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Created May 19, 2010 19:32
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Google Reader Hatebu Comments
// ==UserScript==
// @name Google Reader Hatebu Comments
// @namespace
// @description Auto-appends Hatebu comments to each Google Reader entry.
// @include http*://*/reader/view/*
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
const HB = '', HBE = HB + 'entry/';
.hatebu-count {position:absolute; bottom:0; right:0}
${margin:0; padding:0; clear:both}
$img, .hatebu-count > img {vertical-align:middle; border:none}
$.user-tag, $.title {font-size:92%; text-decoration:none}
$.timestamp, $.count {font-size:84%}
$> .related {margin-left:1.5em}
]]>.trim().replace(/\$/g, '.hatebu-comments '));
setInterval(function watch(){
fetch, {__proto__: null});
}, 2e3);
function fetch(entry){
entry.setAttribute('data-grhc-done', 1);
var {href} = entry.querySelector('.entry-title-link, .entry-original') || 0;
if(!href || href in this) return;
this[href] = 1;
href = href.replace(/#/g, '%23');
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.className = 'hatebu-count';
a.href = HBE + href.replace(/^http:\/+/, '');
a.appendChild(new Image).src = HBE +'image/'+ href;
url: HBE +'json/?url='+ encodeURIComponent(href),
method: 'GET',
onload: function onload(xhr){
if(xhr.status != 200) return GM_log(
'\nFailed to fetch comments for <'+ href +'>.\n'+
xhr.status +' '+ xhr.statusText);
var o = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if(!o) return;
var {eid, title} = o, ls = '', i = 0;
for each(let {user, tags, comment, timestamp} in o.bookmarks){
ls += let(uu = HB + user +'/') String.concat(
'<li class="user-', user, tags.length ? '' : ' notags',
comment && !~title.indexOf(comment) ? (++i, '') : ' nocomment',
'"><a class="user" href="', uu,
'"><img class="profile-image" src="',
user.slice(0, 2), '/', user, '/profile_s.gif"/></a> ',
'<a class="username" href="',
uu, timestamp.slice(0, 4), timestamp.slice(5, 7),
'#bookmark-', eid, '">', user, '</a> <span class="tags">',
[<a class="user-tag" href={uu + t +'/'}>{t}</a>.toXMLString()
for each(t in tags)].join(' '), '</span> ',
<span class="comment">{comment}</span>.toXMLString(),
' <span class="timestamp">', timestamp, '</span></li>');
if(i >= 99) break;
if(o.count > 9 && 'related' in o) ls += [
<li class="related"><a class="title" href={r.url}><img class="favicon"
src={''+ encodeURIComponent(r.url)}
/>{r.title}</a> <a class="count" href={r.entry_url}
>{r.count +' users'}</a></li>
for each(r in o.related)].join('');
var ul = document.createElement('ul');
ul.className = 'hatebu-comments';
ul.innerHTML = ls;
(entry.querySelector('.entry-body') || entry).appendChild(ul);
Copy link

tobynet commented Jul 20, 2010


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tobynet commented Jul 20, 2010

machibuse さんの の方のものだとリスト表示で無事見られました。

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satyr commented Jul 20, 2010

普段 Expanded しか使わないので想定外でした。

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