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Last active May 8, 2016 05:14
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Save sauravtom/8666097 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Scraper behind youtube channel 9vine
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
import urllib
import time
import datetime
import sys
import os
from local_settings import username, password
chanells = ['TheFunnyVines','vinehumor','ScienceVines','TheFunnyVine','The_Best_Vines','BestOfVines']
def filter(s):
return "".join(i for i in s if ord(i)<128)
def gen_url():
url = "" % chanells[2]
soup = BeautifulSoup( urllib2.urlopen(url).read() )
for i in soup.find_all('p',{'class':'js-tweet-text'}):
url = i.find('span',{'class' : 'js-display-url'}).get_text()
if '' in url:
except Exception as e:
print e
return arr[:11]
def gen_info(url):
d = {}
url = 'https://'+url
#print url
try: soup = BeautifulSoup( urllib2.urlopen(url).read() )
except: return None
d['url'] = url
try : d['video'] = soup.find("source").get("src")
except Exception as e:
print e
d['video'] = 'XXXXX'
try : d['user'] = soup.find('p',{'class':'username'}).get_text()
except Exception as e:
print e
d['user'] = 'XXXXX'
try : d['tweet'] = soup.find('p',{'class':'description'}).get_text()
except Exception as e:
print e
d['tweet'] = 'XXXXX'
return d
def post_to_youtube(title,description,tags):
description = description.replace('\"','\'')
cmd = '''
youtube-upload video.avi --email=%s --password=%s --title="%s" --description="%s" --category=Comedy --keywords="%s"
print os.system(cmd)
#to clean the directory
os.system('rm -rf dump')
def main():
main_arr = [gen_info(url) for url in gen_url()]
for vine in main_arr[:10]:
index = main_arr.index(vine)
print vine['video']
urllib.urlretrieve(vine['video'], "dump/%s.mp4"%index)
description += "%d: %s -by user %s %s\n\n"%(index,filter(vine['tweet']),filter(vine['user']),filter(vine['url']) )
with open('dump/info.txt', 'a') as myFile:
myFile.write('%s \n\n funny,hysterical,hot,video,toddler,vine,Laughing,Cute,Best'%(description) )
print main_arr
print os.system("melt dump/*.mp4 -consumer avformat:video.avi acodec=libmp3lame vcodec=libx264 brate=5000k s=854x480")
title = 'Best Vines Compilation: %s'%( time.strftime("%d %B %Y") )
tags = 'funny,hysterical,hot,video,toddler,vine,Laughing,Cute,Best'
if __name__ == '__main__':
print main()
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After downloading this file, make a new file in the same directory named "" and add your username and password of google account associated with youtube in it as a dictionary.

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