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Created January 16, 2013 10:33
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A basic dart file to show most of the basics of the dartlang.
void main() {
//print("Hello, World!");
num a=24;
var b=45;//declaring without a type declaration, but you can see assigning a string to this will throw compile time error
Joe j=new Joe();
//print(j.age);//can not access private var
print('j is of ${j.userAge}');//getter
print('j is of ${j.userAge}');//getter
print('j is from city ${j.fromCity}');
Person p1=new Person.inCity('Pune');
print('p1 is from ${p1.fromCity}');
Person p2=new Person();
print('p2 is from ${p2.fromCity}');
void printNumber(num aNumber){
print('The number is $aNumber');
class Person {
int _age=20;//private variable
String fromCity='Unknown';//public variable
//default constructor
print('Person : Default constructor');
//named constructor
Person.inCity(String nameOfCity){
int get userAge{
print('Person : getter : ');
return this._age;
void set userAge(int n){
print('Person : setter : ');
//extending the class
class Joe extends Person{
print('Joe : Default constructor');
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