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Created November 8, 2015 00:03
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import System.Environment
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import Control.Exception
withFiles :: [FilePath] -> IOMode -> ([Handle] -> IO a) -> IO a
withFiles paths mode f = withFiles' paths mode f []
withFiles' [] mode f handles = do
result <- f handles
closeFiles handles result
withFiles' (path : paths) mode f handles = do
handle <- openFile path mode
withFiles' paths mode f (handle : handles)
closeFiles [] res = do
return res
closeFiles (handle : handles) res = do
hClose handle
closeFiles handles res
process :: Handle -> [Handle] -> IO ()
process inHandle outHandles = do
process' inHandle outHandles 0 (length outHandles)
process' inHandle outHandles cnt totalOut = do
input <- try(hGetLine inHandle)
case input of
Left e ->
if isEOFError e
then return ()
else ioError e
Right inLine ->
do hPutStrLn (outHandles !! (cnt `mod` totalOut)) inLine
process' inHandle outHandles (cnt + 1) totalOut
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
withFiles (tail args) WriteMode (\outHandles -> (
withFiles [head args] ReadMode (\inHandle ->
process (head inHandle) outHandles
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