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Created October 7, 2018 18:38
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07-10-2018 21:06:54 - Limiting SHM log size to 26214400 bytes
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - i3 (03-13-2018) starting
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - dpi.c:init_dpi:54 - Found Xft.dpi = 96.
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - main.c:main:563 - root_depth = 32, visual_id = 0x0000008d.
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - main.c:main:565 - root_screen->height_in_pixels = 1080, root_screen->height_in_millimeters = 285
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - main.c:main:566 - One logical pixel corresponds to 1 physical pixels on this display.
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - Parsing configfile /home/savolla/.i3/config
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_file:935 - line continuation in comment is ignored: "#/ __|/ _` \ \ / / _ \| | |/ _` | | | |_ \"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $mod = Mod4
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws1 = 1: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws2 = 2: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws3 = 3: ¹
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws4 = 4: ²
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws5 = 5: ³
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws6 = 6: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws7 = 7: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws8 = 8: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $ws9 = 9: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $mode_system = (l)ock, (e)xit, switch_(u)ser, (s)uspend, (h)ibernate, (r)eboot, (Shift+s)hutdown
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_background = #0E0605
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_foreground = #9ac2de
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_color0 = #0E0605
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_color1 = #E26512
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_color2 = #CC3B4D
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_color3 = #539654
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_color4 = #E5A037
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_color5 = #2B58B0
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_color6 = #BE589F
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_color7 = #9ac2de
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_color8 = #6b879b
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_color9 = #E26512
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_color10 = #CC3B4D
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_color11 = #539654
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_color12 = #E5A037
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_color13 = #2B58B0
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_color14 = #BE589F
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $term_color15 = #9ac2de
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $mode_gaps = Gaps: (o) outer, (i) inner
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $mode_gaps_outer = Outer Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift + +|-|0 (global)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:upsert_variable:834 - Defined new variable: $mode_gaps_inner = Inner Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift + +|-|0 (global)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - deciding for version 4 due to this line: bindsym $mod+y border pixel 1
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 1): # _ _ _ _____
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 2): # ___ __ ___ _____ | | | __ _ (_)___ /
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 3): #/ __|/ _` \ \ / / _ \| | |/ _` | | | |_ \
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 4): #\__ \ (_| |\ V / (_) | | | (_| | | |___) |
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 5): #|___/\__,_| \_/ \___/|_|_|\__,_| |_|____/
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 6): #
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 7): # Please see for a complete reference!
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 8):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 9): # Set mod key (Mod1=<Alt>, Mod4=<Super>)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 10): set Mod4 Mod4
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 11):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 12): # set default desktop layout (default is tiling)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 13): # workspace_layout tabbed <stacking|tabbed>
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 14):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 15): # Configure border style <normal|1pixel|pixel xx|none|pixel>
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 16): new_window pixel 0
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 17): new_float normal
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 18):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 19): # Hide borders
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 20): hide_edge_borders none
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 21):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 22): # change borders
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 23): bindsym Mod4+u border none
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 24): bindsym Mod4+y border pixel 1
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 25): bindsym Mod4+n border normal
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 26):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 27): # Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 28): # is used in the bar {} block below.
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 29): font xft:TerminessTTFNerdFontMono 12
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 30):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 31): # Use Mouse+Mod4 to drag floating windows
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 32): floating_modifier Mod4
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 33):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 34): # start a terminal
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 35): bindsym Mod4+Return exec terminal
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 36):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 37): # kill focused window
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 38): bindsym Mod4+Shift+q kill
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 39):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 40): # start program launcher
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 41): bindsym Mod4+d exec --no-startup-id dmenu_recency
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 42):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 43): # launch categorized menu
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 44): bindsym Mod4+z exec --no-startup-id morc_menu
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 45):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 46): ################################################################################################
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 47): ## sound-section - DO NOT EDIT if you wish to automatically upgrade Alsa -> Pulseaudio later! ##
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 48): ################################################################################################
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 49):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 50): exec --no-startup-id volumeicon
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 51): bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+m exec terminal -e 'alsamixer'
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 52): #exec --no-startup-id pulseaudio
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 53): #exec --no-startup-id pa-applet
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 54): #bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+m exec pavucontrol
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 55):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 56): ################################################################################################
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 57):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 58): # Screen brightness controls
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 59): # bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec "xbacklight -inc 10; notify-send 'brightness up'"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 60): # bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec "xbacklight -dec 10; notify-send 'brightness down'"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 61):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 62): # Start Applications
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 63): bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+b exec terminal -e 'bmenu'
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 64): bindsym Mod4+F2 exec qutebrowser
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 65): bindsym Mod4+F3 exec pcmanfm
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 66): # bindsym Mod4+F3 exec ranger
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 67): bindsym Mod4+Shift+F3 exec gksu pcmanfm
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 68): bindsym Mod4+F5 exec terminal -e 'cmus'
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 69): bindsym Mod4+t exec --no-startup-id pkill compton
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 70): bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+t exec --no-startup-id compton -b
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 71): bindsym Mod4+Shift+d --release exec "killall dunst; exec notify-send 'restart dunst'"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 72): bindsym Print exec --no-startup-id i3-scrot
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 73): bindsym Mod4+Print --release exec --no-startup-id i3-scrot -w
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 74): bindsym Mod4+Shift+Print --release exec --no-startup-id i3-scrot -s
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 75): # bindsym Mod4+Shift+h exec xdg-open /usr/share/doc/manjaro/i3_help.pdf
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 76): bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+x --release exec --no-startup-id xkill
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 77):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 78): # focus_follows_mouse no
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 79):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 80): # change focus
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 81): bindsym Mod4+j focus left
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 82): bindsym Mod4+k focus down
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 83):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 84): # alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 85): bindsym Mod4+Left focus left
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 86): bindsym Mod4+Down focus down
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 87): bindsym Mod4+Up focus up
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 88): bindsym Mod4+Right focus right
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 89):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 90): # move focused window
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 91): bindsym Mod4+Shift+j move down
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 92): bindsym Mod4+Shift+k move up
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 93): bindsym Mod4+Shift+l move right
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 94): bindsym Mod4+Shift+h move left
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 95):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 96): # alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 97): bindsym Mod4+Shift+Left move left
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 98): bindsym Mod4+Shift+Down move down
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 99): bindsym Mod4+Shift+Up move up
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 100): bindsym Mod4+Shift+Right move right
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 101):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 102): # workspace back and forth (with/without active container)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 103): workspace_auto_back_and_forth yes
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 104): bindsym Mod4+b workspace back_and_forth
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 105): bindsym Mod4+Shift+b move container to workspace back_and_forth; workspace back_and_forth
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 106):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 107): # split orientation
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 108): bindsym Mod4+q split toggle
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 109):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 110): # toggle fullscreen mode for the focused container
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 111): bindsym Mod4+f fullscreen toggle
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 112):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 113): # change container layout (stacked, tabbed, toggle split)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 114): bindsym Mod4+s layout stacking
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 115): bindsym Mod4+w layout tabbed
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 116): bindsym Mod4+e layout toggle split
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 117):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 118): # toggle tiling / floating
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 119): bindsym Mod4+Shift+space floating toggle
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 120):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 121): # change focus between tiling / floating windows
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 122): bindsym Mod4+space focus mode_toggle
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 123):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 124): # toggle sticky
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 125): bindsym Mod4+Shift+s sticky toggle
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 126):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 127): # focus the parent container
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 128): bindsym Mod4+a focus parent
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 129):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 130): # move the currently focused window to the scratchpad
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 131): bindsym Mod4+Shift+minus move scratchpad
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 132):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 133): # Show the next scratchpad window or hide the focused scratchpad window.
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 134): # If there are multiple scratchpad windows, this command cycles through them.
