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function StickamLargeChat_old (id) { | |
var start = "<object width='820' height='490' codebase='http:\/\/fpdownload.macromedia.com\/pub\/shockwave\/cabs\/flash\/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'>\n" + | |
"<embed src='http:\/\/player.stickam.com\/flash\/stickam\/stickam_player.swf?app=stickam_chat_open.swf&userID="; | |
var end="' width='820' height='490' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' quality='high' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' flashvars='webID=84634C6CDD408CA62D5DBD086DF5E196&webSeq=&userType=205&skinName=open&app=stickam_chat_open.swf&userIP='>\n" + | |
"<\/embed><\/object>"; | |
return (start+id+end); | |
} | |
function StickamLargeChat(id){ | |
var start = "<object width='320' height='240' codebase='http:\/\/fpdownload.macromedia.com\/pub\/shockwave\/cabs\/flash\/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'>\n" + | |
"<embed src='http:\/\/player.stickam.com\/flash\/stickam\/stickam_player.swf?app=stickam_simple_video_player.swf&userID="; | |
var end="' width='320' height='240' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' quality='high' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' flashvars='webID=84634C6CDD408CA62D5DBD086DF5E196&webSeq=&userType=205&skinName=open&app=stickam_chat_open.swf&userIP='>\n" + | |
"<\/embed><\/object>"; | |
return (start+id+end); | |
} | |
function StickamAddChat (id,sname,doc) { | |
if (!doc) doc = CmdUtils.getDocument(); | |
jQuery("#profilePlayer, div.stickchat", doc).remove(); | |
doc.refchat=StickamRefreshChat; | |
StickamAddChat2(id,sname,doc); | |
jQuery("div.stickchat", doc).css( | |
{"margin": "0 auto", | |
"background-color":"white", | |
// "border": "thin solid black" | |
}); | |
} | |
function StickamAddChat2(id,sname,doc){ | |
if (!doc) doc = CmdUtils.getDocument(); | |
var start="<div class='sticktools stickchat' style='height:240px;float:left;' id='chat"+id+"' >\n" + | |
"<div id='flash"+id+"' class='stickchatfloat' style='float:left;width:320px;'>"; | |
var end="</div>"+"<div class='stickchatfloat' style='position:relative;float:left;height:240px;width:10px;text-align:center;'><a href='javascript:;' onclick='document.getElementById(\"menupanel" + id + "\").style.display=\"none\"'><<\/a><br><br><br><a href='javascript:;' onclick='document.getElementById(\"menupanel" + id + "\").style.display=\"\"'>><\/a><\/div>"+"<div id='menupanel"+id+"' class='stickchatfloat' style='position:relative;float:left;height:240px;width:100px;text-align:center;'>"+ | |
"<div id='panel"+id+"' class='stickpanel' style='position:absolute; bottom:0;'>"+ | |
"<a style='position:relative;top:-50px;' href='http://www.stickam.com/"+sname+"'><b>"+sname+"</b></a><br/>"+ | |
"<a href='javascript:;' onclick='document.body.removeChild(getElementById(\"chat" + id + "\"));' id='closechat" + id + "'>Close chat</a><br/>"+ | |
"Popout: "+ | |
"<a onclick='window.open(\"http://www.stickam.com/largeChat.do?uId=" +id+ "&layoutSwitched=true\", \"STICKAM "+id+ "\", \"width=550,height=630\");' href='javascript:;'>old</a> "+ | |
"<a onclick='window.open(\"http://www.stickam.com/largeChatNew.do?uId=" +id+ "\", \"STICKAM "+id+ "\", \"width=900,height=600\");' href='javascript:;'>new</a><br/>"+ | |
