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Created March 5, 2021 10:21
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Early Notes on Running 3scale 2.7 on OCP 4.2
The 3scale course has been delivered so far on OCP 3.x even though 3scale has been supported on OCP 4 since 3scale 2.5.
Primarily, this is due to following issues:
The 3scale template is not supported to deploy AMP on OCP. Only the 3scale operator is supported. Hence, the existing 3scale Install Ansible Roles cannot be used for deploying to OCP 4.
On OCP 3.x, Gluster FS is available for providing RWX storage necessary for 3scale. On OCP 4.x, no RWx storage is available on OpenTLC or RHPDS.
3scale Operator does not allow customization of template used, so the resources and limits cannot be changed. This interferes with the quotas in the OpenTLC and RHPDS OCP workshop instances.
S3 Storage Bucket
An S3 storage bucket is to be in the GPE AWS account.
Login to AWS console.
Create a S3 bucket in the same region where you are deploying OCP Workshop.
Note the details.
OCP Environment
Start with the OCP 4.2 workshop deployer on OpenTLC.
ssh to the bastion using the SSH password provided in the email.
sudo as root user:
sudo -i
Create 3scale-amp project.
Find the resource limits for this project:
# oc get limitranges
3scale-amp-core-resource-limits 2019-12-17T15:33:34Z
Edit the resource limit 3scale-amp-core-resource-limits to change the resource limits as follows:
- default:
cpu: 500m
memory: 1536Mi
cpu: 50m
memory: 256Mi
cpu: "2"
memory: 32Gi
type: Container
- max:
cpu: "2"
memory: 32Gi
type: Pod
The limit for memory as changed here to 32 GB to ensure the redis-* pods of 3scale are deployed. This is only the max limit and does not affect the requested resources.
Create a secret file aws-auth.yml for AWS access credentials:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: aws-auth
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: <<your access key>>
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: <<your secret>>
type: Opaque
Add the secret to the 3scale-amp namespace:
oc create -f aws-auth.yml
Create the API Manager specification amp-s3.yml:
kind: APIManager
name: example-apimanager
wildcardDomain: <<your wildcard domain>>
resourceRequirementsEnabled: false
awsRegion: << your aws region>>
awsBucket: << your s3 bucket >>
name: aws-auth
Create the smtp.yml configmap to configure SMTP access:
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: smtp
app: 3scale-api-management
threescale_component: system
threescale_component_element: smtp
address: ''
authentication: 'login'
domain: ''
openssl.verify.mode: 'false'
password: '<< your password>>'
port: '587'
username: '<< your userid>>'
Add the configmap to 3scale-amp namespace:
oc create -f smtp.yml
From the OpenShift admin console, Install the 3scale-community-operator from Operator Hub to the 3scale-amp namespace.
Choose Version 2.7
Once Operator is installed and ready, get back to the terminal and add the APIManager:
oc create -f amp-s3.yml
Wait for 10 mins for all the 3scale pods to be ready.
Login to the Master URL and the 3scale-admin tenant.
Verify that you can open the Developer Portal and the Content is loaded correctly.
Also verify the S3 bucket to check that the provider folder and the associated CMS content is created in the bucket.
Next Steps
TODO: In the next section, we will explore creating the tenants using operator.
TODO: Use an ansible role to deploy 3scale-operator and manage installation of AMP and tenants.
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