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Created January 16, 2024 16:50
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# Author: Timotheus Pokorra <>
# source hosted at
# licensed under the MIT license
# Copyright 2020-2021 Timotheus Pokorra
import os
from urllib import parse
import requests
import json
import re
from pathlib import Path
import argparse
description = """
Export MediaWiki pages to HTML
Call like this:
./ --url=
Optionally pass the page id of the page you want to download, eg. for debugging:
./ --url= --page=180
Optionally pass the page id of the category, all pages with that category will be exported:
./ --url= --category=22
Optionally pass the namespace id, only pages in that namespace will be exported:
./ --url= --namespace=0
Optionally pass the username and password:
./ --url= --username="myusername@botname" --password=botsecret
Optionally pass the directory to dump the export to:
./ --url= --outputDir=export
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('-l','--url', help='The url of the wiki',required=True)
parser.add_argument('-u','--username', help='Your username and bot name, eg. "myuser@botname"',required=False)
parser.add_argument('-p','--password', help='Your bot password',required=False)
parser.add_argument('-c','--category', help='The category to export',required=False)
parser.add_argument('-g','--page', help='The page to export',required=False)
parser.add_argument('-s', '--namespace', help='The namespace to export', required=False)
parser.add_argument('-n', '--numberOfPages', help='The number of pages to export, or max', required=False, default=500)
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outputDir', help='The destination directory for the export', type=Path, required=False, default="export")
parser.add_argument('--shortUrl', help='Custom short url path for the wiki', required=False, default='wiki/')
parser.add_argument('--listPages', help='List available pages', required=False, default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--dontOverwrite', help='Skip already downloaded files', required=False, default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--ssl', help='Enable SSL redirection', required=False, default=True, action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction)
except AttributeError:
# BooleanOptionalAction was introduced in Python 3.9
parser.add_argument('--ssl', help='Enable SSL redirection', required=False, default=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.numberOfPages != "max":
numberOfPages = str(args.numberOfPages)
except ValueError:
print("Provided number of pages is invalid")
numberOfPages = "max"
url = args.url
if not url.endswith('/'):
url = url + '/'
# get the subpath of the url, eg. => wiki/, or empty for no subpath
subpath = url[url.index("://") + 3:]
subpath = subpath[subpath.index("/")+1:]
pageOnly = -1
categoryOnly = -1
namespace = args.namespace
if args.category is not None:
categoryOnly = int(args.category)
if namespace is None:
namespace = "*" # all namespaces
if namespace is None:
namespace = 0
# the allpages API only supports integer IDs
namespace = str(int(namespace))
if is not None:
pageOnly = int(
(args.outputDir / "img").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if not args.shortUrl.endswith('/'):
args.shortUrl = args.shortUrl + '/'
shortUrl = args.shortUrl
S = requests.Session()
if args.username is not None and args.password is not None:
LgUser = args.username
LgPassword = args.password
# Retrieve login token first
PARAMS_0 = {
R = S.get(url=url + "/api.php", params=PARAMS_0)
DATA = R.json()
LOGIN_TOKEN = DATA['query']['tokens']['logintoken']
# Main-account login via "action=login" is deprecated and may stop working without warning. To continue login with "action=login", see [[Special:BotPasswords]]
PARAMS_1 = {
R = + "/api.php", data=PARAMS_1)
DATA = R.json()
print("cannot parse json from action:login")
if "error" in DATA:
if categoryOnly != -1:
params_all_pages = {
'action': 'query',
'list': 'categorymembers',
'format': 'json',
'cmpageid': categoryOnly,
'cmnamespace': namespace,
'cmlimit': numberOfPages
params_all_pages = {
'action': 'query',
'list': 'allpages',
'format': 'json',
'apnamespace': namespace,
'aplimit': numberOfPages
response = S.get(url + "api.php", params=params_all_pages)
data = response.json()
if "error" in data:
if data['error']['code'] == "readapidenied":
print("get login token here: " + url + "/api.php?action=query&meta=tokens&type=login")
print("and then call this script with parameters: myuser topsecret mytoken")
if categoryOnly != -1:
pages = data['query']['categorymembers']
pages = data['query']['allpages']
# user may want to download a single page, but needs to know the page number
if args.listPages:
for page in pages:
print(f'{page["pageid"]}: {page["title"]}')
while 'continue' in data and (numberOfPages == 'max' or len(pages) < int(numberOfPages)):
if categoryOnly != -1:
params_all_pages['cmcontinue'] = data['continue']['cmcontinue']
params_all_pages['apcontinue'] = data['continue']['apcontinue']
response = S.get(url + "api.php", params=params_all_pages)
data = response.json()
if "error" in data:
if data['error']['code'] == "readapidenied":
print(f'get login token here: {url}/api.php?action=query&meta=tokens&type=login')
print("and then call this script with parameters: myuser topsecret mytoken")
if categoryOnly != -1:
def quote_title(title):
return parse.quote(page['title'].replace(' ', '_'))
downloadedimages = []
def DownloadImage(filename, urlimg, ignorethumb=True):
fileOut = f'{args.outputDir}/img/{filename}'