"<a onclick='document.refchat(\""+id+"\");' href='javascript:;'>Refresh chat</a>"+ | |
"<\/div><\/div><\/div>"; | |
jQuery(doc.body).prepend(start+StickamLargeChat(id)+end); | |
jQuery(".stickpanel a",doc.body).hover(function(){jQuery(this).css("background-color","#FFCCCC")},function(){jQuery(this).css("background-color","white")}); | |
} | |
function StickamRefreshChat (id){ | |
var doc = CmdUtils.getDocument(); | |
jQuery("#flash"+id,doc).empty().append(StickamLargeChat(id)); | |
} | |
function StickamImageUrl(id, hash){ | |
var str = "http://static.stickam.com/media/image/converted/live/"; | |
if (hash) { | |
str+=id.substr(0,4)+"/"+id.substr(4,4)+"/"+id.substr(8,1)+"/"; | |
str+=hash;} | |
else str="http://www.stickam.com/images/en/default/profile/na_120x90.jpg"; | |
return(str); | |
} | |
function isUnPrivate(member, doc) { | |
var id = member[2]; | |
var status = member[6]; | |
var oldstatus = jQuery("div#statstable > #status"+id,doc).text(); | |
return ((oldstatus=="private")&&(status!="private")); | |
} | |
function StickamUserBoxColor (member,doc){ | |
var id = member[2]; | |
var count = parseInt(member[5]); | |
var oldcount = jQuery("div#statstable > #count"+id,doc).text(); | |
var existp = jQuery("div#statstable",doc); | |
if (isUnPrivate(member,doc)) return("FF6600"); | |
if (member[6]=="private") return("#D3D3D3"); | |
if (existp.length==0) return("white"); | |
if (count>100) return("#96d3f0"); | |
if (count>200) return("yellow"); | |
if (oldcount) | |
{ | |
if (count>=parseInt(oldcount)+10) return("#FFCCCC"); | |
else return("white"); | |
} | |
else return("#98fb98"); | |
} | |
function StickamUserBox (member,doc){ | |
var str=""; var id=member[2]; | |
str+="<div id='stream"+id+"' class='chBox'"+"style='float:left;height:auto;margin-top:8px;padding:3px 2px 2px;width:124px;background-color:"+StickamUserBoxColor(member,doc)+ "'>"; | |
str+="<div class='chImg' style='height:92px;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;width:auto;'>"; | |
str+="<a href='javascript:;' onClick='document.addchat(\""+id+"\",\""+member[0]+"\");'><img border='0' src='"+ | |
StickamImageUrl(id,member[9]) + "'/></a></div>"; | |
str+="<div class='chDname'>"+"<a target='_top' href='http://www.stickam.com/"+member[0]+"'><b>"+ | |
member[1] +"</b></a> <a href='javascript:;' onclick='document.addwatch(\""+member[0]+"\","+id+");' style='color:green;text-decoration:none;'>+</a></div>"; | |
str+="<div class='chViewers'>"+ member[5]+" viewers</div>"; | |
str+="<div class='chAge'>Age: "+member[4]+"</div>"; | |
//str+="<div class='chStatus'>"+member[6]+"</div>"; | |
str+="</div>"; | |
return(str); | |
} | |
function StickamStatus (status,prev) { | |
var res; | |
switch (status) | |
{ | |
case "everyone":; | |
case "membersOnly":res="live.png";break; | |
case "friendsOnly":res="fo.png";break; | |
case "private":res="private.png";break; | |
default:res="offline.png"; | |
} | |
if (((prev=="private")||(prev=="offline"))&& | |
((status=="everyone")||(status=="membersOnly")||(status=="friendsOnly"))) | |
res="in.png"; | |
return(res); | |
} | |
function StickamAddWatch(sname,id) { | |
//displayMessage(sname); | |
var doc = CmdUtils.getDocument(); | |
var imgprefix = "http://i782.photobucket.com/albums/yy110/stickhacks/"; | |
var dw = "<div class='watchitem' id='w_"+sname+"' style='margin-bottom:5px;text-align:left;'>"; | |
