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Last active October 6, 2016 04:09
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  • Save satyr/99201 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save satyr/99201 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Builds a text (from the page title etc.) and sends it to your clipboard.
H = Utils.escapeHtml,
Aliases = {
t: {
help: 'title',
get text(){ return info().title },
u: {
help: 'URL',
get text(){ return info().url },
a: {
help: 'title and URL as link tag',
get text(){
var _ = info()
return '<a href="'+ H(_.url) +'">'+ H(_.title) +'</a>'
f: {
help: 'favicon URL',
get text(){
var doc = CmdUtils.getDocument()
var lnk = doc.querySelector('link[rel~=icon]')
return lnk ? lnk.href : 'http://'+ doc.location.hostname +'/favicon.ico'
F: {
help: 'favicon as '+
j: {
help: 'snapshot of focused window as data:image/jpeg',
get text(){ return snapshot('jpeg') },
p: {
help: 'snapshot of focused window as data:image/png',
get text(){ return snapshot('png') },
M: {
help: 'selection as MD5 hash',
get text(){
return Utils.computeCryptoHash('MD5', CmdUtils.getSelection())
S: {
help: 'selection as SHA1 hash',
get text(){
return Utils.computeCryptoHash('SHA1', CmdUtils.getSelection())
d: {
help: 'current datetime in RFC3399 format',
get text(){ return new Date().toISOString() },
U: {
help: 'URL as JSON',
get text(){
var o = info(), a = context.focusedWindow.document.createElement('a')
a.href = o.url
for(let p of ['protocol', 'host', 'pathname', 'search', 'hash'])
o[p] = a[p]
o.query = ? Utils.urlToParams( : {}
return JSON.stringify(o, null, 2)
n: {
help: 'line feed character',
text: Utils.OS === 'WINNT' ? '\r\n' : '\n',
T: {
help: 'tab character',
text: '\t',
_: {
help: '',
get text(){},
REA = RegExp('['+ Object.keys(Aliases).join('') +']', 'g'),
AliasHelp =
'<ul style="list-style:none; margin:0.4ex 0.2em; padding:0">[ Aliases ]'+
[for(k of Object.keys(Aliases))
'<li><tt><b>'+ k +'</b>:</tt>'+ H(Aliases[k].help) +'</li>'
].join('') + '</ul>',
Listers = {
'a@href': {
help: H('<a href="...">') +' in page',
text: a => a.href,
html: a => ax(a.href, a.textContent),
*[Symbol.iterator](){ yield* uni(qsa('a[href], area[href]'), 'href') },
'link@href': {
help: H('<link href="...">') +' in page',
text: l => l.href,
html: function(l){
let t = l.rel || l.type
return '['+ (/\b(?:rss|atom|xml|icon)\b/i.exec(t) || t) +'] '+
ax(l.href, l.title)
*[Symbol.iterator](){ yield* uni(qsa('link[href]'), 'href') },
'img@src': {
help: H('<img src="...">') +' in page',
text: i => i.src,
html: i => '<img src="'+ H(i.src) +'" style="max-width:90%"/>',
*[Symbol.iterator](){ yield* uni(qsa(ImgQ), 'src') },
'embed@src': {
help: H('<embed src="...">') +' in page',
text: e => e.src,
html: e =>
'<embed src="'+ H(t) +'" height="200" wmode="opaque"/>',
*[Symbol.iterator](){ yield* uni(qsa('embed[src]'), 'src') },
css: 'embed {vertical-align:top} li {height:200px}',
tabs: {
help: 'tab title/URL',
text: d => d.title +'\n'+ d.location.href,
html: d => ax(d.location.href, d.title),
*[Symbol.iterator](){ for(let t of Utils.tabs) yield t.document },
_: {
help: '',
text: function() ,
html: function() ,
ListerSuggs = Object.keys(Listers).map((k, i) => ({
text: k, data: Listers[k], summary: k, index: i
Images = {
selected: imgnow,
favicon: favicon,
snapshot: () => snapshot('png'),
ImgQ = 'img, input[type=image]',
DUCache = {'': 'data:,...'};
name: 'copy',
argument: {
name: 'copy format',
label: 'format',
rankLast: true,
default: function nt_copy_default(){
return this._sugg(Bin.lastInput() || '')
suggest: function nt_copy_suggest(txt, htm, cb, sx){
return txt && !sx ? [this._sugg(Bin.lastInput(txt))] : []
_sugg: function(t){
return {text: t, summary: t.replace(REA, this._mark)}
_mark: $ => '<u>'+ H($) +'</u>',
'Collects various informations into a text and sends it to clipboard, ' +
'using single character aliases.',
'Try: <ul><li>'+
'"copy tnu" to copy the page title and url separated by a newline'+
'"copy cs" to append the selection to clipboard'+
execute: function copy_execute({object: {text}}){
