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Created September 5, 2008 10:31
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+function(timeline, pdate){
const Twitter = '';
const Icon = '';
name: "say",
icon: Icon,
takes: {status: noun_arb_text},
description: ''+ <>Sets/displays your
<a href={Twitter}>Twitter</a> status/timeline</>,
execute: function(input){
var stat = toStat(input);
if(!stat) return pdate = showError('no status');
type: 'POST',
url: Twitter +'statuses/update.json',
data: {source: 'ubiquity', status: stat},
dataType: 'json',
error: ajaxError,
success: function(x)
displayMessage({ icon: Icon,
title: x.truncated ? x.text +' ...' : x.text,
text: new Date(x.created_at).toLocaleString() }),
preview: function(block, input){
var stat = toStat(input), size = stat.length, date = new Date;
block.innerHTML = [
Style, '<div class="twitter">',
<span class="status">{stat} <span class={
size > MaxLen ? 'excess size' : 'size'}><sup>{
timeline || Loading, '</div>', Logo].join('');
if(pdate && date - pdate < 6e4) return;
pdate = date;
type: 'GET',
url: Twitter +'statuses/friends_timeline.json',
data: {count: 16},
dataType: 'json',
error: ajaxError,
success: function(x){
block.innerHTML = block.innerHTML.replace(Loading, toHTML(x)) },
author: 'satyr'.link(''),
license: 'MIT',
function showError(msg, type)
displayMessage({icon: Icon, title: (type || '')+ 'Error', text: msg});
function ajaxError(x, e)
showError(x.status +' '+ x.statusText +' / '+ e, 'Ajax');
function toStat(input)
input.text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/</g, '&gt;');
function toHTML(res){
var r = /\bhttps?:\/\/\S+/g;
var a = ['<table>'];
for each(o in res) a.push(
'<tr><th><img src="', o.user.profile_image_url,
'" width="32" height="32"/></th><td valign="top"><div>',
'<span class="name">', o.user.screen_name, ' [',, ']</span> ',
'<span class="date">', new Date(o.created_at).toLocaleString(),
'</span></div>', o.text.replace(r, '<a href="$&">$&</a>'), '</td></tr>');
return timeline = a.join('');
const Style = <style><![CDATA[
table { border:none }
table, .size { font-size: 72% }
.status { font-size: 112% }
.status, .name { font-weight: bold }
.excess { font-style: italic }
const Logo = <div class="logo" style="height:41px;margin-top:8px"><a
href={Twitter}><img style="border:none"
width="175" height="41"/></a></div>;
const Loading = '<p class="loading">...</p>';
const MaxLen = 140;
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