dw+="<img src='" + imgprefix + "idk.png' title='unknown' style='vertical-align:middle'/> "; | |
dw+="<span class='prevstatus' style='display:none;'></span>"; | |
dw+="<a target='_top' href='http://www.stickam.com/"+sname+"'><b>"+ sname + "</b></a>"; | |
dw+="<span class='wvcount'></span>"; | |
dw+="<span style='position:absolute;right:5px;'>"+ | |
"<a onclick='window.open(\"http://www.stickam.com/largeChat.do?uId=" +id+ "&layoutSwitched=true\", \"STICKAM "+id+ "\", \"width=550,height=630\");' href='javascript:;'>old</a> "+ | |
"<a onclick='window.open(\"http://www.stickam.com/largeChatNew.do?uId=" +id+ "\", \"STICKAM "+id+ "\", \"width=900,height=600\");' href='javascript:;'>new</a> "+ | |
"<a href='javascript:;' onclick='getElementById(\"watchlist\").removeChild(getElementById(\"w_" + sname + "\"));' style='color:red;font-weight:bold;'>X</a></span>" | |
dw+="</div>"; | |
//displayMessage(dw); | |
jQuery("#watchlist",doc).append(dw); | |
} | |
function StickamAddWatch2(sname,id){ | |
if (!id) StickamName2Id(sname, function (id){StickamAddWatch(sname,id)}); | |
else StickamAddWatch(sname,id); | |
} | |
function StickamHotSearch () { | |
var sessionMembersURL = "http://www.stickam.com/servlet/ajax/sessionMembers?sessionType=live"; | |
var doc = CmdUtils.getDocumentInsecure(); | |
var imgprefix = "http://i782.photobucket.com/albums/yy110/stickhacks/"; | |
var tbl = ""; | |
var tba = "<div class='sticktools' id='stats' style='float:left;clear:left;' width='100%'>"; | |
var table=""; | |
var member; | |
var prev; | |
var wnode; | |
var emptywl = "<div class='sticktools' id='watchlist' style='width:250px;border-style:solid;position:fixed;bottom:0px;left:0px;background-color:#FFFFEE;padding:3px'>"; | |
emptywl+="<div id='wltitle' style='text-align:center;'><b>Watchlist</b>" + | |
"<span style='position:absolute;right:5px;font-size:small;'>"+ | |
"<a href='javascript:;' onclick='document.$(\"#watchlist\",document).hide();document.$(\"#wlbutton\",document).show();'>[hide]</a>"+ | |
"</span></div>"+ | |
"<form name='wform' action='javascript:document.addwatch(document.wform.wnewname.value);'>"+ | |
"<input name='wnewname' type='text' style='width:80%;'/><input type='submit' value='Add' style='width:20%'/>"+ | |
"</form></div>"; | |
var wlbutton = "<div class 'sticktools' id='wlbutton' style='display:none;width:15px;height:15px;border-style:solid;position:fixed;bottom:0px;left:0px;background-color:#FFFFEE;padding:2px;text-align:center;' onclick='document.$(\"#wlbutton\",document).hide();document.$(\"#watchlist\",document).show();'>"+ | |
"<b style='vertical-align:middle'>w</b>" + "</div>"; | |
doc.$=jQuery; | |
doc.addchat=StickamAddChat2; | |
doc.refchat=StickamRefreshChat; | |
doc.addwatch=StickamAddWatch2; | |
jQuery("body > :not(.sticktools)", doc).remove(); | |
jQuery("div#stats", doc).empty(); | |
jQuery.get(sessionMembersURL, function(data){ | |
data = JSON.parse(data.replace(/^[^[]+/, '')); | |
displayMessage("Data retrieved."); | |
jQuery(".watchitem > img[title='offline'] ~ .prevstatus",doc).text("offline"); | |
jQuery(".watchitem > img:first-child",doc).attr({src:imgprefix + "offline.png",title:"offline"}); | |
jQuery(".watchitem > .wvcount",doc).text(""); | |
for (key in data){ | |
member = data[key]; | |
