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Last active January 2, 2016 15:39
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My own attempt at implementing the PID algorithm in some (hopefully) clean, understandable C
* PID Controller Implementation in C
* Created by Joshua Saxby (aka @saxbophone) on 1 Jan, 2016
* My own attempt at implementing the PID algorithm in some (hopefully) clean, understandable C.
* No warranty, no patenting (LOL!), free use, yadda yadda etc, hope you find this useful and don't be evil!
#include <stdio.h>
#include "pid.c"
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
static short true = 1;
// initialise a calibration for our PID controller
PID_Calibration calibration;
// dummy values = 1.0; = 1.0;
calibration.kd = 1.0;
// initialise the starting state of the controller
PID_State current_state;
// we need to populate all fields apart from output, as this one gets populated by the algorithm
// set all variables to neutral values
current_state.actual = 0.0; = 0.0;
current_state.time_delta = 1.0; // AFIAK this will make timing have no effect...
current_state.previous_error = 0.0; // no errors yet
current_state.integral = 0.0; // no errors yet
// get target value from user
printf("Enter Target Value:\t");
scanf("%lf", &;
// do several iterations of the algorithm
while (true) {
// get actual value from user
printf("Enter Actual Value:\t");
scanf("%lf", &current_state.actual);
// run the algorithm
current_state = pid_iterate(calibration, current_state);
// output results for info
current_state.actual,, current_state.output
return 0;
* PID Controller Implementation in C
* Created by Joshua Saxby (aka @saxbophone) on 1 Jan, 2016
* My own attempt at implementing the PID algorithm in some (hopefully) clean, understandable C.
* No warranty, no patenting (LOL!), free use, yadda yadda etc, hope you find this useful and don't be evil!
typedef struct {
* struct PID_Calibration
* Struct storing calibrated PID constants for a PID Controller
* These are used for tuning the algorithm and the values they take are
* dependent upon the application - (in other words, YMMV...)
double kp; // Proportional gain
double ki; // Integral gain
double kd; // Derivative gain
} PID_Calibration;
typedef struct {
* struct PID_State
* Struct storing the current state of a PID Controller.
* This is used as the input value to the PID algorithm function, which also
* returns a PID_State struct reflecting the adjustments suggested by the algorithm.
* NOTE: The output field in this struct is set by the PID algorithm function, and
* is ignored in the actual calculations.
double actual; // The actual reading as measured
double target; // The desired reading
double time_delta; // Time since last sample/calculation - should be set when updating state
// The previously calculated error between actual and target (zero initially)
double previous_error;
double integral; // Sum of integral error over time
double output; // the modified output value calculated by the algorithm, to compensate for error
} PID_State;
PID_State pid_iterate(PID_Calibration calibration, PID_State state) {
* PID Controller Algorithm implementation
* Given a PID calibration for the P, I and D values and a PID_State for the current
* state of the PID controller, calculate the new state for the PID Controller and set
* the output state to compensate for any error as defined by the algorithm
// calculate difference between desired and actual values (the error)
double error = - state.actual;
// calculate and update integral
state.integral += (error * state.time_delta);
// calculate derivative
double derivative = (error - state.previous_error) / state.time_delta;
// calculate output value according to algorithm
state.output = (
( * error) + ( * state.integral) + (calibration.kd * derivative)
// update state.previous_error to the error value calculated on this iteration
state.previous_error = error;
// return the state struct reflecting the calculations
return state;
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