if not filename in downloadedimages:
if ignorethumb and '/thumb/' in urlimg:
urlimg = urlimg.replace('/thumb/', '/')
urlimg = urlimg[:urlimg.rindex('/')]
if not urlimg.startswith("http"):
urlimg = url + urlimg[1:]
print(f"Downloading {urlimg}")
response = S.get(urlimg)
if response.status_code == 404:
#raise Exception("404: cannot download " + urlimg)
content = response.content
f = open(fileOut, "wb")
def DownloadFile(filename, urlfilepage):
fileOut = f'{args.outputDir}/img/{filename}'
if args.dontOverwrite and os.path.exists(fileOut):
print(f'Ignoring {filename} (already downloaded)')
if not filename in downloadedimages:
# get the file page
response = S.get(urlfilepage)
content = response.text
filepos = content.find('href="/' + subpath + 'images/')
if filepos == -1:
fileendquote = content.find('"', filepos + len('href="'))
urlfile = content[filepos+len('href="') + len(subpath):fileendquote]
DownloadImage(filename, urlfile)
def PageTitleToFilename(title):
temp = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9\u0400-\u0500\u4E00-\u9FFF]+', '_', title)
#return temp.replace("(","_").replace(")","_").replace("__", "_")
return title
for page in pages:
if (pageOnly > -1) and (page['pageid'] != pageOnly):
quoted_pagename = quote_title(page['title'])
url_page = url + "index.php?title=" + quoted_pagename + "&action=render"
response = S.get(url_page)
content = response.text
url_title = url + "index.php?title="
if (url_title not in content) and args.ssl:
url_title = url_title.replace("http://", "https://")
# in case we have links like a href="//"
if url_title not in content:
protocol = url_title[:url_title.index(":")]
url_title_without_protocol = url_title[url_title.index('/'):]
content = content.replace(f'a href="{url_title_without_protocol}', f'a href="{protocol}:{url_title_without_protocol}')
# in case we have links like a href="//"
if url_title not in content:
url_title_without_indexphp = url_title.replace("index.php?title=", shortUrl)
content = content.replace(f'a href="{url_title_without_indexphp}', f'a href="{url_title}')
pos = 0
while url_title in content:
pos = content.find(url_title)
posendquote = content.find('"', pos)
file_url = content[pos:posendquote]
linkedpage = file_url
linkedpage = linkedpage[linkedpage.find('=') + 1:]
linkedpage = linkedpage.replace('%27', '_')
if linkedpage.startswith('File:') or linkedpage.startswith('Datei:') or linkedpage.startswith('Image:'):
if linkedpage.startswith('File:'):
linkType = "File"
elif linkedpage.startswith('Datei:'):
linkType = "Datei"
elif linkedpage.startswith('Image:'):
linkType = "Image"
origlinkedpage = linkedpage[linkedpage.find(':')+1:]
linkedpage = parse.unquote(origlinkedpage)
if linkType == "File" or linkType == "Datei":
DownloadFile(linkedpage, file_url)
# images are only downloaded for "img src="
# we just replace the link here
content = content.replace(url_title+linkType+":"+origlinkedpage, "img/"+origlinkedpage)
elif "&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" in linkedpage:
content = content[:pos] + "page_not_existing.html\" style='color:red'" + content[posendquote+1:]
elif "#" in linkedpage:
linkWithoutAnchor = linkedpage[0:linkedpage.find('#')]
linkWithoutAnchor = PageTitleToFilename(linkWithoutAnchor)
content = content[:pos] + linkWithoutAnchor + ".html#" + linkedpage[linkedpage.find('#')+1:] + content[posendquote:]
linkedpage = PageTitleToFilename(parse.unquote(linkedpage))
content = content[:pos] + linkedpage + ".html" + content[posendquote:]
# replace all <a href="<url>/<subpath>/images"
imgpos = 0
while imgpos > -1:
imgpos = content.find('href="' + url + 'images/', imgpos)
if imgpos > -1:
imgendquote = content.find('"', imgpos + len('href="'))
imgpath = content[imgpos+len('href="'):imgendquote]
filename = imgpath[imgpath.rindex("/")+1:]
DownloadImage(filename, imgpath, ignorethumb=False)
content = content.replace(content[imgpos + len('href="'):imgendquote], "img/"+filename)
# replace all <img src="/<subpath>/images"
imgpos = 0
while imgpos > -1:
imgpos = content.find('src="/' + subpath + 'images/', imgpos)
if imgpos > -1:
imgendquote = content.find('"', imgpos + len('src="'))
imgpath = content[imgpos+len('src="') + len(subpath):imgendquote]
filename = imgpath[imgpath.rindex("/")+1:]
DownloadImage(filename, imgpath, ignorethumb=False)
content = content.replace("/"+subpath+imgpath[1:], "img/"+filename)
# replace all srcset="/<subpath>/images..., /<subpath>/images...""
imgpos = 0
while imgpos > -1:
imgpos = content.find('srcset="/' + subpath + 'images/', imgpos)
if imgpos > -1:
imgendquote = content.find('"', imgpos + len('srcset="'))
srcsetval = content[imgpos+len('srcset="'):imgendquote]
for srcsetitem in srcsetval.split(','):
imgpath = srcsetitem.strip().split()[0][len(subpath):]
filename = imgpath[imgpath.rindex("/")+1:]
DownloadImage(filename, imgpath, ignorethumb=False)
content = content.replace("/"+subpath+imgpath[1:], "img/"+filename)
#content = content.replace('<div class="mw-parser-output">'.encode("utf8"), ''.encode("utf8"))
content = re.sub("(<!--).*?(-->)", '', content, flags=re.DOTALL)
f = open(args.outputDir / (PageTitleToFilename(page['title']) + ".html"), "wb")
f.write(("<html>\n<head><meta encoding='UTF-8'/><title>" + page['title'] + "</title></head>\n<body>\n").encode("utf8"))
f.write(("<h1>" + page['title'] + "</h1>").encode("utf8"))
f = open(args.outputDir / "page_not_existing.html", "wb")
f.write(("<html>\n<head><title>This page does not exist yet</title></head>\n<body>\n").encode("utf8"))
f.write(("<h1>This page does not exist yet</h1>").encode("utf8"))
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