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Last active January 10, 2022 14:56
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Test script to create a wfdb from icentia11k data
import gzip
import os
import pickle
import warnings
import numpy as np
import wfdb
label_mapping = {"btype": {0: ('Q', ''), # Undefined: Unclassifiable beat
1: ('N', ''), # Normal: Normal beat
2: ('S', ''), # ESSV (PAC): Premature or ectopic supraventricular beat
3: ('a', ''), # Aberrated: Aberrated atrial premature beat
4: ('V', '')}, # ESV (PVC): Premature ventricular contraction
"rtype": {0: ('', ''), # Null/Undefined
1: ('', ''), # End
2: ('', ''), # Noise
3: ('+', "(N"), # NSR (normal sinusal rhythm): Normal sinusal rhythm
4: ('+', "(AFIB"), # AFib: Atrial fibrillation
5: ('+', "(AFL"), # AFlutter: Atrial flutter
6: (None, None)}} # Used to split a rhythm when a beat annotation is not
# linked to a rhythm type
def get_person_attributes(path):
dirname, filename = os.path.split(path)
filename, ext = filename.split('.')[0], '.'.join(filename.split('.')[1:])
idx = int(filename.split('_')[0])
# XXXXX_batched.pkl.gz
data_path = os.path.join(dirname, f"{filename}.{ext}")
# XXXXX_batched_lbls.pkl.gz
labels_path = os.path.join(dirname, f"{filename}_lbls.pkl.gz")
return idx, data_path, labels_path
def make_wfdb(path):
"""Create a WFDB file from a .../XXXXX_batched.pkl.gz"""
person_idx, person_data_path, person_labels_path = \
assert os.path.exists(person_data_path)
assert os.path.exists(person_labels_path)
print(f"Make `p{person_idx:05d}/p{person_idx:05d}_s*` from "
f"`{person_data_path}` and `{person_labels_path}`")
with as gzf:
person_data = pickle.load(gzf)
with as gzf:
person_labels = pickle.load(gzf)
cwd = os.getcwd()
# does not allow '/' in path which forces the cwd to be
# changed to the person's subdir
os.makedirs(f"p{person_idx:05d}", exist_ok=True)
for i, (p_signal, seg_labels) in enumerate(zip(person_data,
#"p{person_idx:05d}_s{i:02d}", fs=250, units=["mV"],
# Use channel index as signal name
p_signal=p_signal.reshape(-1, 1),
# Use int16 to store the digital signal as it is the
# original data format
# Scale the physical signal to fill most of the range
# provided by the data format (int16)
# p_signal: [-440.625, 440.625]
# adc_gain = max_positive * ads_gain / (calibration_factor * rail_to_rail_voltage) ~= 74.36
adc_gain=[(2**(16 - 1) - 1) * 6 / (0.9375 * 2820)],
baseline=[0], write_dir=".")
beats = np.unique(np.concatenate(seg_labels["btype"]))
rhythms = np.unique(np.concatenate(seg_labels["rtype"]))
if not np.in1d(beats, rhythms).all():
warnings.warn("Beat annotations count does not match with "
"rhythm annotations count for p{:05d}_s{:02d}. Spliting "
"rhythm zones surrounding extra beats".format(
person_idx, i))
seg_labels["rtype"].append(beats[np.in1d(beats, rhythms) == False])
flat_ann = []
for label_type, labels in seg_labels.items():
for type_id, locs in enumerate(labels):
if locs.size and label_type == "rtype" and type_id == 0:
warnings.warn("Undefined rhythm annotation should not "
"exist in icentia11k for p{:05d}_s{:02d}".format(
person_idx, i))
flat_ann.extend([(loc, label_type,
for loc in locs])
if not flat_ann:
warnings.warn("Empty annotations for p{:05d}_s{:02d}".format(
person_idx, i))
sample, ann_type, symbol, _aux_note = zip(*flat_ann)
sample = np.asarray(sample)
symbol = np.asarray(symbol)
chan = np.asarray([0] * sample.size)
aux_note = np.asarray(_aux_note, dtype="<U6")
rtype = np.where(np.asarray(ann_type) == "rtype")[0]
for _i in range(1, len(rtype) + 1):
prev_idx, idx = (rtype[_i-1],
rtype[_i] if _i < len(rtype) else None)
prev_aux, aux = (_aux_note[prev_idx],
_aux_note[idx] if idx is not None else None)
if aux and prev_aux == aux:
symbol[idx] = ''
aux_note[idx] = ''
elif prev_aux:
# Single beat in rhythm zone
if symbol[prev_idx] == '+':
aux_note[prev_idx] += ')'
# Closing rhythm zone
symbol[prev_idx] = '+'
aux_note[prev_idx] = ')'
mask = (symbol != '') * (symbol != None)
sample = sample[mask]
symbol = symbol[mask]
aux_note = aux_note[mask]
chan = np.array([0] * sample.size)
#"p{person_idx:05d}_s{i:02d}", "atr", sample,
symbol=symbol, chan=chan, aux_note=aux_note, fs=250,
custom_labels=None, write_dir=".")
