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Created October 10, 2017 15:28
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Weave net logs
ubuntu@kubemaster-01:~$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE     NAME                                                             READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
default       maya-apiserver-3416621614-qm09x                                  1/1       Running             0          1h
default       node-exporter-934fl                                              1/1       Running             0          9h
default       node-exporter-k1jth                                              1/1       Running             1          9h
default       node-exporter-sr3bh                                              1/1       Running             1          9h
default       openebs-provisioner-4230626287-gt29w                             1/1       Running             3          1h
default       percona                                                          0/1       ContainerCreating   0          1h
default       prometheus-deployment-2597070772-7sh3r                           1/1       Running             1          9h
default       pvc-36ada529-adcb-11e7-95b9-021c6f7dbe9d-ctrl-2617481313-c6m23   1/1       Running             0          28m
default       pvc-36ada529-adcb-11e7-95b9-021c6f7dbe9d-rep-2899545413-h0jpd    0/1       ContainerCreating   0          28m
default       pvc-36ada529-adcb-11e7-95b9-021c6f7dbe9d-rep-2899545413-nbfd3    1/1       Running             0          28m
default       pvc-49631c2e-adc1-11e7-95b9-021c6f7dbe9d-ctrl-1102258111-6j0ln   1/1       Running             0          1h
default       pvc-49631c2e-adc1-11e7-95b9-021c6f7dbe9d-rep-2468377660-4fp6m    0/1       ContainerCreating   0          1h
default       pvc-49631c2e-adc1-11e7-95b9-021c6f7dbe9d-rep-2468377660-k7km5    1/1       Running             0          1h
default       pvc-70644e7c-adcb-11e7-95b9-021c6f7dbe9d-ctrl-2912351896-chbnx   1/1       Running             0          27m
default       pvc-70644e7c-adcb-11e7-95b9-021c6f7dbe9d-rep-272042747-885dj     1/1       Running             0          27m
default       pvc-70644e7c-adcb-11e7-95b9-021c6f7dbe9d-rep-272042747-jjh6q     0/1       ContainerCreating   0          27m
kube-system   etcd-kubemaster-01                                               1/1       Running             0          9h
kube-system   kube-apiserver-kubemaster-01                                     1/1       Running             0          9h
kube-system   kube-controller-manager-kubemaster-01                            1/1       Running             1          9h
kube-system   kube-dns-2425271678-c2zwd                                        3/3       Running             0          9h
kube-system   kube-proxy-2zs07                                                 1/1       Running             1          9h
kube-system   kube-proxy-fwv9g                                                 1/1       Running             1          9h
kube-system   kube-proxy-n9cbm                                                 1/1       Running             0          9h
kube-system   kube-scheduler-kubemaster-01                                     1/1       Running             1          9h
kube-system   kubernetes-dashboard-3313488171-43w7w                            1/1       Running             0          9h
kube-system   weave-net-7c3wb                                                  2/2       Running             24         1h
kube-system   weave-net-cx3rl                                                  2/2       Running             0          9h
kube-system   weave-net-nj23g                                                  2/2       Running             2          9h
ubuntu@kubemaster-01:~$ kubectl logs weave-net-nj23g -c weave --namespace=kube-system
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.578042 Command line options: map[datapath:datapath db-prefix:/weavedb/weave-net docker-api: port:6783 ipalloc-range: nickname:kubeminion-02 no-dns:true conn-limit:30 expect-npc:true host-root:/host http-addr: ipalloc-init:consensus=3 status-addr:]
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.578239 weave  2.0.4
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.831440 Bridge type is bridged_fastdp
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.831461 Communication between peers is unencrypted.
