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Created April 22, 2014 09:37
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Gradle-Graphviz 1
task showConfigurations << {
new File("graph/").withWriter { out ->
out.println "digraph configurations {"
out.println "rankdir=BT;"
configurations.all { con ->
out.println "${} [shape=box];"
con.extendsFrom.each { ext ->
out.println "${} -> ${};"
out.println "}"
task showDependencies << {
configurations.all { con ->
new File("graph/dep.${}.dot").withWriter { out ->
def showDeps = { Configuration c ->
out.println "subgraph cluster_${} {"
out.println "graph[rankdir=TB,style=dashed,label=${},labelloc=b,labeljust=l,labelstyle=bold];"
out.println "${} [shape=point,style=invis];"
out.println "node[color=none,shape=plaintext];"
deps = c.dependencies.collect { dep ->
out.println "\"" + deps.join("\\n") + "\";"
out.println "}"
out.println "digraph ${} {"
out.println "graph[rankdir=BT,compound=true,nodesep=2,ranksep=1];"
showDeps con
con.hierarchy.each { hier ->
showDeps hier
hier.extendsFrom.each { ext ->
out.println "${} -> ${} [ltail=cluster_${},lhead=cluster_${}];"
out.println "}"
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