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 135): bindsym Mod4+minus scratchpad show
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 136):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 137): # Workspace names
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 138): # to display names or symbols instead of plain workspace numbers you can use
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 139): # something like: set 1:  1:mail
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 140): # set 2:  2:
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 141):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 142): # ws1 is window-porn panel
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 143): set 1:  1: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 144): # ws2 is for spacemacs
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 145): set 2:  2: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 146): # ws3/4/5 are basic workstations
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 147): set 3: ¹ 3: ¹
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 148): set 4: ² 4: ²
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 149): set 5: ³ 5: ³
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 150): # ws6 is for surfing
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 151): set 6:  6: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 152): # ws7 is for telegram-desktop
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 153): set 7:  7: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 154): # ws8 is for gaming
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 155): set 8:  8: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 156): # ws9 is for virtual machines
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 157): set 9:  9: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 158):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 159): # switch to workspace
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 160): bindsym Mod4+1 workspace 1: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 161): bindsym Mod4+2 workspace 2: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 162): bindsym Mod4+3 workspace 3: ¹
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 163): bindsym Mod4+4 workspace 4: ²
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 164): bindsym Mod4+5 workspace 5: ³
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 165): bindsym Mod4+6 workspace 6: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 166): bindsym Mod4+7 workspace 7: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 167): bindsym Mod4+8 workspace 8: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 168): bindsym Mod4+9 workspace 9: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 169):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 170): # Move focused container to workspace
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 171): bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+1 move container to workspace 1: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 172): bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+2 move container to workspace 2: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 173): bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+3 move container to workspace 3: ¹
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 174): bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+4 move container to workspace 4: ²
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 175): bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+5 move container to workspace 5: ³
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 176): bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+6 move container to workspace 6: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 177): bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+7 move container to workspace 7: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 178): bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+8 move container to workspace 8: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 179): bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+9 move container to workspace 9: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 180):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 181): # Move to workspace with focused container
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 182): bindsym Mod4+Shift+1 move container to workspace 1: ; workspace 1: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 183): bindsym Mod4+Shift+2 move container to workspace 2: ; workspace 2: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 184): bindsym Mod4+Shift+3 move container to workspace 3: ¹; workspace 3: ¹
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 185): bindsym Mod4+Shift+4 move container to workspace 4: ²; workspace 4: ²
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 186): bindsym Mod4+Shift+5 move container to workspace 5: ³; workspace 5: ³
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 187): bindsym Mod4+Shift+6 move container to workspace 6: ; workspace 6: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 188): bindsym Mod4+Shift+7 move container to workspace 7: ; workspace 7: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 189): bindsym Mod4+Shift+8 move container to workspace 8: ; workspace 8: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 190): bindsym Mod4+Shift+9 move container to workspace 9: ; workspace 9: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 191):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 192): # Open applications on specific workspaces
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 193): assign [class="emacs"] 2: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 194): assign [class="qutebrowser"] 6: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 195): assign [class="Telegram"] 7: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 196): assign [class="retroarch"] 8: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 197): assign [class="QEMU"] 9: 
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 198):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 199): # Open specific applications in floating mode
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 200): for_window [title="alsamixer"] floating enable border pixel 1
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 201): for_window [class="Calamares"] floating enable border normal
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 202): for_window [class="Clipgrab"] floating enable
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 203): for_window [title="File Transfer*"] floating enable
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 204): for_window [class="Galculator"] floating enable border pixel 1
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 205): for_window [class="GParted"] floating enable border normal
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 206): for_window [title="i3_help"] floating enable sticky enable border normal
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 207): for_window [class="Lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings"] floating enable
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 208): for_window [class="Lxappearance"] floating enable sticky enable border normal
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 209): for_window [class="Manjaro-hello"] floating enable
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 210): for_window [class="Manjaro Settings Manager"] floating enable border normal
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 211): for_window [title="MuseScore: Play Panel"] floating enable
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 212): for_window [class="Nitrogen"] floating enable sticky enable border normal
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 213): for_window [class="Oblogout"] fullscreen enable
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 214): for_window [class="octopi"] floating enable
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 215): for_window [class="Pamac-manager"] floating enable
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 216): for_window [class="Pavucontrol"] floating enable
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 217): for_window [class="qt5ct"] floating enable sticky enable border normal
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 218): for_window [class="Qtconfig-qt4"] floating enable sticky enable border normal
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 219): for_window [class="Simple-scan"] floating enable border normal
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 220): for_window [class="(?i)"] floating enable border normal
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 221): for_window [class="Thus"] floating enable border normal
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 222): for_window [class="Timeset-gui"] floating enable border normal
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 223): for_window [class="(?i)virtualbox"] floating enable border normal
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 224): for_window [class="Xfburn"] floating enable
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 225): for_window [class="mpv"] floating enable
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 226): for_window [class="QEMU"] floating enable
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 227):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 228): # switch to workspace with urgent window automatically
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 229): for_window [urgent=latest] focus
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 230):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 231): # reload the configuration file
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 232): bindsym Mod4+Shift+c reload
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 233):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 234): # restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 235): bindsym Mod4+Shift+r restart
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 236):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 237): # exit i3 (logs you out of your X session)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 238): bindsym Mod4+Shift+e exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit i3? This will end your X session.' -b 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 239):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 240): # Set shut down, restart and locking features
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 241): bindsym Mod4+0 mode "(l)ock, (e)xit, switch_(u)ser, (s)uspend, (h)ibernate, (r)eboot, (Shift+s)hutdown"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 242): set (l)ock, (e)xit, switch_(u)ser, (s)uspend, (h)ibernate, (r)eboot, (Shift+s)hutdown (l)ock, (e)xit, switch_(u)ser, (s)uspend, (h)ibernate, (r)eboot, (Shift+s)hutdown
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 243): mode "(l)ock, (e)xit, switch_(u)ser, (s)uspend, (h)ibernate, (r)eboot, (Shift+s)hutdown" {
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 244): bindsym l exec --no-startup-id i3exit lock, mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 245): bindsym s exec --no-startup-id i3exit suspend, mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 246): bindsym u exec --no-startup-id i3exit switch_user, mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 247): bindsym e exec --no-startup-id i3exit logout, mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 248): bindsym h exec --no-startup-id i3exit hibernate, mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 249): bindsym r exec --no-startup-id i3exit reboot, mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 250): bindsym Shift+s exec --no-startup-id i3exit shutdown, mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 251):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 252): # exit system mode: "Enter" or "Escape"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 253): bindsym Return mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 254): bindsym Escape mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 255): }
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 256):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 257): # Resize window (you can also use the mouse for that)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 258): bindsym Mod4+r mode "resize"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 259): mode "resize" {
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 260): # These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize mode
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 261): bindsym h resize shrink width 5 px or 5 ppt
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 262): bindsym j resize grow height 5 px or 5 ppt
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 263): bindsym k resize shrink height 5 px or 5 ppt
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 264): bindsym l resize grow width 5 px or 5 ppt
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 265):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 266): # same bindings, but for the arrow keys
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 267): bindsym Left resize shrink width 5 px or 5 ppt
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 268): bindsym Down resize grow height 5 px or 5 ppt
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 269): bindsym Up resize shrink height 5 px or 5 ppt
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 270): bindsym Right resize grow width 5 px or 5 ppt
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 271):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 272): # exit resize mode: Enter or Escape
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 273): bindsym Return mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 274): bindsym Escape mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 275): }
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 276):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 277): bindsym Mod4+Escape mode "kbd layout"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 278): mode "kbd layout" {
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 279): # set keyboard maps quickly
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 280): # Turkish layout
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 281): bindsym 1 exec --no-startup-id setxkbmap tr
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 282): # Russian layout
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 283): bindsym 2 exec --no-startup-id setxkbmap ru
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 284): # United States layout
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 285): bindsym 3 exec --no-startup-id setxkbmap us
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 286): # bindsym _ exec --no-startup-id setxkbmap _
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 287):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 288): # exit keys mode
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 289): bindsym Return mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 290): bindsym Escape mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 291): }
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 292):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 293): # Lock screen
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 294): bindsym Mod4+c exec --no-startup-id blurlock
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 295):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 296): # Autostart applications
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 297):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 298): exec --no-startup-id /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 299): exec --no-startup-id nitrogen --restore # sleep 1; compton -b # this freezes i3.. don't use compton
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 300): exec --no-startup-id nm-applet
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 301): exec --no-startup-id xfce4-power-manager
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 302): exec --no-startup-id pamac-tray
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 303):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 304): exec_always --no-startup-id ff-theme-util
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 305): exec_always --no-startup-id fix_xcursor
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 306): exec_always --no-startup-id unclutter -idle 1
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 307):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 308): #exec --no-startup-id manjaro-hello
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 309): # exec --no-startup-id clipit
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 310): # exec --no-startup-id blueman-applet
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 311): # exec_always --no-startup-id sbxkb
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 312): # exec --no-startup-id start_conky_maia
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 313): # exec --no-startup-id start_conky_green
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 314): # exec --no-startup-id xautolock -time 10 -locker blurlock
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 315): # exec_always --no-startup-id wal --theme base16-summerfruit
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 316):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 317):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 318): # Color palette used for the terminal ( ~/.Xresources file )
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 319): # Colors are gathered based on the documentation:
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 320): #
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 321): # Change the variable name at the place you want to match the color
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 322): # of your terminal like this:
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 323): # [example]
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 324): # If you want your bar to have the same background color as your
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 325): # terminal background change the line 362 from:
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 326): # background #14191D
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 327): # to:
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 328): # background #0E0605
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 329): # Same logic applied to everything else.
