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Last active June 6, 2022 21:16
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Comparitive code samples between Dhall and Haskell. Complete blog post at
-- Union/sum type to decide the logging configuration
let LoggingCfg = < LogFile : Text | Syslog >
-- Configuration that is common across applications. One can also define
-- AppOneCfg and AppTwoCfg for config params that are specific to each app.
let CommonCfg =
{ logging : LoggingCfg
-- ^ the logging configuration that should be same across both applications
, topic : Text
-- ^ the pub/sub topic that should be same across both applications
-- Config values for development environment
let devCfg : CommonCfg =
{ logging = LoggingCfg.LogFile "log/dev.log"
, topic = "devTopic"
-- Config values for production environment. This is not really being used in this code
-- sinppet, and is just an example to show how duplication across environments can be managed.
let prodCfg : CommonCfg =
{ logging = LoggingCfg.Syslog
, topic = "prodTopic"
-- Function to generate Application One's configuration, which is a properties file.
-- The return type of this function is a Text (string literal) which can be dumped to a file directly.
let appOneCfg = \(cfg : CommonCfg) ->
let loggingCfgHandler =
{ LogFile = \(f : Text) ->
logdriver = file
logfile = ${f}
-- ^ handler to convert the `LogFile` part of the sum-type
, Syslog = "logdriver = syslog"
-- ^ hadler to convert the `Syslog` part of the sum-type
in ''
topic = ${cfg.topic}
${merge loggingCfgHandler cfg.logging}
-- Function to generate Application Two's configuration, which is a JSON file.
-- The return type of this function is a native Dhall record, which can be easily converted
-- to a JSON via the dhall-to-json utility.
let appTwoCfg = \(common : CommonCfg) ->
let loggingCfgHandler =
{ LogFile = \(f : Text) ->
{ driver = "file"
, file = Some f
, Syslog =
{ driver = "syslog"
, file = None Text
-- ^ forced to use explicit nulls, else Dhall won't type-check this expression
in { topic = common.topic
, logging = merge loggingCfgHandler common.logging
in { appOneProps = appOneCfg devCfg
-- ^ can be written to filesystem via the `dhall-to-text` utility
, appTwoJson = appTwoCfg devCfg
-- ^ can be written to filesystem via the `dhall-to-json` utility
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