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Created December 6, 2023 23:04
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A 'range' in this context is a 2-tuple
(a, b) that represents the set of integers
in the (mathematical) range (a, b].
a must always be less than b.
def range_contains(ra, sub):
'Checks if range `sub` is wholly contained by `ra`'
return sub[0] >= ra[0] and sub[1] <= ra[1]
def range_overlaps(ra, rb):
if ra[0] > rb[0]: ra,rb = rb,ra
return (ra[0] <= rb[0] < ra[1]) or (ra[0] < rb[1] <= ra[1])
def range_intersection(ra, rb):
assert range_overlaps(ra,rb)
if range_contains(ra, rb):
return rb
if range_contains(rb, ra):
return ra
left = ra if ra[0] < rb[0] else rb
right = rb if left == ra else ra
return right[0],left[1]
def range_extract(ra, rb):
'Removes rb from ra, returning a left and/or right range, or empty tuple'
assert range_contains(ra,rb)
res = []
if ra[0] != rb[0]:
res.append((ra[0], rb[0]))
if rb[1] != ra[1]:
return tuple(res)
def test():
assert range_contains( (0,100), (10, 20) ) == True
assert range_contains( (0,100), (90, 100) ) == True
assert range_contains( (0,100), (95, 101) ) == False
assert range_contains( (0,100), (-10, 100) ) == False
assert range_contains( (0,100), (0,100) ) == True
assert range_contains( (0,float('Inf')), (5,15) ) == True
assert range_overlaps( (20,30), (0,10) ) == False
assert range_overlaps( (20,30), (10,20) ) == False
assert range_overlaps( (20,30), (10,21) ) == True
assert range_overlaps( (20,30), (20,30) ) == True
assert range_overlaps( (20,30), (29,40) ) == True
assert range_overlaps( (20,30), (30,40) ) == False
assert range_overlaps( (20,30), (35,45) ) == False
assert range_overlaps( (35,45), (30,50) ) == True
assert range_overlaps( (35,45), (45,50) ) == False
assert range_intersection( (30,50), (40,60) ) == (40,50)
assert range_intersection( (35,45), (30,50) ) == (35,45)
assert range_intersection( (30,50), (35,45) ) == (35,45)
assert range_intersection( (5,10), (5,10) ) == (5,10)
assert range_extract( (40,60), (45,50) ) == ( (40,45), (50,60) )
def transform(input_ranges, transitions):
# isolate inputs that do not overlap any transition
out = [ra for ra in input_ranges if not any( range_overlaps(ra, rb) for rb, _ in transitions )]
input_ranges = [ra for ra in input_ranges if ra not in out]
sub = []
last_hash = []
# strategy: subdivide input_ranges until:
# all(ra contains rb or rb contains ra)
while 1:
for ra in input_ranges:
if ra in sub: continue
# inputs that do not overlap any transition
if not any( range_overlaps(ra, rb) for rb, _ in transitions ):
for rb, shift in transitions:
# if the input is wholly contained by ONE transition range
if range_contains(rb, ra) and ra not in sub:
sub.append( ra )
# if the input overlaps the transition range
if range_overlaps(ra, rb):
# extract the range that overlaps
overlap = range_intersection(ra, rb)
# determine the parts of ra that do not overlap rb
# i.e. union(ra rb) - intersection(ra rb)
leftovers = range_extract(ra, overlap)
input_ranges = list(set(sub))
new_hash = hash(tuple(input_ranges))
if new_hash in last_hash: break
# we've done this subdiving step to break the input
# into ranges that either fit perfectly in ONE transition
# range, or NO transition range.
# i.e. (ra contains rb or rb contains ra) == True
# subdiving complete
# start shifting ranges according to the transition's shift
for ra in input_ranges:
# ranges that don't overlap move on without any shifting
if not any(range_overlaps(ra,rb) for rb,_ in transitions):
out.append( ra )
# ranges that do overlap can have the shift applied
for rb, shift in transitions:
if range_contains(ra,rb) or range_contains(rb, ra):
out.append( (ra[0]+shift, ra[1]+shift) )
# sorted for debugging convenience. unnecessary.
return sorted(out, key=lambda x:x[0])
import re
with open('input.txt','r') as f:
data ='\n\n')
seeds = list(map(int, re.findall(r'\d+', data[0]))) # convert to int
seeds = list(zip(seeds[::2],seeds[1::2])) # pair them up
seeds = [(a,a+b) for a,b in seeds] # convert from (start, count) to (start, end)
# load each map as [ ((start, end), shift), ... ]
transition_ranges = []
for rangedata in data[1:]:
rs = []
for line in rangedata.split('\n')[1:]:
dest, src, amount = [int(i) for i in re.findall(r'\d+', line)]
rs.append( ((src, src+amount), dest-src) )
# feedback input to transform function for all maps
for tra in transition_ranges:
seeds = transform(seeds, tra)
print(min(a for a,b in seeds))
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