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Last active July 22, 2019 07:12
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lec 1 (command line essentials)


  • prints working directory


  • changes directories
    cd / # navigato to the start of the harddisk
    cd /usr/share # example
    cd savolla # no absolute path using tab tab
    cd ./lib # . means current directory
    # navigating to home 3 ways
    cd /home/savolla #
    cd ~/savolla # if you are lazy
    cd # if you are ultra lazy
    cd ../ # go one level up. go backward
    cd ../../../etc # go 3 levels back and press tab tab
  • summary
    pwd # prints current directory
    cd ../ # goes backward
    cd ./ # means current directory
    cd / # means go to the very beginning like C:\\ in windows


  • what’s the point if we just navigate accross the file system but can’t do anything?
    ls # lists content of the current directory
    ls -l # lists more information
    ls -l ~/Documents # list directories without leaving the current directory

lec 2 (file permissions)

  • edit one file from /etc/hostname
  • show that they can’t change the file
  • ls -l /etc/hostname to show the privilages
  • tell them about root user


sudo <command> # runs as super user
sudo vim /etc/hostname


whoami # shows the current user


  • what if we don’t want to use sudo everytime
    su root # switch to the super user (root)
    whoami # show who am i
    vim /etc/hostname
    su nick # switch back to my user account way 1
    exit # switch back to my user account way 2

lec 3 (software installation)

  • tell about package managers
    sudo apt-get install <program name> # ubuntu
    sudo yum install <program name> # centos:
    sudo pacman -S <program name> # arch
yum install ranger # install ranger
  • talk about dependencies
  • talk about repositories and tell that different distros have different repositories and different programs
  • if I don’t like the program I can remove it
    sudo apt-get remove <program name> # ubuntu
    sudo yum remove <program name> # centos:
    sudo pacman -Rs <program name> # arch

lec 4 (other commands)

  • talk about user permissions


chown user:group <file>
chown -R user:group <file>


chmod u+rx






bash scripting

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