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Last active December 21, 2018 08:22
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  • Save sauntimo/557acde6784683fb5b5f58ad5d989c1f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Setup required variables
nonce="making something up here"
timestamp=$(date -u +%s)
# concat variables for ease of use
# get the sha256 hash of the concatted vbls
# only return frist 64 characters as the rest of the output is unnecessary
hmac=$( echo -n "$hmac_key" | sha256sum | head -c 64 )
# make the request, adding the necessary headers
# k flag means insecure mode ie ignore invalid/self-signed ssl certificate
# i flag means include headers in output, don't add if you want to pretty print JSON
curl -k https://{$host}${path} \
-H "hash: $hmac" \
-H "key: $api_key" \
-H "nonce: $nonce" \
-H "time: $timestamp" \
-H "x-timestamp: $timestamp" | \
# pipe the output to python's JSON pretty printer
python -m json.tool
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