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 330): set_from_resource #0E0605 background
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 331): set_from_resource #9ac2de foreground
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 332): set_from_resource #0E0605 color0
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 333): set_from_resource #E26512 color1
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 334): set_from_resource #CC3B4D color2
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 335): set_from_resource #539654 color3
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 336): set_from_resource #E5A037 color4
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 337): set_from_resource #2B58B0 color5
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 338): set_from_resource #BE589F color6
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 339): set_from_resource #9ac2de color7
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 340): set_from_resource #6b879b color8
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 341): set_from_resource #E26512 color9
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 342): set_from_resource #CC3B4D color10
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 343): set_from_resource #539654 color11
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 344): set_from_resource #E5A037 color12
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 345): set_from_resource #2B58B0 color13
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 346): set_from_resource #BE589F color14
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 347): set_from_resource #9ac2de color15
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 348):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 349): # Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status if available)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 350): bar {
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 351): i3bar_command i3bar
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 352): status_command i3status
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 353): position top
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 354):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 355): ## please set your primary output first. Example: 'xrandr --output eDP1 --primary'
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 356): # tray_output primary
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 357): # tray_output eDP1
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 358):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 359): bindsym button4 nop
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 360): bindsym button5 nop
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 361): # font xft:URWGothic-Book 12
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 362): font xft:Awesome 13
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 363): strip_workspace_numbers yes
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 364):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 365): colors {
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 366): background #000000
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 367): statusline #FFFFFF
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 368): separator #000000
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 369):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 370): # border backgr. text
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 371): focused_workspace #000000 #000000 #00FF00
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 372): active_workspace #000000 #900090 #FDF6E3
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 373): inactive_workspace #000000 #000000 #FFFFFF
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 374): binding_mode #16a085 #2C2C2C #F9FAF9
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 375): urgent_workspace #16a085 #FDF6E3 #E5201D
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 376): }
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 377): }
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 378):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 379): # hide/unhide i3status bar
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 380): bindsym Mod4+m bar mode toggle
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 381):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 382): # Theme colors
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 383): # class border backgr. text indic. child_border
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 384): client.focused #556064 #556064 #80FFF9 #FDF6E3
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 385): client.focused_inactive #2F3D44 #2F3D44 #1ABC9C #454948
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 386): client.unfocused #2F3D44 #2F3D44 #1ABC9C #454948
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 387): client.urgent #CB4B16 #FDF6E3 #1ABC9C #268BD2
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 388): client.placeholder #000000 #0c0c0c #ffffff #000000
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 389):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 390): client.background #2B2C2B
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 391):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 392): #############################
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 393): ### settings for i3-gaps: ###
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 394): #############################
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 395):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 396): # Set inner/outer gaps
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 397): gaps inner 10
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 398): gaps outer -4
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 399):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 400): # Additionally, you can issue commands with the following syntax. This is useful to bind keys to changing the gap size.
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 401): # gaps inner|outer current|all set|plus|minus <px>
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 402): # gaps inner all set 10
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 403): # gaps outer all plus 5
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 404):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 405): # Smart gaps (gaps used if only more than one container on the workspace)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 406): smart_gaps on
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 407):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 408): # Smart borders (draw borders around container only if it is not the only container on this workspace)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 409): # on|no_gaps (on=always activate and no_gaps=only activate if the gap size to the edge of the screen is 0)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 410): smart_borders on
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 411):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 412): # Press Mod4+Shift+g to enter the gap mode. Choose o or i for modifying outer/inner gaps. Press one of + / - (in-/decrement for current workspace) or 0 (remove gaps for current workspace). If you also press Shift with these keys, the change will be global for all workspaces.
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 413): set Gaps: (o) outer, (i) inner Gaps: (o) outer, (i) inner
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 414): set Outer Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift + +|-|0 (global) Outer Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift + +|-|0 (global)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 415): set Inner Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift + +|-|0 (global) Inner Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift + +|-|0 (global)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 416): bindsym Mod4+Shift+g mode "Gaps: (o) outer, (i) inner"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 417):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 418): mode "Gaps: (o) outer, (i) inner" {
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 419): bindsym o mode "Outer Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift + +|-|0 (global)"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 420): bindsym i mode "Inner Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift + +|-|0 (global)"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 421): bindsym Return mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 422): bindsym Escape mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 423): }
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 424): mode "Inner Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift + +|-|0 (global)" {
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 425): bindsym plus gaps inner current plus 5
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 426): bindsym minus gaps inner current minus 5
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 427): bindsym 0 gaps inner current set 0
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 428):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 429): bindsym Shift+plus gaps inner all plus 5
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 430): bindsym Shift+minus gaps inner all minus 5
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 431): bindsym Shift+0 gaps inner all set 0
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 432):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 433): bindsym Return mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 434): bindsym Escape mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 435): }
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 436): mode "Outer Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift + +|-|0 (global)" {
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 437): bindsym plus gaps outer current plus 5
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 438): bindsym minus gaps outer current minus 5
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 439): bindsym 0 gaps outer current set 0
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 440):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 441): bindsym Shift+plus gaps outer all plus 5
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 442): bindsym Shift+minus gaps outer all minus 5
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 443): bindsym Shift+0 gaps outer all set 0
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 444):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 445): bindsym Return mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 446): bindsym Escape mode "default"
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 447): }
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 448):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 449): # SAVOLLA CONFIGURATIONS
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 450):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 451): # switching workspaces easier
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 452): bindsym Mod4+h workspace prev
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 453): bindsym Mod4+l workspace next
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 454):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 455): # setting keyboard speed
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 456): exec --no-startup-id xset r rate 200 100
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 457):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 458): # swaping stupid caps lock key to escape
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 459): exec --no-startup-id setxkbmap -option caps:swapescape
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 460):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 461): # eye protection baby
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 462): exec --no-startup-id redshift -l 40.685075:29.926835
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 463): bindsym Mod4+Shift+i exec --no-startup-id xcalib -invert -alter
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 464):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 465): # Alsa key bindings
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 466): # bindsym Mod4+F11 exec --no-startup-id amixer -q set Master 2dB- unmute # volume UP
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 467): # bindsym Mod4+F12 exec --no-startup-id amixer -q set Master 2dB+ unmute # volume DOWN
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 468): # bindsym Mod4+F10 exec --no-startup-id amixer -q set Master 2dB+ mute # mute
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 469):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 470): # PulseAudio key bindings
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 471): bindsym Mod4+F12 exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume 0 +5% #decrease sound volume
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 472): bindsym Mod4+F11 exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume 0 -5% #increase sound volume
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 473): bindsym Mod4+F10 exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-mute 0 toggle # mute sound
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 474):
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 475): # Starting my own scripts
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_parser.c:parse_config:267 - CONFIG(line 476): exec --no-startup-id sh /home/savolla/Documents/Scripts/battery-low-alert/
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_directives.c:cfg_default_border:275 - default tiled border style = 2 and border width = 0 (0 physical px)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_directives.c:cfg_default_border:280 - default floating border style = 0 and border width = 2 (2 physical px)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code u, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code y, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code n, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:54 - [libi3] ../i3- Using Pango font TerminessTTFNerdFontMono, size 12
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816360610 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code Return, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code q, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x55681634a640 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code d, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code z, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Ctrl, input code m, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Ctrl, input code b, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code F2, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code F3, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code F3, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code F5, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code t, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Ctrl, input code t, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816360c80 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code d, release --release
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816360d00 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Print, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816360d80 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code Print, release --release
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816360e20 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code Print, release --release
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Ctrl, input code x, release --release
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816360f50 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code j, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code k, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361070 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code Left, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361100 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code Down, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361190 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code Up, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361220 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code Right, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code j, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361340 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code k, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code l, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361460 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code h, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code Left, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361580 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code Down, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361610 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code Up, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code Right, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361760 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code b, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361820 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code b, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code q, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361940 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code f, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code s, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361a60 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code w, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361af0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code e, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361b80 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code space, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361c10 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code space, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code s, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361d30 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code a, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code minus, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361e50 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code minus, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code 1, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816361f70 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code 2, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362000 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code 3, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362090 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code 4, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362120 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code 5, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code 6, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362240 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code 7, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code 8, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362360 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code 9, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362400 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Ctrl, input code 1, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Ctrl, input code 2, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362540 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Ctrl, input code 3, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Ctrl, input code 4, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362680 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Ctrl, input code 5, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362720 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Ctrl, input code 6, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Ctrl, input code 7, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362860 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Ctrl, input code 8, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362900 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Ctrl, input code 9, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code 1, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362a60 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code 2, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362b20 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code 3, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362be0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code 4, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code 5, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362d50 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code 6, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362e00 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code 7, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code 8, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816362f60 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code 9, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 35
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*emacs*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_assign:482 - New assignment, using above criteria, to workspace "2: ".
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 35
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*qutebrowser*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_assign:482 - New assignment, using above criteria, to workspace "6: ".
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 35
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*Telegram*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_assign:482 - New assignment, using above criteria, to workspace "7: ".
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 35
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*retroarch*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_assign:482 - New assignment, using above criteria, to workspace "8: ".
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 35
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*QEMU*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_assign:482 - New assignment, using above criteria, to workspace "9: ".
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*title*, cvalue=*alsamixer*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable border pixel 1 for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*Calamares*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable border normal for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*Clipgrab*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*title*, cvalue=*File Transfer**
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*Galculator*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable border pixel 1 for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*GParted*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable border normal for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*title*, cvalue=*i3_help*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable sticky enable border normal for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*Lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*Lxappearance*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable sticky enable border normal for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*Manjaro-hello*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*Manjaro Settings Manager*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable border normal for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*title*, cvalue=*MuseScore: Play Panel*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*Nitrogen*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable sticky enable border normal for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*Oblogout*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command fullscreen enable for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*octopi*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*Pamac-manager*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*Pavucontrol*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*qt5ct*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable sticky enable border normal for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*Qtconfig-qt4*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable sticky enable border normal for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*Simple-scan*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable border normal for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*(?i)*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable border normal for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*Thus*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable border normal for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*Timeset-gui*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable border normal for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*(?i)virtualbox*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable border normal for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*Xfburn*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*mpv*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*class*, cvalue=*QEMU*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command floating enable for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 29
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - match.c:match_parse_property:284 - ctype=*urgent*, cvalue=*latest*
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_for_window:159 - should execute command focus for the criteria mentioned above
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816366d10 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code c, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816366da0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code r, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code e, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code 0, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_enter_mode:137 - now in mode (l)ock, (e)xit, switch_(u)ser, (s)uspend, (h)ibernate, (r)eboot, (Shift+s)hutdown
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163670b0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code l, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163671b0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code s, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816367260 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code u, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816367310 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code e, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163673c0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code h, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816367470 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code r, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816367520 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Shift, input code s, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163675b0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Return, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816367640 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Escape, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code r, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_enter_mode:137 - now in mode resize
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816367790 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code h, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816367880 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code j, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816367920 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code k, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163679c0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code l, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816367a60 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Left, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816367b00 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Down, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816367ba0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Up, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816367c40 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Right, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816367cd0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Return, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816367d60 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Escape, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816367df0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code Escape, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_enter_mode:137 - now in mode kbd layout
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816367eb0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code 1, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816367fa0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code 2, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816368040 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code 3, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163680d0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Return, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816368160 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Escape, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816368200 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code c, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_bar_finish:700 - new bar configuration finished, saving.