if ((member[3]=="F")&&(parseInt(member[5])>0)) { | |
tbl+= StickamUserBox(member,doc); | |
table+="<p id='count"+member[2]+"'>" + member[5]+"</p>" + | |
"<p id='status"+member[2]+"'>"+member[6]+"</p>"; | |
} | |
wnode=jQuery("#w_"+member[0],doc); | |
prev=wnode.children(".prevstatus").text(); | |
wnode.children("img:first").attr({src:imgprefix+StickamStatus(member[6],prev),title:member[6]}); | |
wnode.children(".wvcount").text(" ("+member[5]+")"); | |
wnode.children(".prevstatus").text(member[6]); | |
}; | |
if (jQuery("div#stats",doc).length>0) {jQuery("div#stats",doc).append(tbl);} | |
else jQuery(doc.body).prepend(tba+tbl+"</div>"); | |
if (!(jQuery("div#watchlist",doc).length>0)) jQuery(doc.body).prepend(emptywl); | |
if (!(jQuery("div#wlbutton",doc).length>0)) jQuery(doc.body).prepend(wlbutton); | |
if (jQuery("div#statstable", doc).length>0) {jQuery("div#statstable",doc).empty().append(table);} | |
else jQuery(doc.body).append("<div id='statstable' class='sticktools' style='display:none'>"+table+"</div>"); | |
}); | |
} | |
function StickamId2Name (id, callback){ | |
var url = "http://www.stickam.com/viewFriends.do?userId=" + id; | |
jQuery.get (url, function (doc) { | |
var tempElement = CmdUtils.getHiddenWindow().document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "div"); | |
tempElement.innerHTML = doc; | |
var sname = jQuery("div.viewFriendTitle > a", tempElement).attr("href").substring(1); | |
callback(sname); | |
}); | |
} | |
function StickamName2Id (sname, callback){ | |
var url = "http://www.stickam.com/"+sname; | |
jQuery.get (url, function(doc){ | |
var tempElement = CmdUtils.getHiddenWindow().document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "div"); | |
tempElement.innerHTML = doc; | |
var href = jQuery("#addFriend > a",tempElement).attr("href"); | |
if (href) { | |
var idt = href.match(/friendUserId=[0-9]+/)[0]; | |
var id = idt.replace("friendUserId=", ""); | |
callback(id);}; | |
}); | |
} | |
function StickamMain (obj){ | |
var str = obj.text; var doc = CmdUtils.getDocument(); | |
if (/^[0-9]{9}$/.test(str)) StickamId2Name(str, function(sname){ StickamAddChat(str,sname,doc)}); | |
else | |
if (str == "") | |
{ | |
var href = jQuery("#addFriend > a",doc).attr("href"); | |
var sname = jQuery("div.profilePhotoDname",doc).text(); | |
if (href){ | |
//displayMessage("sname="+sname); | |
var idt = href.match(/friendUserId=[0-9]+/)[0]; | |
var id = idt.replace("friendUserId=", ""); | |
displayMessage("id1="+id); | |
StickamAddChat(id,sname,doc);} | |
else StickamHotSearch(); | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
str.replace(/http:\/\/www.stickam.com\/profile\//gi, "").replace(/http:\/\/www.stickam.com\//gi,""); | |
StickamName2Id(str,function(id){StickamAddChat(id,str,doc);}); | |
} | |
} | |
CmdUtils.CreateCommand({ | |
names: ["stickam compact"], | |
icon: "http://stickam.com/images/en/favicon.ico", | |
arguments: [ {role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: 'what'}], | |
description: "View a specific user in large chat. If you're on someones profile, replace their player with large chat player.", | |
preview: "View someone in large chat, or search Stickam users.", | |
execute: function(args) {StickamMain(args.object);} | |
}); |
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