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Created September 12, 2021 14:31
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  • Save satyaj/e1987fc94f15f3b747ce405ee7437c2a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save satyaj/e1987fc94f15f3b747ce405ee7437c2a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Go to RHPDS catalog -
Under Openshift Workshop Order "OpenShift 4.8 Workshop"
Confirm the warning
Set the size to Large
Set the users to 15 so that it provisions an extra worker node for our storage
Select training as the Purpose
Submit - this can take about 30 minutes to finish, and you will get an email
If the provision fails, simply repeat the previous steps
Login to your openshift cluster
Go to Operators -> Operator Hub
Search for OpenShift Container Storage
Select it and Click Install
The defaults should work and should create a new namespace openshift-storage for you
It will take a few minutes to provision
Go to Storage -> StorageClasses and wait until you see available
Now create a new project(namespace) called 3Scale
Go to Storage -> Object Bucket Claims
Create Object Bucket Claim
Give it a Name like "3scale"
Select as the StorageClass
Use the default noobaa bucket class
Press Create
Change to the openshift-storage project
Go to Workload -> Secrets
Select the noobaa-admin secret
Scroll down and reveal the values
Save the email/password for the next step
Go to Networking -> Routes
Select the noobaa-mgmt Location to open the page and log in
From the Overview page, select Connect Application
Change the Target Account to the one with 3Scale in it (not admin@noobaa)
Copy the Access Key/Secret Key values at the bottom of the pop-up
Close the pop-up and now select Buckets on the left hand side
There should be a bucket that starts with the same name as your Bucket Object Claim but with extra characters at the end, copy the whole name next to the other fields you saved from earlier
You can now close the Noobaa management site and return to the OpenShift cluster page
Change to the 3Scale project
Go to Workloads -> Secrets
Create -> From YAML
Insert the values you copied from earlier into the below secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: aws-auth
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: {{ noobaa_aws_key }}
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: {{ noobaa_aws_secret }}
AWS_BUCKET: {{ noobaa_bucket_name }}
AWS_REGION: local-s3-bucket
AWS_HOSTNAME: s3.openshift-storage.svc.cluster.local:80
type: Opaque
Press Create
Go to Operators -> OperatorHub
Search for 3Scale
Select Red Hat Integration - 3Scale (NOT the gateway)
Click Install and keep the defaults
Press Install
Go to Operators -> Installed Operators
Click on Red Hat Integration - 3Scale
Under APIManager select "+ Create instance"
Switch to the YAML view and insert the below code, making sure to fill in your apps domain that should look something like this ""
kind: APIManager
name: "apim-workshop"
wildcardDomain: "{{ ocp_apps_domain }}"
resourceRequirementsEnabled: false
name: aws-auth
Press Create
Everything should come up in about 5 minutes
Go to Workloads -> Secrets
Select system-seed
Scroll down and Reveal values
Copy the admin user/password
Go to Networking -> Routes
Click on the location that starts with 3Scale-admin
Login using the user/password you just copied
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