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Created November 30, 2008 18:24
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Evaluates code and displays/copies/sets the result.
LLEval = '',
Aliases = <pre><![CDATA[({
ut: Utils,
cu: CmdUtils,
ap: Application,
cw: Utils.currentChromeWindow,
gs: function() CmdUtils.getSelection(),
dm: function(x)(displayMessage({icon: Icon, title: 'eval', text: x}), x),
ss: function(x)(CmdUtils.setSelection(x), x),
lg: function(x)(Utils.log(x), x),
cp: function(x) CmdUtils.copyToClipboard(x),
Env = eval(Aliases.toString());
var LLangs = Bin.llangs(), LLangSuggs = [];
function llup(){
if(LLangs && new Date - Bin.lastLLUp() < 24 * 60 * 6e4) return llss();
$.get('', 0, function llget(jsonp){
LLangs = Bin.llangs(Utils.json.decode(/{[^]+}/(jsonp)));
delete LLangs.error;
Bin.lastLLUp(+new Date);
}, 'text');
function llss(){
LLangSuggs = let(i = 0)[
{ text: cmd, data: ext, index: i++, key: cmd +'\t'+ ext,
summary: <><code>{cmd}</code> <small>(.{ext})</small></> +'' }
for each([ext, cmd] in new Iterator(LLangs))];
(function evalCommand(o){ = ''+ <ul/>.appendChild(
(<li>Execute to display/copy/set the result.</li>) +
( || <></>));
o.arguments || (o.arguments = {object_js: noun_arb_text});
o.execute || (o.execute = eval_execute);
o.icon || (o.icon = 'moz-icon://.js?size=32'); = 'satyr';
o.license = 'MIT';
return arguments.callee;
names: ['eval', '!'],
description: 'Evaluates JavaScript.',
preview: Aliases.toXMLString(),
previewDelay: 0,
names: ['evalp', '!!'],
description: 'Evaluates JavaScript previewing the result.',
preview: function eval_preview(pb, args){
var x = eval_eval(args);
pb.innerHTML = <pre/>.appendChild(
x instanceof Error
? (<em>{x}</em>) :
typeof x === 'xml'
? x
: (<strong>{x}</strong>));
previewDelay: 333,
name: 'lleval',
icon: '',
arguments: {
object_code: noun_arb_text,
format: {
label: 'lang',
default: function lleval_default() LLangSuggs[Bin.lastLLIndex() || 0],
suggest: function lleval_suggest(txt, htm, cb, sx){
if(sx || !txt) return [];
var ss = CmdUtils.grepSuggs(txt, LLangSuggs, 'key');
if(ss.length) Bin.lastLLIndex(ss[0].index);
return ss;
description: 'Abuses '+ 'lleval.cgi'.link(LLEval) + '.',
help: <li>Supported: {[x for(x in LLangs)].join(' ')}</li>,
execute: function lleval_execute(args){
this._eval(args, function llcbe({stdout, stderr}){
var res = stdout || stderr;
displayMessage(res, this);
preview: function lleval_preview(pb, args){
this._eval(args, function llcbp(res){
var pre = <pre>{res.stdout || ''}</pre>, table = <table/>;
delete res.stdout;
for(var k in res)
pb.innerHTML = this._style + (pre + table);
}, pb);
previewDelay: 666,
_eval: function({object: {text: code}, format: {data: lang}}, fun, pb){
if(!code) return;
var me = this, params = {
url: '',
data: {c: '_', s: code, l: lang},
success: function lleval_success(jsonp){, Utils.json.decode(/{[^]+}/(jsonp)));
error: this._ajaxerr,
pb ? CmdUtils.previewAjax(pb, params) : $.ajax(params);
_ajaxerr: function(x){
displayMessage('Ajax Error: '+ x.status +' '+ x.statusText, this);
_style: '<style>'+ <![CDATA[
pre {padding-left:1em}
table {margin:0 1em 1em}
th {text-align:left}
]]> +'</style>',
function eval_execute(args){
Utils.log(new Date().toLocaleString());
var x = eval_eval(args);
displayMessage(uneval(x), this);
function eval_eval({object: {text}}){
try { with(Env) return eval(text) }
catch(e){ return e }
function done(res){
if(typeof res === 'xml') var xml = res.toXMLString();
var txt = xml || res;
CmdUtils.setSelection(xml || Utils.escapeHtml(res), {text: txt});
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