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.833797 Our name is e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.833835 Launch detected - using supplied peer list: []
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.833856 Checking for pre-existing addresses on weave bridge
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.839023 [allocator e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80] Initialising with persisted data
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.840589 Sniffing traffic on datapath (via ODP)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.840943 Discovered local MAC e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.847089 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.847741 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.850257 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.857771 ->[] connection accepted
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.861187 ->[|e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)]: connection shutting down due to error: cannot connect to ourself
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.862518 ->[|e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)]: connection shutting down due to error: cannot connect to ourself
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.863709 ->[|7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a(kubemaster-01)]: connection ready; using protocol version 2
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.866684 overlay_switch ->[7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a(kubemaster-01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.867930 ->[|7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a(kubemaster-01)]: connection added (new peer)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.881436 Listening for HTTP control messages on
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.914004 Discovered local MAC 6a:c1:df:39:14:69
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.919768 EMSGSIZE on send, expecting PMTU update (IP packet was 60028 bytes, payload was 60020 bytes)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.919885 overlay_switch ->[7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a(kubemaster-01)] using sleeve
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.920052 ->[|7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a(kubemaster-01)]: connection fully established
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.924250 Listening for metrics requests on
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.930415 sleeve ->[|7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a(kubemaster-01)]: Effective MTU verified at 1438
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.973255 overlay_switch ->[7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a(kubemaster-01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.974229 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection ready; using protocol version 2
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.974636 overlay_switch ->[a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:55.974796 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection added
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:56.449384 Discovered local MAC 6a:17:c9:f9:f2:69
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:56.485645 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection fully established
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:56.505294 EMSGSIZE on send, expecting PMTU update (IP packet was 60028 bytes, payload was 60020 bytes)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:01:56.509510 sleeve ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: Effective MTU verified at 1438
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:02:35.333709 Discovered local MAC ca:68:b2:84:69:55
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:02:37.711154 Discovered remote MAC 32:c6:ba:a9:71:ae at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:02:38.558777 Discovered remote MAC 0e:67:e7:c4:47:11 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:02:43.675747 Discovered remote MAC 42:3a:b7:5e:86:b8 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
WARN: 2017/10/10 08:04:52.466264 [allocator]: Delete: no addresses for 87854a6e4a98636e69c5f66f291d7c1639814ed82c00553b84582ccd65274243
WARN: 2017/10/10 08:05:33.596730 [allocator]: Delete: no addresses for 87854a6e4a98636e69c5f66f291d7c1639814ed82c00553b84582ccd65274243
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:08:49.526111 Discovered remote MAC a2:a9:22:16:de:f8 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:08:52.365473 Discovered local MAC 0a:49:87:0e:c1:94
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:08:55.926215 Discovered remote MAC 16:a6:4a:e5:74:bc at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:08:56.923519 Discovered remote MAC 66:32:7e:33:ac:6b at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:11:15.948565 Discovered local MAC b6:18:34:55:2f:17
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:17:55.838886 Expired MAC 32:c6:ba:a9:71:ae at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:17:55.838958 Expired MAC 6a:c1:df:39:14:69 at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:17:55.838975 Expired MAC 6a:17:c9:f9:f2:69 at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:17:55.838989 Expired MAC ca:68:b2:84:69:55 at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:17:55.839001 Expired MAC 0e:67:e7:c4:47:11 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:21:55.840385 Expired MAC b6:18:34:55:2f:17 at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:22:55.842659 Expired MAC a2:a9:22:16:de:f8 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:22:55.842748 Expired MAC 66:32:7e:33:ac:6b at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 08:58:45.835767 Discovered remote MAC 7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a at 7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a(kubemaster-01)
ERRO: 2017/10/10 08:58:45.835852 Captured frame from MAC (7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a) to (42:3a:b7:5e:86:b8) associated with another peer 7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a(kubemaster-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:06:27.564462 Discovered local MAC 32:1c:59:8e:85:95
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:07:05.193257 Discovered remote MAC 66:32:7e:33:ac:6b at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:07:20.041307 Discovered remote MAC 72:12:cc:f1:42:94 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:08:55.863263 Expired MAC 7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a at 7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a(kubemaster-01)
WARN: 2017/10/10 09:10:04.038425 [allocator]: Delete: no addresses for 91d47bb89351af7938bdd1d1724bff75d07b329fdce68f256dd758c50168446f
WARN: 2017/10/10 09:10:04.956229 [allocator]: Delete: no addresses for 91d47bb89351af7938bdd1d1724bff75d07b329fdce68f256dd758c50168446f
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:10:25.729110 Discovered remote MAC e6:73:02:e1:de:e5 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
WARN: 2017/10/10 09:10:36.050875 [allocator]: Delete: no addresses for 91d47bb89351af7938bdd1d1724bff75d07b329fdce68f256dd758c50168446f
