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Created January 16, 2019 10:08
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  • Save savolla/9ff9a309bcb0e6a48afb7277eaf95963 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# this is for setting up my own setup on a new machine
cp -r IRC/.weechat/ ~/
# NeoVIM
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/ && cp -r NeoVIM/nvimlocal/nvim ~/.local/share/
mkdir -p ~/.config/ && cp -r NeoVIM/nvimconfig/nvim ~/.config/
# bashrc
cp -r BASHRC/.bashrc ~/
# X11 keyboard setup
mkdir -p /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/
cp -r X11Keyboard/pc /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/
cp -r X11Keyboard/xy /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/
# script files into ~/Documents/Scripts
mkdir -p ~/Documents/Scripts/
cp -r SCRIPTS/battery-low-alert/ ~/Documents/Scripts/
cp -r SCRİPTS/window-porn4 ~/Documents/Scripts/
# i3 config
mkdir -p ~/.i3/
cp -r i3/config ~/.config/i3/
# i3status
cp -r i3/i3status.conf /etc/
# qutebrowser configs
cp -r QUTEBROWSER/qutebrowser ~/.config/
# ranger
cp -r RANGER/ranger ~/.config/
# jrnl
cp -r JRNL/.jrnl ~/
cp -r JRNL/.jrnl_config ~/
# tmux
cp -r TMUX/.tmux.conf ~/
# urxvt
cp -r URXVT/.urxvt ~/
# xresources and xdefaults
cp -r XRESOURCES/.Xresources ~/
# Installing programs
# ===========================================================
#pacman -S compton --noconfirm # fix screen
#pacman -S irssi --noconfirm # IRC
#pacman -S retroarch --noconfirm # retro arch for gaming
#pacman -S emacs --noconfirm # idiotic text editor
#pacman -S feh --noconfirm # image viewer but sxiv is better option
#pacman -S i3-help --noconfirm
#pacman -S i3-scripts --noconfirm
#pacman -S i3-scrot --noconfirm
#pacman -S i3exit --noconfirm
#pacman -S i3lock --noconfirm
#pacman -S i3status-manjaro --noconfirm
#pacman -S i3-default-artwork --noconfirm
#pacman -S nvidia-390xx-utils --noconfirm
#pacman -S cmus --noconfirm
pacman -S calcurse --noconfirm # calcurse
pacman -S weechat --noconfirm
pacman -S ranger --noconfirm # file manager
pacman -S qutebrowser --noconfirm # my only browser
pacman -S unclutter --noconfirm # fuck mouse
pacman -S telegra-desktop --noconfirm # telegram desktop
pacman -S qemu --noconfirm # qemu for virtual machines
pacman -S mpv --noconfirm # media player
pacman -S youtube-viewer --noconfirm # youtube-viewer
pacman -S youtube-d --noconfirm # youtube downloader
pacman -S sxiv --noconfirm
pacman -S tmux --noconfirm # tmux screen destroyer
pacman -S atool --noconfirm # easy tool to extract zip, rar files
pacman -S bash-completion --noconfirm
pacman -S gdb --noconfirm # gnu debugger
pacman -S bmenu --noconfirm # nice TUI settings
pacman -S dmenu --noconfirm # program launcher
pacman -S bumblebee --noconfirm # primus tech
pacman -S clang --noconfirm # support for C/C++ languages
pacman -S curl --noconfirm # to pull web pages
pacman -S git --noconfirm # essential
pacman -S downgrade --noconfirm # potential monster
pacman -S dunst --noconfirm # notiffications
pacman -S ffmpeg --noconfirm # screencast and more
pacman -S figlet --noconfirm # nice graffity? :P
pacman -S gcc --noconfirm # GNU C Compiler (tcc is better but they use GCC!)
pacman -S gcolor2 --noconfirm # nice color visualizer
pacman -S gparted --noconfirm # nice GUI partitioning tool
pacman -S gufw --noconfirm # graphical firewall
pacman -S htop --noconfirm # system monitoring
pacman -S i3-gaps --noconfirm # DAH wm
pacman -S intel-ucode --noconfirm # nice program
pacman -S inxi --noconfirm # lshw?
pacman -S ncurses --noconfirm # terminal user interface
pacman -S neofetch --noconfirm # neofetch :P
pacman -S nerd-fonts-terminus --noconfirm # needed fonts
pacman -S net-tools --noconfirm # ifconfig etc.
pacman -S newsboat --noconfirm # RSS feeder
pacman -S networkmanager --noconfirm # serf describing
pacman -S network-manager-applet --noconfirm
pacman -S nm-connection-editor --noconfirm
pacman -S pandoc --noconfirm # document converter
pacman -S python --noconfirm # python support
pacman -S python-pip --noconfirm # pip support
pacman -S ruby-docs --noconfirm # this is critical for ruby gem
pacman -S rxvt-unicode --noconfirm # DAH terminal
pacman -S scrot --noconfirm # screen shot
pacman -S sdl --noconfirm # needen for qemu
pacman -S sdl2 --noconfirm # needen for qemu
pacman -S terminus-font --noconfirm # needed fonts 2
pacman -S tor --noconfirm # tor for evade TTNET
pacman -S ufw --noconfirm # firewall daemoon
pacman -S unrar --noconfirm
pacman -S unzip --noconfirm
pacman -S util-linux --noconfirm
pacman -S w3m --noconfirm # ncurses internet browser
pacman -S xdotool --noconfirm # pyautogui like :P
pacman -S xsel --noconfirm # clipboard
pacman -S ncmpcpp --noconfirm # music player
pacman -S mpd --noconfirm # music player daemon needed for ncpmcpp
pacman -S dvd+rw-tools --noconfirm
pacman -S transmission-gtk --noconfirm # torrent
pacman -S mupdf --noconfirm # pdf reader
pacman -S pkgfile --noconfirm # package information
pacman -S yay # AUR helpler
# Dependent
pacman -S adobe-source-code-pro-fonts --noconfirm # fonts needen 3
# From pip
pip install jrnl # jrnl
pip install pycrypto # for openin encrypted jrnl
# From AUR
yay python-pywal # pywal - terminal theme
yay sc-im # spread sheet editor/viewer
yay xcalib # inverting colors
yay sct # replacement for redshift
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