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Savannah Younts savyounts

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Ok so currently when I test out my links in Android Studio with App Links Assistant my assetlinks.json is linked an verified but when I try to test it on my simulator, it breifly opens the app but then terminates. This seems to be the main error I'm getting "W/unknown:ReconnectingWebSocket: Couldn't connect to "ws://", will silently retry". It pretty much does that until it terminates.
Website files:
"relation": ["delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls"],
"target": {
"namespace": "android_app",
"package_name": "com.digitalbureau.Breakingviews",
The Settings API provided by WordPress is a set of funcitons that simplify the process of creating menus, options pages and the saving, validating and retrieving of user input.
Sections, Fields, and Settings
Fields: individual options that appear on menu pages. It represents a value stored in the WordPress database.
Sections: logical grouping of fields.
Settings: registered after you've defined both fields and sections--settings are a combination of the field and the Section to which it belongs.
Before writing any code, it can be helpful to list out exactly waht you settings you need and what you want them to do:
• Define a section that will be used to group each field
Google Tag Manager is a tag management system that allows you to easily manage and update tracking codes and realted code
fragments on your website or mobile app -GTM
Once you add a segment of Tag Manger code to your project, youa re able to depoly analytics and configure tag managements from
a web-based user interface. You can use Tag Manager's UI to set up tracking tags, establish triggers that cause your tag to
fire when certain events occur and even create variables that can be used to simplfy or automate your tag.
When using Tag Manager, none of your tag code needs to live in the code base of your project, it all stays on the Tag Manager
site. This can replace manually-coded tags from Google Ads, Google Analytics or other 3rd party tags. You can also create custom
Universal Link vs Deep Link:
While custom URL schemes are an acceptable form of deep linking, universal links are strongly recommended as a
best practice. For more information on universal links, see Allowing Apps and Websites to Link to Your Content.
(Universal links only work for for Apple devices and available on iOS 9+)
Enabling Universal Links:
savyounts / gist:7b6afcd3c1e2ddc3b68f9d5a33b93b2f
Created March 12, 2019 20:24
Set default taxonomies to custom post types in WordPress
Usually for normal posts, if a user doesn't select a custom category then it defaults to 'uncategorized', with custom post_types
that isn't always the case. If you want to have your custom post_type default on a certain taxonomy you can add this function
to your functions.php file in your template directory.
* Set default cat for cpt
* @source {}
* @source {}
* @license GPLv2
savyounts / gist:4963960e6ce61bd4252abfdb0600f8ba
Created March 11, 2019 23:03
Setting up an add in SailThru
Log into SailThru go to Content > Ad Targeter > Plans
Upload the images into the correct zones using the green plus sign or wrench icon
Next go to Content > Ad Targeter > Scheduler
Choose the dates your campaign will run and add the images to the correct zones again
Be sure to add the Client Advertiser and Description as well
Once all images are uploaded, go to the Breaking Views repo then go to wp-content > themes > breaking-views-2015 > inc and click
on the email-edition-admin.php file. This file is used by the daily and weekly templates. Once in the file, find the
<-- Begin Banner --> comment and change out the portion in the doubel curly brackets to the name of the zone that you want displayed there.
You can use a git rebase to add code from one brach to another to update the base it started from. So if you have two branches
you are working on, but then later realize you need the code from one branch in order to finish the other branch you can add it
by rebasing.
first make sure both files are staged and commited.
checkout the branch that you want to add to
savyounts / gist:c6fa8c10f5c7e97801c7199d636cd86f
Created March 11, 2019 17:44
Pushing from Local to Stage
Once your code is working in the local environment you can push it up to the stage environment to be sent to QA. To do this,
you first need to add the stage remote to the project
git remote add name_of_remote ubuntu@url:path_to_vhost
git remote add stage
You can check that your remote was added by using git remote -v
Once you have your remote, checkout the branch you want to push up and use this command to push it to that environment:
To help debugging wiht PHP you can run error_logs. This should be a one time set up where you can go into your php.ini file and make a few changes.
Once in there you should make 3 changes, turn log_errors on, turn display_erros off and set a file that error_log should log to.
log_errors = On
display_errors = On
error_log = /usr/local/var/log/php/php_errors.log
Make sure that all of these lines are uncommented (don't have a ; in front of them)
savyounts / gist:4ad80447b790d9c69dc4ac2e9b5aa192
Created March 6, 2019 23:49
The beginnings of PHP and Wordpress
In WordPress, you can have different types of "posts", these posts can be categories of different types of information to be displayed on your site.
In your project's theme folder there should be all sorts of files for different pages. Some of these files start with "single". Single.php is what determines how single blog posts look on your site. For other
post categories, make a new file called single-name_of_categorey.php (ex: single-locations.php). WordPress automatically knows that this file should handle Location posts (assuming you have a category called
In this singles page, you can use WordPress functions like get_header(), get_fields(), get_previous_post(), get_the_title(), get_permalink() or get_post_meta() (along with many other options) to grab the information
you need from your single post. Do all of this within PHP tags and you can set up variables and any logic you may need later in your HTML.
After closing your PHP tag, you can start writing your HTML markup. To use the PHP va