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:17:06.391482 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection shutting down due to error: read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:17:06.391629 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection deleted
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:17:06.391696 Removed unreachable peer a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:17:06.391918 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:17:06.498242 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:17:07.942890 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:17:07.943683 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:17:10.785846 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:17:10.786714 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:17:15.398436 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:17:15.399172 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:17:21.710607 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:17:21.711406 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:17:27.436342 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:17:27.437174 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:17:47.929534 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:17:47.930268 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:18:06.211496 ->[] connection accepted
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:18:06.514796 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection ready; using protocol version 2
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:18:06.568071 overlay_switch ->[a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:18:06.568157 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection added (new peer)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:18:06.873271 overlay_switch ->[a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)] using sleeve
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:18:06.873350 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection fully established
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:18:06.874902 EMSGSIZE on send, expecting PMTU update (IP packet was 60028 bytes, payload was 60020 bytes)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:18:06.876477 sleeve ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: Effective MTU verified at 1438
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:18:06.922485 Discovered remote MAC 16:a6:4a:e5:74:bc at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:18:07.070950 overlay_switch ->[a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:18:07.189347 Discovered remote MAC 42:3a:b7:5e:86:b8 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:18:10.180316 Discovered remote MAC 72:12:cc:f1:42:94 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:18:10.377268 Discovered remote MAC a2:a9:22:16:de:f8 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:20:23.836257 Discovered remote MAC 7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a at 7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a(kubemaster-01)
ERRO: 2017/10/10 09:20:23.836445 Captured frame from MAC (7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a) to (42:3a:b7:5e:86:b8) associated with another peer 7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a(kubemaster-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:21:33.087691 Discovered local MAC de:b8:3b:aa:35:d4
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:21:55.873257 Expired MAC 32:1c:59:8e:85:95 at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:23:31.221781 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection shutting down due to error: read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:23:31.826352 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection deleted
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:23:31.826392 Removed unreachable peer a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:23:32.184251 Unable to find connection to relay peer a2:a9:22:16:de:f8
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:23:33.035056 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:23:33.223972 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
ERRO: 2017/10/10 09:23:38.019640 Captured frame from MAC (7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a) to (42:3a:b7:5e:86:b8) associated with another peer 7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a(kubemaster-01)
ERRO: 2017/10/10 09:23:38.019946 Captured frame from MAC (7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a) to (42:3a:b7:5e:86:b8) associated with another peer 7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a(kubemaster-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:23:59.181250 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:23:59.182102 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:25:04.202056 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:25:04.202793 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:25:57.035509 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:26:00.142284 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
WARN: 2017/10/10 09:26:46.693350 [allocator]: Delete: no addresses for 13a9f8b9ea842f217cd93070f7a68551685e2c80aaaa854b0e7173cd40184567
ERRO: 2017/10/10 09:26:55.878473 Captured frame from MAC (7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a) to (42:3a:b7:5e:86:b8) associated with another peer 7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a(kubemaster-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:27:24.874310 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:27:24.875249 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:28:51.957480 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:28:51.958299 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:31:04.222536 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:31:04.223267 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
ERRO: 2017/10/10 09:31:55.910543 Captured frame from MAC (7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a) to (42:3a:b7:5e:86:b8) associated with another peer 7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a(kubemaster-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:31:56.493390 ->[] connection accepted
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:31:57.035098 Expired MAC de:b8:3b:aa:35:d4 at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:31:57.287330 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection ready; using protocol version 2
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:31:57.287500 overlay_switch ->[a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:31:57.287550 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection added (new peer)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:32:00.298484 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection fully established
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:32:00.332773 Discovered remote MAC 42:3a:b7:5e:86:b8 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:32:00.506179 EMSGSIZE on send, expecting PMTU update (IP packet was 60028 bytes, payload was 60020 bytes)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:32:00.519153 sleeve ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: Effective MTU verified at 1438