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code m, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816368af0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code g, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_enter_mode:137 - now in mode Gaps: (o) outer, (i) inner
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816368bc0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code o, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816368c90 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code i, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816368d00 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Return, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816368d70 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Escape, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_enter_mode:137 - now in mode Inner Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift + +|-|0 (global)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816368e90 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code plus, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816368f80 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code minus, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816369020 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code 0, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163690b0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Shift, input code plus, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816369140 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Shift, input code minus, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163691d0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Shift, input code 0, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816369260 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Return, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163692f0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Escape, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_enter_mode:137 - now in mode Outer Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift + +|-|0 (global)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816369410 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code plus, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816369500 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code minus, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163695a0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code 0, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816369630 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Shift, input code plus, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163696c0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Shift, input code minus, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816369750 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Shift, input code 0, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x5568163697e0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Return, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816369870 bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), input code Escape, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816369900 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code h, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816369990 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code l, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816369b80 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4,Shift, input code i, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816369c40 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code F12, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816369d00 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code F11, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:configure_binding:62 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod4, input code F10, release (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:29 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156496c0, state = 89
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command border none
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command border pixel 1
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command border normal
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec terminal
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command kill
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec --no-startup-id dmenu_recency
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec --no-startup-id morc_menu
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec terminal -e 'alsamixer'
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec terminal -e 'bmenu'
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec qutebrowser
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec pcmanfm
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec gksu pcmanfm
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec terminal -e 'cmus'
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec --no-startup-id pkill compton
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec --no-startup-id compton -b
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec "killall dunst; exec notify-send 'restart dunst'"
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec --no-startup-id i3-scrot
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec --no-startup-id i3-scrot -w
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec --no-startup-id i3-scrot -s
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec --no-startup-id xkill
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command focus left
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command focus down
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command focus left
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command focus down
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command focus up
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command focus right
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move down
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move up
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move right
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move left
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move left
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move down
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move up
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move right
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command workspace back_and_forth
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:144 - relevant command = workspace back_and_forth
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace back_and_forth; workspace back_and_forth
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command split toggle
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command fullscreen toggle
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command layout stacking
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command layout tabbed
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command layout toggle split
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command floating toggle
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command focus mode_toggle
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command sticky toggle
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command focus parent
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move scratchpad
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command scratchpad show
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command workspace 1: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:144 - relevant command = workspace 1: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:169 - Saving workspace name "1: "
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command workspace 2: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:144 - relevant command = workspace 2: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:169 - Saving workspace name "2: "
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command workspace 3: ¹
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:144 - relevant command = workspace 3: ¹
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:169 - Saving workspace name "3: ¹"
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command workspace 4: ²
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:144 - relevant command = workspace 4: ²
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:169 - Saving workspace name "4: ²"
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command workspace 5: ³
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:144 - relevant command = workspace 5: ³
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:169 - Saving workspace name "5: ³"
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command workspace 6: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:144 - relevant command = workspace 6: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:169 - Saving workspace name "6: "
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command workspace 7: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:144 - relevant command = workspace 7: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:169 - Saving workspace name "7: "
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command workspace 8: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:144 - relevant command = workspace 8: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:169 - Saving workspace name "8: "
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command workspace 9: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:144 - relevant command = workspace 9: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:169 - Saving workspace name "9: "
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 1: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 2: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 3: ¹
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 4: ²
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 5: ³
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 6: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 7: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 8: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 9: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 1: ; workspace 1: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 2: ; workspace 2: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 3: ¹; workspace 3: ¹
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 4: ²; workspace 4: ²
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 5: ³; workspace 5: ³
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 6: ; workspace 6: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 7: ; workspace 7: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 8: ; workspace 8: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command move container to workspace 9: ; workspace 9: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command reload
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command restart
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit i3? This will end your X session.' -b 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'"
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command mode "(l)ock, (e)xit, switch_(u)ser, (s)uspend, (h)ibernate, (r)eboot, (Shift+s)hutdown"
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command mode "resize"
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command mode "kbd layout"
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec --no-startup-id blurlock
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command bar mode toggle
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command mode "Gaps: (o) outer, (i) inner"
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command workspace prev
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:144 - relevant command = workspace prev
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command workspace next
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:144 - relevant command = workspace next
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec --no-startup-id xcalib -invert -alter
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume 0 +5% #decrease sound volume
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume 0 -5% #increase sound volume
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:extract_workspace_names_from_bindings:140 - binding with command exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-mute 0 toggle # mute sound
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - main.c:main:615 - root geometry reply: (0, 0) 1920 x 1080
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - main.c:main:632 - initializing xcb-xkb
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="x", sym=0x78 → keycodes 53 53 53 53 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362400 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362540 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362680 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362720 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362860 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360c80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360e20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361340 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361460 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361580 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361820 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 20 20 20 20 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362b20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362be0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362d50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362e00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366d10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366da0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="g", sym=0x67 → keycodes 42 42 42 42 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="i", sym=0x69 → keycodes 31 31 31 31 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="u", sym=0x75 → keycodes 30 30 30 30 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="y", sym=0x79 → keycodes 29 29 29 29 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="n", sym=0x6e → keycodes 57 57 57 57 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Return", sym=0xff0d → keycodes 36 36 36 36 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a640 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="z", sym=0x7a → keycodes 52 52 52 52 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F2", sym=0xffbf → keycodes 68 68 68 68 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F5", sym=0xffc2 → keycodes 71 71 71 71 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360f50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361070 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361100 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361190 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361220 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361760 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361940 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="f", sym=0x66 → keycodes 41 41 41 41 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="w", sym=0x77 → keycodes 25 25 25 25 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361c10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361d30 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="a", sym=0x61 → keycodes 38 38 38 38 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361e50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 20 20 20 20 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361f70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362000 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362090 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362120 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362240 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362360 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="0", sym=0x30 → keycodes 19 19 19 19 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816367df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Escape", sym=0xff1b → keycodes 9 9 9 9 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368200 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369990 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F12", sym=0xffc9 → keycodes 96 96 96 96 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F11", sym=0xffc8 → keycodes 95 95 95 95 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F10", sym=0xffc7 → keycodes 76 76 76 76 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 0, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x0, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 20 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 20 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 20 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 20 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 31 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 31 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 31 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 31 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 20 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 20 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 20 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 20 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 9 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 9 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 9 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 9 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:164 - Adding window 0x0040003f to lists
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:168 - adding new state for window id 0x0040003f
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:164 - Adding window 0x00400041 to lists
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:168 - adding new state for window id 0x00400041
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - tree.c:_create___i3:39 - adding main content container
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:164 - Adding window 0x00400043 to lists
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:168 - adding new state for window id 0x00400043
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:164 - Adding window 0x00400045 to lists
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:168 - adding new state for window id 0x00400045
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:_con_attach:110 - it's a workspace. num = -1
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - main.c:main:723 - Checking for XRandR...
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - randr.c:randr_query_outputs_15:566 - Querying outputs using RandR 1.5
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - randr.c:randr_query_outputs_15:589 - 1 RandR monitors found (timestamp 171681)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - randr.c:randr_query_outputs_15:672 - name eDP1, x 0, y 0, width 1920 px, height 1080 px, width 340 mm, height 190 mm, primary 1, automatic 1
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:838 - Active RandR output found. Disabling root output.
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:852 - output 0x5568163810d0 / eDP1, position (0, 0), checking for clones
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:891 - Need to initialize a Con for output eDP1
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - randr.c:output_init_con:295 - init_con for output eDP1
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:_con_attach:175 - Inserting con = 0x556816381150 after con 0x55681637ecd0
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:164 - Adding window 0x00400047 to lists
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:168 - adding new state for window id 0x00400047
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - randr.c:output_init_con:330 - Changing layout, adding top/bottom dockarea
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:164 - Adding window 0x00400049 to lists
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:168 - adding new state for window id 0x00400049
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - randr.c:output_init_con:347 - attaching
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - randr.c:output_init_con:352 - adding main content container
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:164 - Adding window 0x0040004b to lists
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:168 - adding new state for window id 0x0040004b
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:164 - Adding window 0x0040004d to lists
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:168 - adding new state for window id 0x0040004d
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - randr.c:output_init_con:381 - attaching
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:917 - Should add ws for output eDP1
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - randr.c:init_ws_for_output:495 - Now adding a workspace
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:164 - Adding window 0x0040004f to lists
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_con_init:168 - adding new state for window id 0x0040004f
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - Used number 1 for workspace with name 1: 
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:_con_attach:110 - it's a workspace. num = 1
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - workspace.c:_workspace_apply_default_orientation:36 - Auto orientation. Workspace size set to (1920,1080), setting layout to 6.
