sort);
for (vector <int>::iterator i = int_vec.begin(); i!=int_vec.end(); i++)
cout << *i << " ";
cout << endl;
// sorting the array
sort(arr, arr + arr_len);
for (int i=0; i < arr_len; i++) {
cout << arr[i] << " ";
// Sorting user-defined objects
static struct Person persons[] = {p1, p2, p3};
sort(persons, persons+3, compare_names);
// This will printout the names in alphabetical order
for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
cout << persons[i].name << " ";
return 0;
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skccharan commented Jul 2, 2020

Thanks . This is what we need. Thank you for your blog article, it helped us lot.

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Thanks for providing this

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gaurav-gaur commented Jan 29, 2021

Not only this:
// This will print an unexpected value
cout << *it1;
But also this, will cause crash:
// NOTE: it1 still points to 40, and 60 is not deleted
cout << endl << *it1 << "\t" << *it2 <<endl;

After using iterators in the list.erase() method, they are invalidated and we shouldn't use them.

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Aweskm😀😃 Please provide output as comment in code.

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Thank you

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uday701 commented Apr 30, 2023

You completely forgot about strings. Nut rest of all the things are good.

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in-c0 commented Aug 12, 2024

Not only this: // This will print an unexpected value it1++; cout << *it1; But also this, will cause crash: // NOTE: it1 still points to 40, and 60 is not deleted cout << endl << *it1 << "\t" << *it2 <<endl;

After using iterators in the list.erase() method, they are invalidated and we shouldn't use them.

std::list::erase returns a new valid iterator pointing to the element immediately following the erased element

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