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Created April 22, 2019 08:31
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Alchemist Challenge #1
defmodule GuessingGame do
# guess between a low number and a high number - > guess the middle
#tell the user the guess
# if user say yes -> game over
# if bigger
# if smaller
# anything else
# elixr allows for multiple definitions of the same functions
def guess(a, b) when a > b do
guess(b, a)
def guess(low, high) do
name = IO.gets "Hi there, what's ur name? \n"
case String.trim(name) do
"saurav" -> IO.puts "WOW, that's the best name in the world"
_ -> IO.puts "Welcome to Elixir #{name} :-)"
answer = IO.gets "Hmm... did you guess #{mid(low, high)} #{name} ? \n"
case String.trim(answer) do
"bigger" -> bigger(low, high)
"smaller" -> smaller(low, high)
"yes" -> "YESSSSS!"
_ -> IO.puts ~s(Type "bigger", "smaller" or "yes")
guess(low, high)
def mid(low, high) do
div low + high, 2
def bigger(low, high) do
new_low = min high, mid(low, high)+1
guess(new_low, high)
def smaller(low, high) do
new_high = max low, mid(low, high)-1
guess(low, new_high)
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