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x556816384390
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x556816382a60
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x556816381150
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:926 - Focusing primary output eDP1
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x556816384390
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x556816382a60
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x556816381150
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - tree.c:tree_render:506 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x55681637e6e0 / root / layout 6 / children 2
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x55681637ecd0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x556816381150 / eDP1 / layout 4 / children 3
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_output:402 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x556816381db0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_output:402 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1080)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x556816382a60 / content / layout 6 / children 1
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x556816384390 / 1:  / layout 6 / children 0
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_output:402 - child at (0, 1080) with (1920 x 0)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x5568163836e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_root:253 - Rendering floating windows:
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_changes:1011 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_changes:1070 - Client list changed (0 clients)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_changes:1084 - PUSHING CHANGES
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:710 - pushing name [i3 con] output eDP1 for con 0x556816381150
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:710 - pushing name [i3 con] content eDP1 for con 0x556816382a60
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:840 - setting rect (0, 0, 1920, 0)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:911 - Sending fake configure notify
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:710 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace 1:  for con 0x556816384390
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:840 - setting rect (0, 0, 1920, 0)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:911 - Sending fake configure notify
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:710 - pushing name [i3 con] top dockarea eDP1 for con 0x556816381db0
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:840 - setting rect (0, 0, 1920, 0)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:911 - Sending fake configure notify
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:710 - pushing name [i3 con] bottom dockarea eDP1 for con 0x5568163836e0
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:840 - setting rect (0, 1080, 1920, 0)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:911 - Sending fake configure notify
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:710 - pushing name [i3 con] pseudo-output __i3 for con 0x55681637ecd0
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:710 - pushing name [i3 con] content __i3 for con 0x55681637f870
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:840 - setting rect (0, 0, 0, 0)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:911 - Sending fake configure notify
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:710 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace __i3_scratch for con 0x556816380410
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:840 - setting rect (0, 0, 0, 0)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_node:911 - Sending fake configure notify
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_changes:1125 - Not updating focus (to 0x556816384390 / 1: ), focused window is not mapped.
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_changes:1168 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the EWMH support window (4194366)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_changes:1175 - ENDING CHANGES
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - tree.c:tree_render:515 - -- END RENDERING --
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:251 - Current resolution: (0, 0) 1280 x 1024
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:260 - output eDP1's resolution: (0, 0) 1920 x 1080
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:273 - new width = 1920, new height = 1080
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:284 - Fixing coordinates of scratchpad windows
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - main.c:main:761 - Pointer at 960, 540
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - randr.c:get_output_containing:108 - comparing x=960 y=540 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x556816384390
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x556816382a60
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - con.c:con_focus:225 - con_focus = 0x556816381150
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - tree.c:tree_render:506 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x55681637e6e0 / root / layout 6 / children 2
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x55681637ecd0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x556816381150 / eDP1 / layout 4 / children 3
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_output:402 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x556816381db0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_output:402 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1080)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x556816382a60 / content / layout 6 / children 1
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x556816384390 / 1:  / layout 6 / children 0
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_output:402 - child at (0, 1080) with (1920 x 0)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x5568163836e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - render.c:render_root:253 - Rendering floating windows:
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_changes:1011 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_changes:1084 - PUSHING CHANGES
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_changes:1125 - Not updating focus (to 0x556816384390 / 1: ), focused window is not mapped.
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_changes:1168 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the EWMH support window (4194366)
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - x.c:x_push_changes:1175 - ENDING CHANGES
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - tree.c:tree_render:515 - -- END RENDERING --
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - ipc.c:ipc_create_socket:1315 - Creating IPC-socket at /run/user/1000/i3/ipc-socket.1073
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - main.c:main:792 - socket activation: no sockets passed
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - This is not an in-place restart, copying root window contents to a pixmap
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - auto-starting volumeicon
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - executing: volumeicon
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - auto-starting /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - executing: /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - auto-starting nitrogen --restore # sleep 1; compton -b # this freezes i3.. don't use compton
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - executing: nitrogen --restore # sleep 1; compton -b # this freezes i3.. don't use compton
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - auto-starting nm-applet
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - executing: nm-applet
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - auto-starting xfce4-power-manager
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - executing: xfce4-power-manager
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - auto-starting pamac-tray
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - executing: pamac-tray
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - auto-starting xset r rate 200 100
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - executing: xset r rate 200 100
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - auto-starting setxkbmap -option caps:swapescape
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - executing: setxkbmap -option caps:swapescape
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - auto-starting redshift -l 40.685075:29.926835
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - executing: redshift -l 40.685075:29.926835
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - auto-starting sh /home/savolla/Documents/Scripts/battery-low-alert/
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - executing: sh /home/savolla/Documents/Scripts/battery-low-alert/
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - auto-starting (always!) ff-theme-util
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - executing: ff-theme-util
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - auto-starting (always!) fix_xcursor
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - executing: fix_xcursor
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - auto-starting (always!) unclutter -idle 1
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - executing: unclutter -idle 1
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - Starting bar process: i3bar --bar_id=bar-0 --socket="/run/user/1000/i3/ipc-socket.1073"
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - executing: i3bar --bar_id=bar-0 --socket="/run/user/1000/i3/ipc-socket.1073"
07-10-2018 21:06:55 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 14, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 85, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1498 - xkb event, need to handle it.
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1502 - xkb new keyboard notify, sequence 985, time 175107
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:27 - Ungrabbing all keys
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="x", sym=0x78 → keycodes 53 53 53 53 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362400 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362540 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362680 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362720 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362860 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360c80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360e20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361340 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361460 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361580 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361820 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362b20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362be0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362d50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362e00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366d10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366da0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="g", sym=0x67 → keycodes 42 42 42 42 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="i", sym=0x69 → keycodes 48 48 48 48 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="u", sym=0x75 → keycodes 30 30 30 30 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="y", sym=0x79 → keycodes 29 29 29 29 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="n", sym=0x6e → keycodes 57 57 57 57 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Return", sym=0xff0d → keycodes 36 36 36 36 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a640 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="z", sym=0x7a → keycodes 52 52 52 52 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F2", sym=0xffbf → keycodes 68 68 68 68 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F5", sym=0xffc2 → keycodes 71 71 71 71 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360f50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361070 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361100 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361190 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361220 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361760 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361940 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="f", sym=0x66 → keycodes 41 41 41 41 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="w", sym=0x77 → keycodes 25 25 25 25 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361c10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361d30 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="a", sym=0x61 → keycodes 38 38 38 38 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361e50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361f70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362000 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362090 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362120 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362240 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362360 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="0", sym=0x30 → keycodes 19 19 19 19 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816367df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Escape", sym=0xff1b → keycodes 66 66 66 66 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368200 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369990 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F12", sym=0xffc9 → keycodes 96 96 96 96 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F11", sym=0xffc8 → keycodes 95 95 95 95 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F10", sym=0xffc7 → keycodes 76 76 76 76 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 0, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x0, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 85, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1498 - xkb event, need to handle it.
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1502 - xkb new keyboard notify, sequence 985, time 175107
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:27 - Ungrabbing all keys
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="x", sym=0x78 → keycodes 53 53 53 53 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362400 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362540 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362680 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362720 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362860 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360c80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360e20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361340 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361460 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361580 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361820 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362b20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362be0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362d50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362e00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366d10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366da0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="g", sym=0x67 → keycodes 42 42 42 42 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="i", sym=0x69 → keycodes 48 48 48 48 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="u", sym=0x75 → keycodes 30 30 30 30 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="y", sym=0x79 → keycodes 29 29 29 29 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="n", sym=0x6e → keycodes 57 57 57 57 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Return", sym=0xff0d → keycodes 36 36 36 36 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a640 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="z", sym=0x7a → keycodes 52 52 52 52 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F2", sym=0xffbf → keycodes 68 68 68 68 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F5", sym=0xffc2 → keycodes 71 71 71 71 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360f50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361070 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361100 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361190 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361220 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361760 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361940 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="f", sym=0x66 → keycodes 41 41 41 41 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="w", sym=0x77 → keycodes 25 25 25 25 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361c10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361d30 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="a", sym=0x61 → keycodes 38 38 38 38 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361e50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361f70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362000 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362090 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362120 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362240 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362360 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="0", sym=0x30 → keycodes 19 19 19 19 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816367df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Escape", sym=0xff1b → keycodes 66 66 66 66 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368200 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369990 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F12", sym=0xffc9 → keycodes 96 96 96 96 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F11", sym=0xffc8 → keycodes 95 95 95 95 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F10", sym=0xffc7 → keycodes 76 76 76 76 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 0, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x0, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 85, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1498 - xkb event, need to handle it.