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:32:00.660260 Discovered remote MAC a2:a9:22:16:de:f8 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:32:00.829156 Discovered remote MAC 16:a6:4a:e5:74:bc at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:41:57.038652 Expired MAC 7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a at 7a:f1:8e:b3:05:7a(kubemaster-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 09:42:57.039250 Expired MAC a2:a9:22:16:de:f8 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 10:40:38.674557 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection shutting down due to error: read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer
INFO: 2017/10/10 10:40:38.674678 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection deleted
INFO: 2017/10/10 10:40:38.675490 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 10:40:38.676525 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 10:40:38.676857 Removed unreachable peer a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 10:44:26.613802 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 10:44:26.614631 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 10:53:19.894801 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 10:53:19.895670 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 10:56:57.085654 Expired MAC 0a:49:87:0e:c1:94 at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 10:59:07.837568 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 10:59:07.838532 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:06:15.465955 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:06:15.466849 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:10:06.205308 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:10:06.206168 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:14:23.200098 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:14:23.200839 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:20:59.220835 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:20:59.221717 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:28:36.978392 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:28:36.979601 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:35:14.728972 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:35:14.729856 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:40:38.374292 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:40:38.375242 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:43:48.113521 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:43:48.114386 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:49:37.009664 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:49:37.010553 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:57:21.773569 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 11:57:21.776188 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:04:14.027690 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:04:14.028612 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:10:34.542709 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:10:34.543245 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:18:27.577813 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:18:27.579066 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:23:50.217910 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:23:50.218713 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:29:25.261666 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:29:25.262629 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:33:53.420593 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:33:53.421455 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:37:09.741471 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:37:09.742242 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:40:59.851732 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:40:59.852645 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:46:43.756358 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:46:43.757226 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:52:09.783599 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:52:09.784264 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
WARN: 2017/10/10 12:53:00.505652 [allocator]: Delete: no addresses for f1e5817989299f407b5bd0aa62dac334510d91da88ad816d764218b53eb9db3d
WARN: 2017/10/10 12:53:41.265786 [allocator]: Delete: no addresses for ef3b4f7dd7972f10024272e55ba7fe6a96d64680bd97002a7f80f5f92cb18b52
WARN: 2017/10/10 12:53:42.259090 [allocator]: Delete: no addresses for ef3b4f7dd7972f10024272e55ba7fe6a96d64680bd97002a7f80f5f92cb18b52
WARN: 2017/10/10 12:53:44.763251 [allocator]: Delete: no addresses for f1e5817989299f407b5bd0aa62dac334510d91da88ad816d764218b53eb9db3d
WARN: 2017/10/10 12:54:48.464085 [allocator]: Delete: no addresses for ef3b4f7dd7972f10024272e55ba7fe6a96d64680bd97002a7f80f5f92cb18b52
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:55:41.641711 ->[] connection accepted
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:55:41.859656 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection ready; using protocol version 2
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:55:41.859838 overlay_switch ->[a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:55:41.859922 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection added (new peer)
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:55:42.030693 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection fully established
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:55:42.115170 EMSGSIZE on send, expecting PMTU update (IP packet was 60028 bytes, payload was 60020 bytes)
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:55:42.116387 sleeve ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: Effective MTU verified at 1438
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:55:42.129451 Discovered remote MAC a2:a9:22:16:de:f8 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:56:26.704606 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection shutting down due to error: read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:56:26.704715 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection deleted
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:56:26.707615 Removed unreachable peer a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:56:50.572899 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 12:56:50.573672 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:01:57.162823 Expired MAC e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80 at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:02:55.356090 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:02:56.436315 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:06:49.798436 ->[] connection accepted
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:06:49.832976 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection ready; using protocol version 2
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:06:49.833191 overlay_switch ->[a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:06:49.833260 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection added (new peer)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:06:49.886432 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection fully established
