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Created June 1, 2012 16:07
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Wirble and irbrc
## Required
# install
sudo gem install wirble
sudo gem install utility_belt
# settings for ~/.irbrc
require 'rubygems'
require 'utility_belt'
UtilityBelt::Themes.background(:dark) #optional
## Now you can play in irb
# Interactively edit IRB code in TextMate
# read from clipboard
# write to clipboard
MacClipboard.write 'some text to be pasted elsewhere'
# review history
h # 'history' also works, but who wants to type?
# re-play last command
# re-play arbitrary command from history
h! 123
# save history to some file
# find class name
#=> ["Bignum", "Fixnum", "Numeric", "REXML::SyncEnumerator"]
# find method name
#=> ["pretty_inspect", "pretty_print_instance_variables", ... ]
# google for whatever's in clipboard
# arbitrary google search
google singleWord
google 'multiple words'
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