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1502 - xkb new keyboard notify, sequence 985, time 175107
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:27 - Ungrabbing all keys
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="x", sym=0x78 → keycodes 53 53 53 53 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362400 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362540 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362680 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362720 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362860 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360c80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360e20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361340 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361460 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361580 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361820 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362b20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362be0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362d50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362e00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366d10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366da0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="g", sym=0x67 → keycodes 42 42 42 42 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="i", sym=0x69 → keycodes 48 48 48 48 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="u", sym=0x75 → keycodes 30 30 30 30 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="y", sym=0x79 → keycodes 29 29 29 29 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="n", sym=0x6e → keycodes 57 57 57 57 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Return", sym=0xff0d → keycodes 36 36 36 36 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a640 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="z", sym=0x7a → keycodes 52 52 52 52 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F2", sym=0xffbf → keycodes 68 68 68 68 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F5", sym=0xffc2 → keycodes 71 71 71 71 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360f50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361070 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361100 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361190 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361220 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361760 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361940 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="f", sym=0x66 → keycodes 41 41 41 41 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="w", sym=0x77 → keycodes 25 25 25 25 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361c10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361d30 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="a", sym=0x61 → keycodes 38 38 38 38 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361e50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361f70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362000 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362090 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362120 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362240 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362360 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="0", sym=0x30 → keycodes 19 19 19 19 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816367df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Escape", sym=0xff1b → keycodes 66 66 66 66 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368200 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369990 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F12", sym=0xffc9 → keycodes 96 96 96 96 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F11", sym=0xffc8 → keycodes 95 95 95 95 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F10", sym=0xffc7 → keycodes 76 76 76 76 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 0, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x0, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 85, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1498 - xkb event, need to handle it.
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1502 - xkb new keyboard notify, sequence 985, time 175108
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:27 - Ungrabbing all keys
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="x", sym=0x78 → keycodes 53 53 53 53 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362400 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362540 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362680 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362720 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362860 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360c80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360e20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361340 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361460 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361580 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361820 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362b20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362be0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362d50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362e00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366d10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366da0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="g", sym=0x67 → keycodes 42 42 42 42 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="i", sym=0x69 → keycodes 48 48 48 48 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="u", sym=0x75 → keycodes 30 30 30 30 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="y", sym=0x79 → keycodes 29 29 29 29 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="n", sym=0x6e → keycodes 57 57 57 57 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Return", sym=0xff0d → keycodes 36 36 36 36 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a640 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="z", sym=0x7a → keycodes 52 52 52 52 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F2", sym=0xffbf → keycodes 68 68 68 68 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F5", sym=0xffc2 → keycodes 71 71 71 71 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360f50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361070 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361100 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361190 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361220 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361760 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361940 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="f", sym=0x66 → keycodes 41 41 41 41 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="w", sym=0x77 → keycodes 25 25 25 25 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361c10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361d30 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="a", sym=0x61 → keycodes 38 38 38 38 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361e50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361f70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362000 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362090 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362120 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362240 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362360 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="0", sym=0x30 → keycodes 19 19 19 19 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816367df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Escape", sym=0xff1b → keycodes 66 66 66 66 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368200 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369990 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F12", sym=0xffc9 → keycodes 96 96 96 96 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F11", sym=0xffc8 → keycodes 95 95 95 95 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F10", sym=0xffc7 → keycodes 76 76 76 76 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 0, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x0, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 85, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1498 - xkb event, need to handle it.
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1502 - xkb new keyboard notify, sequence 985, time 175108
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:27 - Ungrabbing all keys
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="x", sym=0x78 → keycodes 53 53 53 53 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362400 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362540 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362680 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362720 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362860 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360c80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360e20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361340 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361460 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361580 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361820 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362b20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362be0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362d50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362e00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366d10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366da0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="g", sym=0x67 → keycodes 42 42 42 42 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="i", sym=0x69 → keycodes 48 48 48 48 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="u", sym=0x75 → keycodes 30 30 30 30 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="y", sym=0x79 → keycodes 29 29 29 29 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="n", sym=0x6e → keycodes 57 57 57 57 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Return", sym=0xff0d → keycodes 36 36 36 36 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a640 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="z", sym=0x7a → keycodes 52 52 52 52 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F2", sym=0xffbf → keycodes 68 68 68 68 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F5", sym=0xffc2 → keycodes 71 71 71 71 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360f50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361070 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361100 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361190 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361220 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361760 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361940 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="f", sym=0x66 → keycodes 41 41 41 41 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="w", sym=0x77 → keycodes 25 25 25 25 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361c10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361d30 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="a", sym=0x61 → keycodes 38 38 38 38 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361e50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361f70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362000 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362090 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362120 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362240 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362360 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="0", sym=0x30 → keycodes 19 19 19 19 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816367df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Escape", sym=0xff1b → keycodes 66 66 66 66 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368200 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369990 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F12", sym=0xffc9 → keycodes 96 96 96 96 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F11", sym=0xffc8 → keycodes 95 95 95 95 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F10", sym=0xffc7 → keycodes 76 76 76 76 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 0, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x0, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 85, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1498 - xkb event, need to handle it.
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1502 - xkb new keyboard notify, sequence 985, time 175108
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:27 - Ungrabbing all keys
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="x", sym=0x78 → keycodes 53 53 53 53 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362400 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362540 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362680 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362720 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362860 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360c80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360e20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361340 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361460 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361580 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361820 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362b20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362be0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362d50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362e00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366d10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366da0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="g", sym=0x67 → keycodes 42 42 42 42 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="i", sym=0x69 → keycodes 48 48 48 48 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="u", sym=0x75 → keycodes 30 30 30 30 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="y", sym=0x79 → keycodes 29 29 29 29 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="n", sym=0x6e → keycodes 57 57 57 57 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Return", sym=0xff0d → keycodes 36 36 36 36 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a640 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="z", sym=0x7a → keycodes 52 52 52 52 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F2", sym=0xffbf → keycodes 68 68 68 68 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F5", sym=0xffc2 → keycodes 71 71 71 71 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360f50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361070 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361100 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361190 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361220 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361760 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361940 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="f", sym=0x66 → keycodes 41 41 41 41 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="w", sym=0x77 → keycodes 25 25 25 25 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361c10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361d30 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="a", sym=0x61 → keycodes 38 38 38 38 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361e50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361f70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362000 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362090 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362120 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362240 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362360 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="0", sym=0x30 → keycodes 19 19 19 19 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816367df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Escape", sym=0xff1b → keycodes 66 66 66 66 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368200 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369990 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F12", sym=0xffc9 → keycodes 96 96 96 96 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F11", sym=0xffc8 → keycodes 95 95 95 95 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F10", sym=0xffc7 → keycodes 76 76 76 76 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 0, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x0, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 85, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1498 - xkb event, need to handle it.
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1502 - xkb new keyboard notify, sequence 985, time 175108
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:27 - Ungrabbing all keys
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="x", sym=0x78 → keycodes 53 53 53 53 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362400 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362540 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362680 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362720 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362860 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360c80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360e20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361340 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361460 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361580 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361820 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362b20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362be0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362d50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362e00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366d10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366da0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="g", sym=0x67 → keycodes 42 42 42 42 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="i", sym=0x69 → keycodes 48 48 48 48 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="u", sym=0x75 → keycodes 30 30 30 30 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="y", sym=0x79 → keycodes 29 29 29 29 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="n", sym=0x6e → keycodes 57 57 57 57 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Return", sym=0xff0d → keycodes 36 36 36 36 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a640 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="z", sym=0x7a → keycodes 52 52 52 52 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F2", sym=0xffbf → keycodes 68 68 68 68 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F5", sym=0xffc2 → keycodes 71 71 71 71 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360f50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361070 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361100 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361190 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361220 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361760 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361940 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="f", sym=0x66 → keycodes 41 41 41 41 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="w", sym=0x77 → keycodes 25 25 25 25 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361c10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361d30 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="a", sym=0x61 → keycodes 38 38 38 38 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361e50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361f70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362000 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362090 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362120 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362240 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362360 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="0", sym=0x30 → keycodes 19 19 19 19 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816367df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Escape", sym=0xff1b → keycodes 66 66 66 66 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368200 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369990 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F12", sym=0xffc9 → keycodes 96 96 96 96 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F11", sym=0xffc8 → keycodes 95 95 95 95 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F10", sym=0xffc7 → keycodes 76 76 76 76 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 0, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x0, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 85, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1498 - xkb event, need to handle it.
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1502 - xkb new keyboard notify, sequence 985, time 175108
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:27 - Ungrabbing all keys
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="x", sym=0x78 → keycodes 53 53 53 53 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362400 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362540 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362680 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362720 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362860 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360c80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360e20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361340 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361460 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361580 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361820 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362b20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362be0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362d50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362e00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366d10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366da0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="g", sym=0x67 → keycodes 42 42 42 42 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="i", sym=0x69 → keycodes 48 48 48 48 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="u", sym=0x75 → keycodes 30 30 30 30 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="y", sym=0x79 → keycodes 29 29 29 29 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="n", sym=0x6e → keycodes 57 57 57 57 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Return", sym=0xff0d → keycodes 36 36 36 36 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a640 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="z", sym=0x7a → keycodes 52 52 52 52 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F2", sym=0xffbf → keycodes 68 68 68 68 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F5", sym=0xffc2 → keycodes 71 71 71 71 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360f50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361070 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361100 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361190 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361220 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361760 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361940 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="f", sym=0x66 → keycodes 41 41 41 41 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="w", sym=0x77 → keycodes 25 25 25 25 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361c10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361d30 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="a", sym=0x61 → keycodes 38 38 38 38 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361e50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361f70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362000 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362090 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362120 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362240 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362360 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="0", sym=0x30 → keycodes 19 19 19 19 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816367df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Escape", sym=0xff1b → keycodes 66 66 66 66 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368200 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369990 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F12", sym=0xffc9 → keycodes 96 96 96 96 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F11", sym=0xffc8 → keycodes 95 95 95 95 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F10", sym=0xffc7 → keycodes 76 76 76 76 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 0, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x0, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 85, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1498 - xkb event, need to handle it.