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:06:49.919686 EMSGSIZE on send, expecting PMTU update (IP packet was 60028 bytes, payload was 60020 bytes)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:06:49.921389 sleeve ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: Effective MTU verified at 1438
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:06:50.459417 Discovered remote MAC a2:a9:22:16:de:f8 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:11:56.537564 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection shutting down due to error: read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:11:56.537681 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection deleted
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:11:56.537941 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:11:56.539053 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:11:56.539950 Removed unreachable peer a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:12:40.774125 ->[] connection accepted
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:12:40.789463 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection ready; using protocol version 2
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:12:40.789641 overlay_switch ->[a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:12:40.789697 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection added (new peer)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:12:40.970501 overlay_switch ->[a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)] using sleeve
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:12:40.970576 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection fully established
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:12:40.971311 EMSGSIZE on send, expecting PMTU update (IP packet was 60028 bytes, payload was 60020 bytes)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:12:40.973839 sleeve ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: Effective MTU verified at 1438
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:12:41.292189 overlay_switch ->[a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:12:44.365818 Discovered remote MAC a2:a9:22:16:de:f8 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:13:06.681235 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection shutting down due to error: read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:13:06.681375 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection deleted
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:13:06.683956 Removed unreachable peer a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:19:09.601000 ->[] connection accepted
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:19:10.229468 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection ready; using protocol version 2
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:19:10.229816 overlay_switch ->[a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:19:10.229862 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection added (new peer)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:19:15.066284 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection fully established
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:19:17.431313 EMSGSIZE on send, expecting PMTU update (IP packet was 60028 bytes, payload was 60020 bytes)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:19:17.442674 sleeve ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: Effective MTU verified at 1438
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:19:20.557501 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection shutting down due to error: read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:19:20.557618 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection deleted
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:19:20.559558 Removed unreachable peer a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:19:21.071926 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:19:21.072971 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:20:17.934103 ->[] connection accepted
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:20:20.401822 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection ready; using protocol version 2
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:20:20.401975 overlay_switch ->[a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:20:20.402044 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection added (new peer)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:20:27.005249 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection shutting down due to error: read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:20:27.005546 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection deleted
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:20:27.007560 Removed unreachable peer a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:25:28.505870 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:25:28.506878 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:26:08.092858 ->[] connection accepted
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:26:09.121154 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection ready; using protocol version 2
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:26:09.121695 overlay_switch ->[a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:26:09.121841 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection added (new peer)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:26:10.177292 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection fully established
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:26:10.177905 EMSGSIZE on send, expecting PMTU update (IP packet was 60028 bytes, payload was 60020 bytes)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:26:10.182051 sleeve ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: Effective MTU verified at 1438
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:26:10.431921 Discovered remote MAC a2:a9:22:16:de:f8 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:28:46.657263 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection shutting down due to error: read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:28:46.657479 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection deleted
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:28:46.659495 Removed unreachable peer a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:29:01.969998 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:29:01.970960 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:34:54.572771 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:34:54.573730 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:35:44.286220 ->[] connection accepted
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:35:44.342337 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection ready; using protocol version 2
