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Last active February 15, 2023 09:15
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Powershell aliases for git and sfdx commands
# git
Set-Alias -Name g -Value git -Option ReadOnly
Function Git-Status { git status $args }
Set-Alias -Name gs -Value Git-Status -Option ReadOnly
Function Git-Commit {
git add .
git commit -m $args
Set-Alias -Name gc -Value Git-Commit -Option ReadOnly -Force -PassThru
Function Git-Amend {
git add .
git commit --amend --no-edit $args
Set-Alias -Name ga -Value Git-Amend -Option ReadOnly -Force -PassThru
Function Git-Log { git log --oneline $args }
Set-Alias -Name gl -Value Git-Log -Option ReadOnly -Force -PassThru
Function Git-Push { git push $args }
Set-Alias -Name gpush -Value Git-Push -Option ReadOnly
Function Git-Pull { git pull $args }
Set-Alias -Name gpull -Value Git-Pull -Option ReadOnly
Function Git-Reset { git reset $args }
Set-Alias -Name gr -Value Git-Reset -Option ReadOnly
# sfdx
Set-Alias -Name x -Value sfdx
Function Sfdx-Org-List { sfdx force:org:list $args }
Set-Alias -Name xol -Value Sfdx-Org-List -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Org-Create { sfdx force:org:create $args }
Set-Alias -Name xoc -Value Sfdx-Org-Create -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Org-Delete { sfdx force:org:delete $args }
Set-Alias -Name xod -Value Sfdx-Org-Delete -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Org-Open { sfdx force:org:open $args }
Set-Alias -Name xoo -Value Sfdx-Org-Open -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Source-Push { sfdx force:source:push $args }
Set-Alias -Name xpush -Value Sfdx-Source-Push -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Source-Pull { sfdx force:source:pull $args }
Set-Alias -Name xpull -Value Sfdx-Source-Pull -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Source-Retrieve { sfdx force:source:retrieve $args }
Set-Alias -Name xsr -Value Sfdx-Source-Retrieve -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Source-Deploy { sfdx force:source:deploy $args }
Set-Alias -Name xsd -Value Sfdx-Source-Deploy -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Config-Set { sfdx config:set $args }
Set-Alias -Name xcs -Value Sfdx-Config-Set -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Config-Set-Default-Username { sfdx config:set defaultusername=$args }
Set-Alias -Name xcsu -Value Sfdx-Config-Set-Default-Username -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Config-Set-Default-Devhub-Username { sfdx config:set defaultdevhubusername=$args }
Set-Alias -Name xcsv -Value Sfdx-Config-Set-Default-Devhub-Username -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Config-Get { sfdx config:get $args }
Set-Alias -Name xcg -Value Sfdx-Config-Get -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Config-List { sfdx config:list $args }
Set-Alias -Name xcl -Value Sfdx-Config-List -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Config-Unset { sfdx config:unset $args }
Set-Alias -Name xcu -Value Sfdx-Config-Unset -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Alias-Set { sfdx alias:set $args }
Set-Alias -Name xas -Value Sfdx-Alias-Set -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Alias-List { sfdx alias:list $args }
Set-Alias -Name xal -Value Sfdx-Alias-List -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Alias-Unset { sfdx alias:unset $args }
Set-Alias -Name xau -Value Sfdx-Alias-Unset -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Auth-Web-Login { sfdx auth:web:login $args }
Set-Alias -Name xlogin -Value Sfdx-Auth-Web-Login -Option ReadOnly
Function Sfdx-Auth-Logout { sfdx auth:logout $args }
Set-Alias -Name xlogout -Value Sfdx-Auth-Logout -Option ReadOnly
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