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1502 - xkb new keyboard notify, sequence 985, time 175108
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:27 - Ungrabbing all keys
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="x", sym=0x78 → keycodes 53 53 53 53 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362400 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362540 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362680 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362720 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362860 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360c80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360e20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361340 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361460 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361580 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361820 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362b20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362be0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362d50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362e00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366d10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366da0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="g", sym=0x67 → keycodes 42 42 42 42 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="i", sym=0x69 → keycodes 48 48 48 48 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="u", sym=0x75 → keycodes 30 30 30 30 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="y", sym=0x79 → keycodes 29 29 29 29 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="n", sym=0x6e → keycodes 57 57 57 57 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Return", sym=0xff0d → keycodes 36 36 36 36 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a640 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="z", sym=0x7a → keycodes 52 52 52 52 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F2", sym=0xffbf → keycodes 68 68 68 68 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F5", sym=0xffc2 → keycodes 71 71 71 71 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360f50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361070 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361100 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361190 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361220 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361760 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361940 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="f", sym=0x66 → keycodes 41 41 41 41 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="w", sym=0x77 → keycodes 25 25 25 25 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361c10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361d30 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="a", sym=0x61 → keycodes 38 38 38 38 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361e50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361f70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362000 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362090 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362120 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362240 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362360 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="0", sym=0x30 → keycodes 19 19 19 19 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816367df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Escape", sym=0xff1b → keycodes 66 66 66 66 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368200 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369990 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F12", sym=0xffc9 → keycodes 96 96 96 96 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F11", sym=0xffc8 → keycodes 95 95 95 95 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F10", sym=0xffc7 → keycodes 76 76 76 76 (4)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 0, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x0, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 28, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - restore_layout.c:restore_handle_event:345 - Received unhandled X11 event of type 34
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - restore_layout.c:restore_handle_event:345 - Received unhandled X11 event of type 34
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:ipc_new_client:1296 - IPC: new client connected on fd 10
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - IPC: looking for config for bar ID "bar-0"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1057 - should add subscription to extra 0x556816388e30, sub workspace
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1067 - client is now subscribed to:
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1069 - event workspace
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1071 - (done)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1057 - should add subscription to extra 0x556816388e30, sub output
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1067 - client is now subscribed to:
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1069 - event workspace
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1069 - event output
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1071 - (done)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1057 - should add subscription to extra 0x556816388e30, sub mode
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1067 - client is now subscribed to:
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1069 - event workspace
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1069 - event output
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1069 - event mode
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1071 - (done)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1057 - should add subscription to extra 0x556816388e30, sub barconfig_update
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1067 - client is now subscribed to:
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1069 - event workspace
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1069 - event output
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1069 - event mode
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1069 - event barconfig_update
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:add_subscription:1071 - (done)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - workspace visible? fs = 0x556816384390, ws = 0x556816384390
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 20, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_map_request:265 - window = 0x00a00006, serial is 5917.
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - manage.c:manage_window:166 - Managing window 0x00a00006
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - WM_CLASS changed to i3bar (instance), i3bar (class)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - WM_NAME changed to "i3bar for output eDP1"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - window.c:window_update_name:71 - _NET_WM_NAME not specified, not changing
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - window.c:window_update_leader:154 - CLIENT_LEADER not set on window 0x00a00006.
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - window.c:window_update_transient_for:179 - TRANSIENT_FOR not set on window 0x00a00006.
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - window.c:window_update_strut_partial:216 - Reserved pixels changed to: left = 0, right = 0, top = 28, bottom = 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - window.c:window_update_role:229 - WM_WINDOW_ROLE not set.
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - window.c:window_update_hints:278 - WM_HINTS not set.
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - startup.c:startup_sequence_get:285 - No _NET_STARTUP_ID set on window 0x00a00006
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - manage.c:manage_window:197 - startup workspace = (null)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - This window is of type dock
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - randr.c:get_output_containing:108 - comparing x=0 y=1052 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - manage.c:manage_window:222 - Starting search at output eDP1
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - manage.c:manage_window:228 - Top dock client
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - manage.c:manage_window:247 - Initial geometry: (0, 1052, 1920, 28)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - dock status matches
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - con.c:con_new_skeleton:53 - opening window
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - x.c:x_con_init:164 - Adding window 0x00400062 to lists
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - x.c:x_con_init:168 - adding new state for window id 0x00400062
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - manage.c:manage_window:348 - new container = 0x5568162eb8d0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - x.c:x_reinit:185 - resetting state 0x55681639e600 to initial
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - manage.c:manage_window:408 - Not in fullscreen mode, focusing
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - manage.c:manage_window:426 - dock, not focusing
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "emacs" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "qutebrowser" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "Telegram" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "retroarch" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "QEMU" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "alsamixer" does not match "i3bar for output eDP1"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "Calamares" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "Clipgrab" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "File Transfer*" does not match "i3bar for output eDP1"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "Galculator" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "GParted" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "i3_help" does not match "i3bar for output eDP1"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "Lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "Lxappearance" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "Manjaro-hello" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "Manjaro Settings Manager" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "MuseScore: Play Panel" does not match "i3bar for output eDP1"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "Nitrogen" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "Oblogout" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "octopi" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "Pamac-manager" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "Pavucontrol" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "qt5ct" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "Qtconfig-qt4" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "Simple-scan" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "(?i)" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "Thus" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "Timeset-gui" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "(?i)virtualbox" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "Xfburn" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "mpv" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Regular expression "QEMU" does not match "i3bar"
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - Checking window 0x00a00006 (class i3bar)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x55681637e6e0 / root / layout 6 / children 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x55681637ecd0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x556816381150 / eDP1 / layout 4 / children 3
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_output:402 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 28)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x556816381db0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 1
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:183 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 28)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x5568162eb8d0 / (null) / layout 6 / children 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - con.c:con_is_floating:526 - checking if con 0x5568162eb8d0 is floating
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:131 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1920x28
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_output:402 - child at (0, 28) with (1920 x 1052)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x556816382a60 / content / layout 6 / children 1
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x556816384390 / 1:  / layout 6 / children 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_output:402 - child at (0, 1080) with (1920 x 0)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x5568163836e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_root:253 - Rendering floating windows:
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ipc.c:ipc_send_window_event:1410 - Issue IPC window new event (con = 0x5568162eb8d0, window = 0x00a00006)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - tree.c:tree_render:506 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x55681637e6e0 / root / layout 6 / children 2
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x55681637ecd0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x556816381150 / eDP1 / layout 4 / children 3
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_output:402 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 28)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x556816381db0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 1
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:183 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 28)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x5568162eb8d0 / (null) / layout 6 / children 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - con.c:con_is_floating:526 - checking if con 0x5568162eb8d0 is floating
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:131 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1920x28
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_output:402 - child at (0, 28) with (1920 x 1052)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x556816382a60 / content / layout 6 / children 1
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x556816384390 / 1:  / layout 6 / children 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_output:402 - child at (0, 1080) with (1920 x 0)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_con:51 - Rendering node 0x5568163836e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - render.c:render_root:253 - Rendering floating windows:
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - x.c:x_push_changes:1011 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - x.c:x_push_changes:1070 - Client list changed (0 clients)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - x.c:x_push_changes:1084 - PUSHING CHANGES
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - x.c:x_push_node:710 - pushing name [i3 con] container around 0x5568162ea6b0 for con 0x5568162eb8d0
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - x.c:x_push_node:840 - setting rect (0, 0, 1920, 28)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - x.c:x_push_node:860 - setting window rect (0, 0, 1920, 28)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - x.c:x_push_node:889 - mapping child window (serial 5971)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - x.c:x_push_node:904 - mapping container 00400062 (serial 5973)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - x.c:x_push_node:911 - Sending fake configure notify
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:85 - fake rect = (0, 0, 1920, 28)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - x.c:x_push_changes:1125 - Not updating focus (to 0x556816384390 / 1: ), focused window is not mapped.
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - x.c:x_push_changes:1168 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the EWMH support window (4194366)
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - x.c:x_push_changes:1175 - ENDING CHANGES
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - tree.c:tree_render:515 - -- END RENDERING --
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - workspace visible? fs = 0x556816384390, ws = 0x556816384390
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - workspace visible? fs = 0x556816380410, ws = 0x556816380410
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - ClientMessage for window 0x00000168
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_client_message:975 - Skipping client message for unhandled type 371
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 21, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 22, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_configure_notify:1262 - ConfigureNotify for non-root window 0x00400062, ignoring
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 28, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 28, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 22, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_configure_notify:1262 - ConfigureNotify for non-root window 0x00400062, ignoring
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 28, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 19, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 19, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 19, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 22, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_configure_notify:1262 - ConfigureNotify for non-root window 0x00a00006, ignoring
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 28, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:56 - workspace visible? fs = 0x556816384390, ws = 0x556816384390
07-10-2018 21:06:58 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 28, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:58 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 28, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:58 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 28, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:06:58 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 28, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:07:00 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 28, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:07:02 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 18, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:07:02 - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:487 - UnmapNotify for 0x01c00002 (received from 0x00000168), serial 5981
07-10-2018 21:07:02 - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
07-10-2018 21:07:03 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 28, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:07:03 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 28, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 85, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - handlers.c:handle_event:1498 - xkb event, need to handle it.