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:35:44.342653 overlay_switch ->[a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:35:44.342706 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection added (new peer)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:35:44.503788 EMSGSIZE on send, expecting PMTU update (IP packet was 60028 bytes, payload was 60020 bytes)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:35:44.504040 overlay_switch ->[a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)] using sleeve
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:35:44.504101 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection fully established
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:35:44.505460 sleeve ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: Effective MTU verified at 1438
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:35:44.749230 Discovered remote MAC a2:a9:22:16:de:f8 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:35:44.848457 overlay_switch ->[a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:35:54.670896 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection shutting down due to error: read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:35:54.671001 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection deleted
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:35:54.673074 Removed unreachable peer a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:36:20.547141 ->[] connection accepted
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:36:20.582590 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection ready; using protocol version 2
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:36:20.582782 overlay_switch ->[a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:36:20.582828 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection added (new peer)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:36:20.746066 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection fully established
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:36:20.771112 EMSGSIZE on send, expecting PMTU update (IP packet was 60028 bytes, payload was 60020 bytes)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:36:20.773711 sleeve ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: Effective MTU verified at 1438
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:36:20.915937 Discovered remote MAC a2:a9:22:16:de:f8 at a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:37:38.586252 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection shutting down due to error: read tcp4> read: connection reset by peer
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:37:38.586367 ->[|a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)]: connection deleted
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:37:38.592901 Removed unreachable peer a2:a9:22:16:de:f8(kubeminion-01)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:41:08.010962 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:41:08.011781 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:42:28.346264 Discovered local MAC d2:e3:31:d8:de:6e
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:42:29.343072 Discovered local MAC 72:eb:bf:64:a1:c0
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:47:08.506288 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:47:08.507045 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:47:26.361285 Discovered local MAC 4a:e0:51:c5:a2:e5
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:47:27.329813 Discovered local MAC ee:b5:e9:95:94:5b
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:47:33.086106 Discovered local MAC e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:53:43.814785 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:53:43.815811 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:56:57.210686 Expired MAC d2:e3:31:d8:de:6e at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:56:57.210760 Expired MAC 72:eb:bf:64:a1:c0 at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:57:57.211173 Expired MAC e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80 at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:59:13.530352 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 13:59:13.531231 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:01:57.212485 Expired MAC 4a:e0:51:c5:a2:e5 at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:01:57.212558 Expired MAC ee:b5:e9:95:94:5b at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:06:21.509078 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:06:21.510244 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:15:02.648027 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:15:02.648779 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:21:27.176105 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:21:27.176907 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:25:07.747904 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:25:07.748860 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:29:35.034466 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:29:35.035410 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:35:28.878737 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:35:28.879708 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:41:38.548119 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:41:38.549043 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:47:14.173414 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:47:14.174347 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:50:57.245653 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:50:57.246780 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:54:10.395179 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:54:10.396125 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:56:39.023065 Discovered local MAC 9e:9b:e7:b8:3f:f1
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:56:39.041470 Discovered local MAC ea:b4:20:48:03:c6
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:56:46.607059 Discovered local MAC e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:58:16.541449 Discovered local MAC c6:39:53:1a:4f:23
INFO: 2017/10/10 14:58:17.360926 Discovered local MAC f2:08:57:11:db:cd
INFO: 2017/10/10 15:03:06.682892 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 15:03:06.683650 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 15:06:57.264512 Expired MAC ea:b4:20:48:03:c6 at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 15:06:57.264587 Expired MAC 9e:9b:e7:b8:3f:f1 at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 15:08:34.229887 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 15:08:34.230782 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 15:08:57.265616 Expired MAC e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80 at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 15:11:57.267396 Expired MAC c6:39:53:1a:4f:23 at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 15:11:57.267478 Expired MAC f2:08:57:11:db:cd at e6:7d:2e:a4:b5:80(kubeminion-02)
INFO: 2017/10/10 15:15:24.691593 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 15:15:24.692634 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused
INFO: 2017/10/10 15:19:45.592120 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/10/10 15:19:45.592953 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection refused

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