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Last active August 3, 2020 15:07
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# Saul Feliz
Austin, TX | 646-634-7594 | | Github: [saulhappy]( | LinkedIn: [saul-feliz]( | Portfolio: [](
## Software Engineer
Experienced in JavaScript and Ruby programming with extensive experience in data analytics. Focused on transitioning a successful data science and analytics career to software engineering. Experienced in team-leading, agile project management, high impact cross-functional teamwork and mentoring.
## Technical Skills
**Languages and Frameworks:** JavaScript, Ruby, React.js, HTML, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, SQL, Express, NoSQL (MongoDB), CSS, Bootstrap, JWT Auth, Jest (testing) || **Architectural Design & Other:** MVC, RESTful API development, Object-Oriented Programming(OOP), CRUD, Version Control (Git /Github), JIRA
## Technical Projects
**Iris** - [Github]( | [Demo]( | [Live Application](
Web application inspired by COVID-19 Pandemic that allows people to seek help from their neighbors in a time of crises.
● Node.js, MongoDB backend for server and data persistence with React.js frontend functional components.
● Implemented bcrypt and JWT for secure authentication.
● Built routes and frontend components so users can create, edit, and delete their profiles, create and delete posts,
likes, and comments.
**PackageDefend** - [Github]( | [Demo](
Web application focused on fighting porch pirates by allowing users to seek other users on a map to accept delivery for their packages for a fee.
● Users can select favorites, view and edit orders, and edit their own accounts.
● Rails backend with secure session authentication using bcrypt.
● React.js frontend with class, styled, and functional components.
● Mapbox is used to generate the maps where each packageDefender is located.
**CarHub**- [GitHub]( | [Demo](
A website for users to manage and save maintenance records for their vehicles.
● Rails backend with multi-page HTML views for frontend.
● Full CRUD with 5 models implemented
● Users can create account, add/edit descriptions and metadata to each vehicle, add/delete photos of their vehicles
## Experience
### Data Analyst: 2008 - 2019
Worked at various tech organizations in data science roles including **Dropbox** (2018-2019), **WP Engine** (2015-2018), **Barnes & Noble** (2013-2015), **IBM**s (2010-2011) & smaller enterprises and startups. Selected highlights:
● Lead team in the delivery of first-ever Dropbox Customer Experience data science projects, leading to new insights in NPS feature importance.
● Created $210K in yearly operational savings and new product development at WP Engine by writing an algorithm to assist in the calculation of profitability by customer for margin calculation and resource planning.
● Contributed to a 203% increase in email revenue at Barnes & Noble by developing a behavioral-based customer segmentation through querying 20 billion+ row Aster databases in PostgreSQL.
● Developed a Binomial Logistic Regression model at IBM to identify statistically significant performance indicators of US Open Tennis match winners to be used in the 2010 US Open Tournament.
## Education
### Flatiron School Austin, TX (01/2020)
Full Stack Web Development, Ruby on Rails and JavaScript software engineering immersive
### Syracuse University Syracuse, NY (05/2006
Master of Business Administration
- Academic Excellence Award
### Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra Santo Domingo, DR (05/2002)
Bachelor of Science, Business
- Magna Cum Laude
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