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - handlers.c:handle_event:1502 - xkb new keyboard notify, sequence 5981, time 192085
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:27 - Ungrabbing all keys
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="x", sym=0x78 → keycodes 53 53 53 53 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362400 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362540 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362680 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362720 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362860 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 68, &2 = no, &3 = yes, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x44, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360c80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360e20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361340 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361460 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361580 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361820 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362b20 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362be0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362d50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362e00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362f60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366d10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366da0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="g", sym=0x67 → keycodes 42 42 42 42 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369b80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 65, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x41, cfg="i", sym=0x69 → keycodes 48 48 48 48 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="u", sym=0x75 → keycodes 30 30 30 30 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="y", sym=0x79 → keycodes 29 29 29 29 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="n", sym=0x6e → keycodes 57 57 57 57 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360610 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Return", sym=0xff0d → keycodes 36 36 36 36 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a640 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="d", sym=0x64 → keycodes 40 40 40 40 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="z", sym=0x7a → keycodes 52 52 52 52 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F2", sym=0xffbf → keycodes 68 68 68 68 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F3", sym=0xffc0 → keycodes 69 69 69 69 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F5", sym=0xffc2 → keycodes 71 71 71 71 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="t", sym=0x74 → keycodes 28 28 28 28 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d80 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360f50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="j", sym=0x6a → keycodes 44 44 44 44 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="k", sym=0x6b → keycodes 45 45 45 45 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361070 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Left", sym=0xff51 → keycodes 113 113 113 113 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361100 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Down", sym=0xff54 → keycodes 116 116 116 116 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361190 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Up", sym=0xff52 → keycodes 111 111 111 111 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361220 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Right", sym=0xff53 → keycodes 114 114 114 114 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361760 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="b", sym=0x62 → keycodes 56 56 56 56 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="q", sym=0x71 → keycodes 24 24 24 24 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361940 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="f", sym=0x66 → keycodes 41 41 41 41 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="s", sym=0x73 → keycodes 39 39 39 39 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361a60 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="w", sym=0x77 → keycodes 25 25 25 25 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361af0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="e", sym=0x65 → keycodes 26 26 26 26 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361c10 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="space", sym=0x20 → keycodes 65 65 65 65 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361d30 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="a", sym=0x61 → keycodes 38 38 38 38 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361e50 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="minus", sym=0x2d → keycodes 21 21 21 21 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="1", sym=0x31 → keycodes 10 10 10 10 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816361f70 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="2", sym=0x32 → keycodes 11 11 11 11 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362000 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="3", sym=0x33 → keycodes 12 12 12 12 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362090 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="4", sym=0x34 → keycodes 13 13 13 13 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362120 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="5", sym=0x35 → keycodes 14 14 14 14 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="6", sym=0x36 → keycodes 15 15 15 15 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362240 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="7", sym=0x37 → keycodes 16 16 16 16 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="8", sym=0x38 → keycodes 17 17 17 17 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816362360 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="9", sym=0x39 → keycodes 18 18 18 18 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="0", sym=0x30 → keycodes 19 19 19 19 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="r", sym=0x72 → keycodes 27 27 27 27 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816367df0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="Escape", sym=0xff1b → keycodes 66 66 66 66 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816368200 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="c", sym=0x63 → keycodes 54 54 54 54 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="m", sym=0x6d → keycodes 58 58 58 58 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369900 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="h", sym=0x68 → keycodes 43 43 43 43 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369990 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="l", sym=0x6c → keycodes 46 46 46 46 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369c40 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F12", sym=0xffc9 → keycodes 96 96 96 96 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F11", sym=0xffc8 → keycodes 95 95 95 95 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 group = 0, event_state_mask = 64, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x40, cfg="F10", sym=0xffc7 → keycodes 76 76 76 76 (4)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:494 - Binding 0x556816360d00 group = 0, event_state_mask = 0, &2 = no, &3 = no, &4 = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:translate_keysyms:617 - state=0x0, cfg="Print", sym=0xff61 → keycodes 107 107 107 107 218 218 218 218 (8)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7bf0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7c40 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7f60 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360ec0 Grabbing keycode 53 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362400 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163624a0 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362540 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163625e0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362680 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362720 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163627c0 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362860 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 68
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 70
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 84
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362900 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 86
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a5d0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7df0 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360c80 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360e20 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163612b0 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361340 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163613d0 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361460 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163614f0 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361580 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361610 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163616a0 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361820 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361b80 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ca0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361dc0 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163629b0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362a60 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362b20 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362be0 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362ca0 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362d50 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362e00 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362eb0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362f60 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366d10 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366da0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366ec0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368af0 Grabbing keycode 42 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 65
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 67
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 81
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369b80 Grabbing keycode 48 with mods 83
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162e8ad0 Grabbing keycode 30 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162dcc70 Grabbing keycode 29 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162de3d0 Grabbing keycode 57 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360610 Grabbing keycode 36 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a640 Grabbing keycode 40 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x55681634a6b0 Grabbing keycode 52 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7cd0 Grabbing keycode 68 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7d60 Grabbing keycode 69 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7e80 Grabbing keycode 71 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568162d7ef0 Grabbing keycode 28 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d80 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360f50 Grabbing keycode 44 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360fe0 Grabbing keycode 45 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361070 Grabbing keycode 113 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361100 Grabbing keycode 116 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361190 Grabbing keycode 111 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361220 Grabbing keycode 114 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361760 Grabbing keycode 56 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163618b0 Grabbing keycode 24 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361940 Grabbing keycode 41 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163619d0 Grabbing keycode 39 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361a60 Grabbing keycode 25 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361af0 Grabbing keycode 26 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361c10 Grabbing keycode 65 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361d30 Grabbing keycode 38 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361e50 Grabbing keycode 21 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361ee0 Grabbing keycode 10 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816361f70 Grabbing keycode 11 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362000 Grabbing keycode 12 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362090 Grabbing keycode 13 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362120 Grabbing keycode 14 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163621b0 Grabbing keycode 15 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362240 Grabbing keycode 16 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163622d0 Grabbing keycode 17 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816362360 Grabbing keycode 18 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816366fa0 Grabbing keycode 19 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163676d0 Grabbing keycode 27 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816367df0 Grabbing keycode 66 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816368200 Grabbing keycode 54 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x5568163689b0 Grabbing keycode 58 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369900 Grabbing keycode 43 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369990 Grabbing keycode 46 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369c40 Grabbing keycode 96 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369d00 Grabbing keycode 95 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 64
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 66
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 80
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816369dc0 Grabbing keycode 76 with mods 82
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 107 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 0
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 2
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 16
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:grab_all_keys:166 - Binding 0x556816360d00 Grabbing keycode 218 with mods 18
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 85, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - handlers.c:handle_event:1498 - xkb event, need to handle it.
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - handlers.c:handle_event:1524 - xkb state group = 0
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - restore_layout.c:restore_handle_event:345 - Received unhandled X11 event of type 34
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - restore_layout.c:restore_handle_event:345 - Received unhandled X11 event of type 34
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 2, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - key_press.c:handle_key_press:23 - KeyPress 36, state raw = 0x40
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding_from_xcb_event:315 - (removed capslock, state = 0x40)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding_from_xcb_event:340 - (transformed keyboard group, state = 0x10040)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 64, modifiers_mask = 64, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = yes
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 66, modifiers_mask = 66, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 80, modifiers_mask = 80, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 82, modifiers_mask = 82, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 64, modifiers_mask = 64, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = yes
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 66, modifiers_mask = 66, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 80, modifiers_mask = 80, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 82, modifiers_mask = 82, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 64, modifiers_mask = 64, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = yes
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 66, modifiers_mask = 66, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 80, modifiers_mask = 80, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 82, modifiers_mask = 82, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 64, modifiers_mask = 64, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = yes
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - commands_parser.c:parse_command:265 - COMMAND: *exec terminal*
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - commands.c:cmd_criteria_init:155 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156494a0
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - commands.c:cmd_exec:1235 - should execute terminal, no_startup_id = 0
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - startup id = i3/terminal/1073-0-karna_TIME192432
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - executing: terminal
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - commands.c:cmd_criteria_init:155 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x5568156494a0
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - ipc.c:ipc_send_binding_event:1457 - Issue IPC binding run event (sym = Return, code = 0)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 33, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 17, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:558 - destroy notify for 0x00400067, 0x00400067
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:487 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400067 (received from 0x00400067), serial 6536
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - handlers.c:handle_event:1489 - event type 3, xkb_base 85
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - key_press.c:handle_key_press:23 - KeyRelease 36, state raw = 0x40
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding_from_xcb_event:315 - (removed capslock, state = 0x40)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding_from_xcb_event:340 - (transformed keyboard group, state = 0x10040)
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 68, modifiers_mask = 68, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 70, modifiers_mask = 70, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 84, modifiers_mask = 84, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 86, modifiers_mask = 86, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 81, modifiers_mask = 81, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 83, modifiers_mask = 83, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 65, modifiers_mask = 65, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindings.c:get_binding:238 - binding_keycode->modifiers = 67, modifiers_mask = 67, modifiers_state = 64, mods_match = no
07-10-2018 21:07:13 - bindi
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