# chdir back to initial cwd
def validate_wfdb(path):
person_idx, person_data_path, person_labels_path = \
wfdb_person_dir = f"p{person_idx:05d}"
print(f"Validate `p{person_idx:05d}/p{person_idx:05d}_s*` with "
f"`{person_data_path}` and `{person_labels_path}`")
assert os.path.exists(person_data_path)
assert os.path.exists(person_labels_path)
with as gzf:
person_data = pickle.load(gzf)
with as gzf:
person_labels = pickle.load(gzf)
for i, (p_signal, seg_labels) in enumerate(zip(person_data,
record_path = os.path.join(wfdb_person_dir, f"p{person_idx:05d}_s{i:02d}")
assert p_signal.size == wfdb.rdrecord(record_path).p_signal.size
labels = {"btype": {'Q': np.unique(seg_labels["btype"][0]).size,
'N': np.unique(seg_labels["btype"][1]).size,
'S': np.unique(seg_labels["btype"][2]).size,
'a': np.unique(seg_labels["btype"][3]).size,
'V': np.unique(seg_labels["btype"][4]).size},
"rtype": {'': sum([np.unique(l).size for l in
"(N": np.unique(seg_labels["rtype"][3]).size,
"(AFIB": np.unique(seg_labels["rtype"][4]).size,
"(AFL": np.unique(seg_labels["rtype"][5]).size}}
unique_b_o = np.unique(np.concatenate([l for l in seg_labels["btype"]]))
unique_r_o = np.unique(np.concatenate([l for l in seg_labels["rtype"]]))
ann_path = os.path.join(wfdb_person_dir, f"p{person_idx:05d}_s{i:02d}")
ann =, "atr")
sample = ann.sample
symbol = np.asarray(ann.symbol)
aux = [_ for _ in zip(sample[symbol == '+'],
np.asarray(ann.aux_note)[symbol == '+'])]
except FileNotFoundError:
ann = None
sample = np.empty(0)
symbol = np.empty(0, dtype="<U6")
aux = []
unique_samples = np.unique(sample[symbol != '+'])
expand_r = np.array(sample, dtype="<U6")
expand_r[:] = ''
for i in range(0, len(aux)):
if aux[i][1] == ')':
low, high = aux[i-1][0], aux[i][0]
expand_r[(ann.sample >= low) == (sample <= high)] = \
# Single beat in rhythm zone
elif aux[i][1].startswith('(') and aux[i][1].endswith(')'):
expand_r[sample == aux[i][0]] = aux[i][1][:-1]
counts = {_s: 0 for _s in labels["btype"].keys()}
for k in counts:
_samples = np.unique(sample[symbol == k])
counts[k] += _samples.size
assert counts == labels["btype"]
counts = {_s: 0 for _s in labels["rtype"].keys()}
for k in counts:
_samples = np.unique(sample[(symbol != '+') * (expand_r == k)])
counts[k] += _samples.size
# Some samples are found multiple times in the beats and rhythms annotations
if np.all(unique_samples == unique_r_o):
assert {**counts, '': 0} == {**labels["rtype"], '': 0}
# Some rhythms are not linked to a beat in original data
extra_rhythms = unique_r_o[np.in1d(unique_r_o, unique_b_o) == False]
_noise = np.unique(np.concatenate([l for l in seg_labels["rtype"][0:3]]))
_n = np.unique(seg_labels["rtype"][3])
_afib = np.unique(seg_labels["rtype"][4])
_afl = np.unique(seg_labels["rtype"][5])
for t, l in [("(N", _n), ("(AFIB", _afib), ("(AFL", _afl)]:
assert counts[t] == l[np.in1d(l, extra_rhythms) == False].size
assert (
# Some beats are not included in a rhythm zone in original data
counts[''] - unique_b_o[np.in1d(unique_b_o, unique_r_o) == False].size ==
_noise[np.in1d(_noise, extra_rhythms) == False].size)
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