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Created January 9, 2009 01:16
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Save satyr/44979 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
+function(pgg, logot){
const Google = '',
PKSafe = '',
PKLang = '';
name: "google",
icon: Google +'favicon.ico',
takes: {'?': noun_arb_text},
modifiers: {'in': {_name: 'lang', suggest: function(txt, htm, cb, sx){
if(!sx && txt){
var re = RegExp(txt, 'i');
for(var [k, v] in Iterator(LanguageCodes))
re.test(k) && cb(CmdUtils.makeSugg(k, k, v));
return [] }}},
description: ''+<><a href={Google}>google</a> + keyboard navigation</>,
help: ''+<ul style="list-style-image:none">
<li>Try the buttons with corresponding accesskeys.</li>
<li><a href="about:config">Options</a>:<dl>
<dt><a href={Google +'safesearch_help.html'}>SafeSearch</a></dt>
<dd><code>{PKSafe} = "active"|"moderate"|"off"</code></dd>
<dt><a href={Google +'language_tools'}>Language</a></dt>
<dd><code>{PKLang} = "en"|"ja"|...</code></dd>
execute: function(inp, mod){ Utils.openUrlInBrowser(makeReq(inp, mod).g) },
preview: function(pbl, inp, mod, page){
var {g, term, lang, safe} = makeReq(inp, mod), me = this,
$p = jQuery(pbl), $c = $p.find(ID);
if(!$c[0]) $c = $p.html(Base).find(ID).after(Logo +''), pgg = '';
if(!term || pgg === (pgg = page + g)) return;
CmdUtils.previewAjax(pbl, {
url: '',
data: {
q: term, hl: lang, safe: safe, start: page << 2,
v: '1.0', rsz: 'small'},
dataType: 'json',
success: function(o){
var stat = o.responseStatus;
if(stat !== 200)
return oops($c, stat === 400 ? 'Out of page range.' : stat);
var {results, cursor} = o.responseData;
if(!results.length) return oops($c, 'No matches.');
($c.html(makeList(results, cursor))
tie(this, function(){
this.disabled = true;
this.disabled || tie(this, function(){
me.preview(pbl, inp, mod, this.value - 1);
error: function(x, e){
oops($c, x.status +' '+ x.statusText +'/'+ e) },
var now =;
if(now - logot < 8 * 60 * 60 * 1e3) return;
logot = now;
jQuery.get(Google +'webhp', function(htm){
var [, s, h] = /<img src=\/(logos\S+).*?height=(\d+)/(htm) || 0;
if(!s) return;
var img = Logo..img;
img.@src = Google + s;
img.@height = h;
previewDelay: 333,
author: 'satyr'.link(''), license: 'MIT'
function makeReq(inp, mod){
var term = jQuery.trim(inp.text), safe = prefs.getValue(PKSafe, ''),
lang = || prefs.getValue(PKLang, '');
return {
g: Google +'search?ie=utf-8&q='+ encodeURIComponent(inp.text)+
'&hl='+ lang +'&safe='+ safe,
term:term, lang:lang, safe:safe}
function tie(it, fn){
it.addEventListener('focus', function(e){
}, true);
function oops($e, msg){
$e.html('<div class="error">Error: '+ msg +'</div>');
function makeList(res, cur){
var abcd, efgh, ijkl, ggl = [
'<div class="count">',, '</div>',
paginates(cur.currentPageIndex + 1, cur.pages.length), '<table>'];
for(var i in res) with(res[i]) ggl.push(
'<tr><td><button class="rs" accesskey="', abcd = 'ABCD'[i], '">',
abcd, '</button></td><td><a class="title" href="', unescapedUrl,
'" accesskey="', efgh = 'EFGH'[i] ,'">', title, '</a><kbd>', efgh,
'</kbd><span class="meta"><a href="', cacheUrl, '" accesskey="',
ijkl = 'IJKL'[i], '">[cache]</a><kbd>', ijkl, '</kbd> ', visibleUrl,
'</span><div class="content">', content, '</div></td></tr>');
return jQuery(ggl.join('')+'</table>');
function paginates(cpi, len){
for(var p = '', i = 0; ++i <= len;) p += button(i, i, cpi === i, i);
return ('<div class="pagination">'+
button('&lt;,', ',', cpi <= 1, cpi - 1)+ p +
button('.&gt;', '.', cpi >= len, cpi + 1)+'</div>');
function button(txt, key, dis, val)
'<button class="pg" accesskey="'+ key +'" value="'+ val +
(dis ? '" disabled="disabled">' : '">')+ txt +'</button>';
{prefs} = Application,
ID = '#_'+(Math.random()+'').slice(2),
Logo = <a class="logo" href={Google}><img border="0"
src={Google +'intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif'} height="110"/></a>,
Base = <div class="google"><style><![CDATA[
@td {vertical-align:top; font-size:88%}
@button {padding:0; border-width:1px; font-weight:bold}
@button[disabled]{background-color:transparent; color:inherit}
@kbd {text-decoration:underline; margin:0 3px 0 1px}
@button, @kbd {font:bold 92% "Consolas", monospace}
@.count {position:absolute; right:4px}
@.error {font-style:italic}
@.pagination {text-align:center}
@table, @.error {margin-bottom:4px}
@.logo {display:block}
]]></style><div id={ID.slice(1)}
/></div>.toXMLString().replace(/@/g, '.google ');
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