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Last active April 8, 2021 09:13
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  • Save saviour123/e919302d9b0edf4a7a32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save saviour123/e919302d9b0edf4a7a32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
db.createUser({user: "mongo-admin", pwd: "password", roles:[{role: "root", db: "admin"}]})
mongo -u dsals -p --authenticationDatabase dbname
### Create MYSWL User and grant the user ready only.
create user 'username'@'%' identified by ‘password‘;
grant select, show view on database_name.* to 'username'@'%' identified by 'password';
update AspNetUsers set IsDeleted=1 where email=''
update AspNetUsers set IsGoogleUser=1 where email=''
-- ALTER ROLE db_datareader add member jjanicelli;
-- CREATE LOGIN [jjanicelli] WITH PASSWORD = 'tr3s0n3tact1e';
-- CREATE USER jjanicelli FROM LOGIN jjanicelli;
-- ALTER ROLE developers ADD MEMBER jjanicelli;
-- ALTER ROLE db_datawriter add member jjanicelli;
-- ALTER ROLE developers ADD MEMBER rganeshan;
-- ALTER ROLE db_datawriter add member rganeshan;
## use pgfutter to pump csv into postgres while creating tables in destination tables
for f in *;
if [[ $f = '' ]]
echo "skipped $f"
table_name=$(echo "$f" | cut -f 1 -d '.')
~/pgfutter_darwin_amd64 --db "ponde" --host "host_url" --port "5432" --user "root" --schema "public" --table $table_name --pw "<beautiful_password>" csv $f
echo $f
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to find out the contents of your form if you don't understand what's going on behind the scene, you can try something like

f = request.form
for key in f.keys():
    for value in f.getlist(key):
        print key,":",value

Also by the way the name of your button is button not SUBMIT, look at it again and

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