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Saurav Rana sauravrana646

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# Source:
# Full App Lifecycle In Kubernetes With Argo CD, DevSpace, vCluster, k3d, and GitHub Actions #
# #
# Referenced videos:
# - How To Create Virtual Kubernetes Clusters With vcluster By loft:
# - DevSpace - Development Environments in Kubernetes:
jpswade /
Last active January 19, 2025 07:56
Devops Best Practices Checklist

Find the original here article here: Devops Best Practices

DevOps started out as "Agile Systems Administration". In 2008, at the Agile Conference in Toronto, Andrew Shafer posted an offer to moderate an ad hoc "Birds of a Feather" meeting to discuss the topic of "Agile Infrastructure". Only one person showed up to discuss the topic: Patrick Debois. Their discussions and sharing of ideas with others advanced the concept of "agile systems administration". Debois and Shafer formed an Agile Systems Administrator group on Google, with limited success. Patrick Debois did a presentation called "Infrastructure and Operations" addressing