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Last active June 14, 2019 11:59
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simple_nav renderer.php
* Used to render the navigation items in the simple_nav block
class block_simple_nav_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base {
public function simple_nav_tree($items) {
$depth = 0;
$type = 0;
window.onload = function(e) {
$(document).ready(function() {
$('div.block_simple_nav li.type_category .tree_item').click(function() {
if ($(this).parent().hasClass("collapsed")) {
} else {
foreach ($items as $item) {
//category and courses open <ul> tags. if they are empty, we have to make sure they're closed again.
// We have to check if the category before was empty
if ($depth>=$item['mydepth'] && $type == 'category' && $item['mytype'] == 'category') {
$content[] = '</li></ul>';
//this is to know if we have to close the tags for the branch. We calculate the difference between the old and new branch and add the close tags accordingly
if ($depth>$item['mydepth']) {
// this is necessary to take care of the "startingpoint"-case, which suppresses the output of a category sometimes
if (substr($item['myclass'], -14, 14) == ' startingpoint') {
$mydifference = $depth-$item['mydepth']-1;
else {
$mydifference = $depth-$item['mydepth'];
$content[] = str_repeat('</li></ul>',$mydifference);
// Every time we the last item was a module and the new isn't, we can close <ul> as well as <li>
elseif ($item['mytype'] <> 'module' && $type == 'module') {
$content[] = '</li></ul>';
// if depth stays the same, we can just close the <li> tag
elseif ($depth==$item['mydepth']) {
$content[] = '</li>';
//if the old item was course and the new is module, we have to open ul
if ($item['mytype'] == 'module' && ($type == 'course' || $type == 'invisiblecourse')) {
$content[] = '<ul>';
//print out html code for the item
$content[] = $this->sn_print_item($item['myclass'], $item['myid'], $item['myname'], $item['mydepth'], $item['mytype'], $item['mypath'], $item['myicon'], $item['myvisibility']);
// keep the information for the next loop
$depth = $item['mydepth'];
$myid = $item['myid'];
$type = $item['mytype'];
$content[] = '</li></ul>';
$content = implode($content);
return $content;
protected function sn_print_item($myclass, $myid, $myname, $mydepth, $mytype, $mypath, $myicon, $myvisibility) {
global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
$icon = '';
$baseurl =$CFG->wwwroot;
$mystartclass = "";
if (! empty($this->config->space)) {
$space_symbol = $this->config->space;
//if we don't want to show the first node, we use the class "startingpoint" as an indicator to totally skip it
if (substr($myclass, -14, 14) == ' startingpoint') {
return null;
// we only want the active branch to be open, all the other ones whould be collapsed
$mycollapsed ='';
// myclass only has a value when it's active
if (!$myclass) {
$mycollapsed =' collapsed';
else {
$mycollapsed ='';
//sometimes, we don't show categories by simple setting their name to "". If this is the case, we want them not to be collapsed.
//Here is a simple way to do so:
//If the Name is empty, we also set the class, which controls the collapsed/uncollapsed status, to "".
if (empty($myname)) {
$mycollapsed = "";
// is it a category
if ($mytype == 'category') {
$myurl =$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/index.php?categoryid='.$myid;
//$myname = "";
$myclass_ul_open = '';
$myclass_li = 'type_category depth_'.$mydepth.''.$mycollapsed.' contains_branch'.$mystartclass;
$myclass_p = 'tree_item branch'.$myclass;
$myopentag = '<ul>';
$myclass_a = '';
if ($myvisibility == 0) {
$myclass_a = 'class="dimmed_text"';
else {
$myclass_a = '';
// is it a course
elseif ($mytype == 'course') {
// We don't want course-nodes to be open, even when they are active so:
//$mycollapsed =' collapsed';
$myurl =$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/view.php?id='.$myid;
$myclass_ul_open = '';
$myclass_li = 'type_course depth_'.$mydepth.''.$mycollapsed.' contains_branch';;
$myclass_p = 'tree_item branch hasicon'.$myclass;
$myopentag = '';
if ($myvisibility == 0) {
$myclass_a = 'class="dimmed_text"';
else {
$myclass_a = '';
// or the home node
elseif ($mytype == 'home') {
$myurl =$CFG->wwwroot;
$myclass_ul_open = '<ul class="block_tree list">';
$myclass_li = 'type_unknown depth_1 contains_branch';
$myclass_p = 'tree_item branch '.$myclass.' navigation_node';
$myopentag = '<ul>';
$myclass_a = '';
// or invisible home node
elseif ($mytype == 'nohome') {
$myurl =$CFG->wwwroot;
$myclass_ul_open = '<ul class="block_tree list">';
$myclass_li = 'type_unknown depth_1 contains_branch simple_invisible';
$myclass_p = 'tree_item branch '.$myclass.' navigation_node';
$myopentag = '<ul>';
$myclass_a = '';
// or a module
elseif ($mytype == 'module') {
$myurl =$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/'.$myicon.'/view.php?id='.$myid;
$myclass_ul_open = '';
$myclass_li = 'contains_branch item_with_icon';
$myclass_p = 'tree_item leaf hasicon'.$myclass;
$myopentag = '';
$myclass_a = '';
if ($myvisibility == 0) {
$myclass_a = 'class="dimmed_text"';
else {
$myclass_a = '';
// fork for Angela Kohl
$displayoption = get_config('block_simple_nav', 'displayoptions');
if($displayoption === '1'){
$icon = '<img alt="'.$myicon.'" class="smallicon navicon" title="'.$myicon.'" src="'.$baseurl.'/theme/image.php?theme=standard&amp;image=icon&amp;rev=295&amp;component='.$myicon.'">';
} else if ($displayoption === '2'){
$icon = '<img alt="'.$myicon.'" class="smallicon navicon" title="'.$myicon.'" src="'.$baseurl.'/theme/image.php?theme='.$CFG->theme.'&amp;image=t/collapsed&amp;rev=295&amp;component=core">';
} else {
$icon = '<img alt="'.$myicon.'" class="smallicon navicon navigationitem" title="'.$myicon.'" src="'.$baseurl.'/theme/image.php?theme='.$CFG->theme.'&amp;image=i/navigationitem&amp;rev=295&amp;component=core">';
$myitem = $myclass_ul_open.'<li class="'.$myclass_li.'"><p class="'.$myclass_p.'"><a '.$myclass_a.' href="'.$myurl.'">'.$icon.''.$myname.'</a></p>'.$myopentag;
return $myitem;
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