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Last active March 14, 2022 15:01
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Refresh crops command that generates the missing crops for a given Model. This patch make sure that if a Morphmap is set, it will use it to look for the mediables. Added the ability to process crops added in the `config/twill.php`. This will cover block images.
namespace A17\Twill\Commands;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use A17\Twill\Models\Media;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation;
class RefreshCrops extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'twill:refresh-crops
{modelName : The fully qualified model name (e.g. App\Models\Post, A17\Twill\Models\Block)}
{roleName : The role name for which crops will be refreshed}
{--dry : Print the operations that would be performed without modifying the database}
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Refresh all crops for an existing image role. It may be crops defined in the Model or in config/twill.php';
* @var DatabaseManager
protected $db;
* The model FQCN for this operation.
* @var string
protected $modelName;
* The role name for this operation.
* @var string
protected $roleName;
* Available crops for the given model and role name.
* @var Collection
protected $crops;
* Print the operations that would be performed without modifying the database.
* @var bool
protected $isDryRun = false;
* Total number of crops created.
* @var int
protected $cropsCreated = 0;
* Total number of crops deleted.
* @var int
protected $cropsDeleted = 0;
* Cache for Media models queried during this operation.
* @var array
protected $mediaCache = [];
* @param DatabaseManager $db
public function __construct(DatabaseManager $db)
$this->db = $db;
public function handle()
$this->isDryRun = $this->option('dry');
$this->modelName = $this->locateModel($this->argument('modelName'));
if (! $this->modelName) {
$this->error("Model `{$this->argument('modelName')}` was not found`");
return 1;
$this->roleName = $this->argument('roleName');
$mediasParams = app($this->modelName)->mediasParams;
if ($mediasParams === null) {
$mediasParams = config('twill.block_editor.crops');
if (! isset($mediasParams[$this->roleName])) {
$this->error("Role `{$this->roleName}` was not found`");
return 1;
$this->crops = collect($mediasParams[$this->roleName]);
// If the model exists in the Morphmap, we loop for the morphed name instead.
$mediableType = $this->modelName;
if ($morphedModelName = array_search($this->modelName, Relation::morphMap())) {
$mediableType = $morphedModelName;
$mediables = $this->db
->table(config('twill.mediables_table', 'twill_mediables'))
->where(['mediable_type' => $mediableType, 'role' => $this->roleName]);
if ($mediables->count() === 0) {
$this->warn("No mediables found for model `$this->modelName` and role `$this->roleName`");
return 1;
if ($this->isDryRun) {
$this->warn("**Dry Run** No changes are being made to the database");
* Print a summary of all crops created and deleted at the end of the command.
* @return void
protected function printSummary()
if ($this->cropsCreated + $this->cropsDeleted === 0) {
$this->info("No crops to create or delete for this model and role");
$actionPrefix = $this->isDryRun ? 'to be ' : '';
if ($this->cropsCreated > 0) {
$noun = Str::plural('crop', $this->cropsCreated);
$this->info("{$this->cropsCreated} {$noun} {$actionPrefix}created");
if ($this->cropsDeleted > 0) {
$noun = Str::plural('crop', $this->cropsDeleted);
$this->info("{$this->cropsDeleted} {$noun} {$actionPrefix}deleted");
* Process a set of mediable items.
* @param Builder $mediables
* @return void
protected function processMediables(Builder $mediables)
// Handle locales separately because not all items have a 1-1 match in other locales
foreach ($mediables->get()->groupBy('locale') as $locale => $itemsByLocale) {
// Group items by mediable_id to get related crops
foreach ($itemsByLocale->groupBy('mediable_id') as $mediableId => $itemsByMediableId) {
// Then, group by media_id to handle slideshows (multiple entries for one role)
foreach ($itemsByMediableId->groupBy('media_id') as $mediaId => $items) {
$existingCrops = $items->keyBy('crop')->keys();
$allCrops = $this->crops->keys();
if ($cropsToCreate = $allCrops->diff($existingCrops)->all()) {
$this->createCrops($cropsToCreate, $items[0]);
if ($cropsToDelete = $existingCrops->diff($allCrops)->all()) {
$this->deleteCrops($cropsToDelete, $items[0]);
* Create missing crops for a given mediable item, preserving existing metadata.
* @param string[] $crops List of crop names to create.
* @param object $baseItem Base mediable object from which to pull information.
* @return void
protected function createCrops($crops, $baseItem)
$this->cropsCreated += count($crops);
if ($this->isDryRun) {
$cropNames = collect($crops)->join(', ');
$noun = Str::plural('crop', count($crops));
$this->info("Create {$noun} `{$cropNames}` for mediable_id=`{$baseItem->mediable_id}` and media_id=`{$baseItem->media_id}`");
foreach ($crops as $crop) {
$ratio = $this->crops[$crop][0];
$cropParams = $this->getCropParams($baseItem->media_id, $ratio['ratio']);
->table(config('twill.mediables_table', 'twill_mediables'))
'created_at' => Carbon::now(),
'updated_at' => Carbon::now(),
'mediable_id' => $baseItem->mediable_id,
'mediable_type' => $baseItem->mediable_type,
'media_id' => $baseItem->media_id,
'role' => $baseItem->role,
'crop' => $crop,
'lqip_data' => null,
'ratio' => $ratio['name'],
'metadatas' => $baseItem->metadatas,
'locale' => $baseItem->locale,
] + $cropParams);
* Delete unused crops for a given mediable item.
* @param string[] $crops List of crop names to create.
* @param object $baseItem Base mediable object from which to pull information.
* @return void
protected function deleteCrops($crops, $baseItem)
$this->cropsDeleted += count($crops);
if ($this->isDryRun) {
$cropNames = collect($crops)->join(', ');
$noun = Str::plural('crop', count($crops));
$this->info("Delete {$noun} `$cropNames` for mediable_id=`$baseItem->mediable_id` and media_id=`$baseItem->media_id`");
->table(config('twill.mediables_table', 'twill_mediables'))
'mediable_type' => $baseItem->mediable_type,
'mediable_id' => $baseItem->mediable_id,
'media_id' => $baseItem->media_id,
'role' => $baseItem->role,
->whereIn('crop', $crops)
* Attempt to locate the model from the given command argument.
* @param string $modelName
* @return string|null The model FQCN.
protected function locateModel($modelName)
$modelName = ltrim($modelName, "\\");
$modelStudly = Str::studly($modelName);
$moduleName = Str::plural($modelStudly);
$namespace = config('twill.namespace', 'App');
$attempts = [
foreach ($attempts as $phpClass) {
if (class_exists($phpClass)) {
return $phpClass;
return null;
* Calculate crop params for a media from a given ratio.
* @param int $mediaId
* @param float $ratio
* @return array
protected function getCropParams($mediaId, $ratio)
if (!isset($this->mediaCache[$mediaId])) {
$this->mediaCache[$mediaId] = Media::find($mediaId);
$width = $this->mediaCache[$mediaId]->width;
$height = $this->mediaCache[$mediaId]->height;
$originalRatio = $width / $height;
if ($ratio === 0) {
$crop_w = $width;
$crop_h = $height;
$crop_x = 0;
$crop_y = 0;
} elseif ($originalRatio <= $ratio) {
$crop_w = $width;
$crop_h = $width / $ratio;
$crop_x = 0;
$crop_y = ($height - $crop_h) / 2;
} else {
$crop_h = $height;
$crop_w = $height * $ratio;
$crop_y = 0;
$crop_x = ($width - $crop_w) / 2;
return compact('crop_w', 'crop_h', 'crop_x', 'crop_y');
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