copy1(parse(text), this);
preview: function copy_preview(pb, {object: {text}}){
pb.innerHTML =
'<pre>'+ (H(parse(text)) || '<em>empty</em>') +'</pre>' + AliasHelp
previewDelay: 200,
}, {
name: 'copy all',
arguments: {
object: {
name: 'copy list',
label: '...',
default: function nt_ca_default(){
return ListerSuggs[Bin.lastSelection()]
suggest: function nt_ca_suggest(txt, htm, cb, sx){
if(!txt || (sx || 0)[1]) return [];
var ss = CmdUtils.grepSuggs(txt, ListerSuggs);
if(ss.length) Bin.lastSelection(ss[0].index);
return ss;
modifier_filter: noun_arb_text,
'Copies a newline separated list of all ... to clipboard.',
help: '<dl>'+
[for (k of Object.keys(Listers))
'<dt><b><code>'+ k +'</code></b></dt><dd>'+ H(Listers[k].help) +'</dd>'
].join('') +'</dl>',
execute: function copyall_execute(
{object: {text: what, data: lister}, modifier: {text: filter}}){
if(!lister) return;
var list = pick(lister, filter);
if(!list.length) return;
var r ='\n');
what +' x '+ list.length + ' ('+ r.length.toLocaleString() +' chars)',
preview: function copyall_preview(
pb, {object: {data: lister}, modifier: {text: filter}}){
if(!lister) return void this.previewDefault(pb)
var list = pick(lister, filter)
if(!list.length) return void(pb.innerHTML = '<code><b>[]</b></code>')
var me = this
function copyall_one(i){ copy1(lister.text(list[i]), me) },
this._css + (lister.css || ""))
previewDelay: 250,
_css: '.uri {display:block; font-size:88%}',
}, {
name: 'copy image',
description: 'Copies an image as bitmap.',
help: 'Targets:'+
[for(k of Object.keys(Images)) ' <code><b>'+ k +'</b></code>'],
argument: CmdUtils.NounType('target', Images),
execute: function copyimg_execute(args){
var [src, img] = this._get(args);
if(!src) return;
Utils.clipboard.image = img;
displayMessage({text: src}, this);
preview: function copyimg_preview(pb, args){
var [src] = this._get(args);
if(!src) return void this.previewDefault(pb);
var hs = H(src)
pb.innerHTML =
'<img src="'+ hs +'"><br><code><a href="'+ hs +'">'+ hs
_get: function copyimg_get({object: {data}}){
var img = data ? data() : imgnow() || favicon();
return [img && (img.src || img), img];
}].forEach(function CopyCommand(o){
o.icon = 'chrome://ubiquity/skin/icons/convert.png';
function copy1(txt, me){
txt && displayMessage({
text: Utils.clipboard.text = txt,
onclick: /^[a-z]+:./.test(txt) && (() => Utils.openUrlInBrowser(txt)),
}, me);
function snapshot(type){
var win = context.focusedWindow;
return CmdUtils.getWindowSnapshot(win, {type: type, width: win.innerWidth});
function imgnow(){
var {document} = CmdUtils;
return (
? document.body.firstChild
: (CmdUtils.getSelectedNodes(ImgQ)[0] ||
function src2du(src, ph){
return DUCache[src] ||
(CmdUtils.getImageSnapshot(src, function(du){ DUCache[src] = du }),
DUCache[src] = ph || DUCache[''])
function img2du(img){
var u = DUCache[img.src]
if(u) return u
var canvas = $('<canvas>', {width: img.width, height: img.height})[0]
canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0)
return DUCache[img.src] = canvas.toDataURL()
function info(){
var doc = CmdUtils.document, {URL: u, title: t} = doc
, a = u.startsWith('') &&
doc.querySelector('.article_current .article_title_link')
u = a.href
t = a.textContent.trim()
return {url: u, title: t}
function parse(txt){ return txt.replace(REA, replr) }
function replr(m){ return Aliases[m].text }
function wins(){
let w = CmdUtils.window
return [w].concat(Array.slice(w))
function qsa(q){
return Array.concat.apply(
0, [for(w of wins()) Array.slice(w.document.querySelectorAll(q))])
function uni(a, key){
var d = {__proto__: null};
for(let x of a) d[x[key]] = x;
return Object.values(d)
function pick(lister, filter){
let re = Utils.regexp(filter, 'i')
return [for(x of lister) if(re.test(lister.text(x))) x]
return [...lister]
function ax(href, text){
var a = H(text || href).link(H(href))
return text ? a + '<code class="uri">'+ H(href) +'</code>' : a
function favicon(){
return Utils.currentChromeWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab.image
$.extend(feed, {author: 'satyr', license: 'X'})
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