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Last active January 2, 2016 21:27
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Quadcopter algorithm
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct {
* A struct used for storing the configured state of a Quadcopter's motors,
* such as the maximmum power output per motor and the other tuning paramters
* that effect how the quad will calculate the thrust ratios of the motors
// motor_max is a double, should be in range 0.0 - 100.0 and is the maximmum
// allowed power that the motors should run at, as a percentage of the motor's
// maximmum power that can be achieved from the software
double motor_max;
// pitch_max is a double specifying the bounds of the pitch control variable
// this should typically be set to 180.0, giving +180.0 as being fully positive
// and -180.0 as being fully negative.
double pitch_max;
// roll_max is identical in behaviour to pitch_max, but operating on the roll
// control variable
double roll_max;
// while technically the same as pitch_max and roll_max, yaw_max is a bit
// different in that yaw is not an absolute measurement, but rather a measurement
// of angular change. so +180 would represent the intention to turn clockwise by 180 degrees
double yaw_max;
// motor_limit is a double, should be between 0.0 and motor_max and is used
// to set a limit on how powerful the quad's motors should run.
// This is different from motor_max, which tells the software what value to
// consider as max power, whereas this parameter specifies a rule on which level
// of power should not be exceeded during normal operation.
double motor_limit;
// pitch_limit is the maximumm allowable angle for the quadcopter to tilt in]
// the positive and negative pitch directions (forwards and backwards).
// This is provided to set a sensible hard limit on the angle that the software
// will try to attain, to avoid potential acrobatic mishaps!
// Tune these according to your requirements
double pitch_limit;
// roll_limit is same as pitch limit, for roll axis
double roll_limit;
// same as above, for yaw axis
double yaw_limit;
// master gain - controls how much the angular parameters are allowed to change the
// final output of a motor, in proportion to the main thrust
double master_gain;
// angular gains - these are gain parameters that are applied to the input
// angles of pitch, roll and yaw and are used to tune the copter's responsiveness
// for the different axes
double pitch_gain;
double roll_gain;
double yaw_gain;
} Quadcopter_Config;
typedef struct {
* A struct used for representing the current state of the quadcopter,
* mainly the desired power output of the four motors.
* This is the lowest level of abstraction of the copter's state, these
* values relate directly to the rotation speed of the motors, no complex
* mathematical transforms are needed beyond here.
// front_left motor output
double front_left;
// front_right motor output
double front_right;
// back_left motor output
double back_left;
// back_right motor output
double back_right;
} Quadcopter_State;
typedef struct {
* This struct is used to store the state of the Quadcopter's control inputs.
* These are four main variables, the angles of the pitch, roll and yaw and
* The total power to apply across all four motors (total thrust for altitude
* control).
// the amount of thrust to apply per motor, if the quadcopter were hovering
// perfectly level.
double thrust;
double pitch; // pitch angle - 0.0 is neutral, max range defined in config
double roll; // roll angle - same as above, for roll
double yaw; // same as above, for yaw
} Quadcopter_Control_State;
double normalise(double input, double min_range, double max_range) {
* Given an input value and the min and max ranges that this value can hold,
* return an output value that is guaranteed to be either the input if it is
* within the given range, or the closest of min or max if not.
// set output initially to value of input, in the hope that it is valid
double output = input;
if (output < min_range) {
// too small, set to minimun
output = min_range;
} else if (output > max_range) {
// too big, set to maximum
output = max_range;
} // otherwise, we're good to go with the value already
return output;
Quadcopter_Control_State normalise_control_inputs(Quadcopter_Control_State input, Quadcopter_Config config) {
* Given a struct representing control inputs from the controller, and a
* struct containing this copter's config, normalise any erroneous control
* values to be within the maximmum limits defined in this quadcopter's config,
* returns the updated struct.
Quadcopter_Control_State output;
// normalise input values
output.thrust = normalise(input.thrust, 0.0, config.motor_limit);
output.pitch = normalise(input.pitch, -config.pitch_limit, config.pitch_limit);
output.roll = normalise(input.roll, -config.roll_limit, config.roll_limit);
output.yaw = normalise(input.yaw, -config.yaw_limit, config.yaw_limit);
return output;
Quadcopter_State calculate_power_ratios(Quadcopter_Control_State control, Quadcopter_Config config) {
* Given a control state struct and a config struct, return a quadcopter state struct
* with the different motor thrust values reflecting the state of the controls,
* using an algorithm to work out how to divide up thrust ratios between different motors.
Quadcopter_State state;
// calculate some secondary values that are used many times first
// TODO: Move out into a function that calculates this once after init of config struct
double gain = 2.0 / config.master_gain; // configures how much +/- of motor thrust to allow motors to become
double pitch = config.pitch_gain * (control.pitch / config.pitch_limit);
double roll = config.roll_gain * (control.roll / config.roll_limit);
double yaw = config.yaw_gain * (control.yaw / config.yaw_limit);
// calculate thrust output of each motor
state.front_left = control.thrust * (1.0 + ((((-pitch + roll + -yaw) / 3.0) + 1.0) / gain));
state.front_right = control.thrust * (1.0 + ((((-pitch + -roll + yaw) / 3.0) + 1.0) / gain));
state.back_left = control.thrust * (1.0 + ((((pitch + roll + yaw) / 3.0) + 1.0) / gain));
state.back_right = control.thrust * (1.0 + ((((pitch + -roll + -yaw) / 3.0) + 1.0) / gain));
return state;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
// construct and populate config struct
Quadcopter_Config config;
config.motor_max = 100.0;
config.motor_limit = 85.0;
config.pitch_max = 180.0;
config.pitch_limit = 45.0;
config.roll_max = 180.0;
config.roll_limit = 45.0;
config.yaw_max = 180.0;
config.yaw_limit = 45.0;
// willing to allow algo to output up to 50% more or less than reference thrust
config.master_gain = 0.5;
config.pitch_gain = 1.0;
config.roll_gain = 1.0;
config.yaw_gain = 1.0;
// construct and populate control struct
Quadcopter_Control_State control;
control.thrust = 100.0;
// values for leaning 15 deg forwards, rotating right by 5 deg
control.pitch = 15.0;
control.roll = 0.0;
control.yaw = 0.0;
// normalise inputs
control = normalise_control_inputs(control, config);
// calculate quad motor state
Quadcopter_State state = calculate_power_ratios(control, config);
state.front_left, state.front_right,
state.back_left, state.back_right
return 0;
variable names:
angular velocities:
m = maximmum desired output for one prop
fl = front-left prop
fr = front-right prop
bl = back-left prop
br = back-right prop
angle measurements:
pm = max pitch angle (typically 180)
p = desired pitch angle (in range pm -> -pm)
rm = max roll angle (typically 180)
r = desired roll angle (in range rm -> -rm)
w = desired yaw angular change (in range wm -> -wm)
wm = max yaw angular change (technically a tuning param as could be changed)
angle tuning params:
kp = coefficient of pitch (gain)
kr = coefficient of roll (gain)
kw = coefficient of yaw (gain)
fl = m * (((((kp * (p / pm)) + (kr * (r / -rm)) + (kw * (w / -wm))) / 3.0) + 1.0) / 2.0)
fr = m * (((((kp * (p / pm)) + (kr * (r / rm)) + (kw * (w / wm))) / 3.0) + 1.0) / 2.0)
bl = m * (((((kp * (p / -pm)) + (kr * (r / -rm)) + (kw * (w / wm))) / 3.0) + 1.0) / 2.0)
br = m * (((((kp * (p / -pm)) + (kr * (r / rm)) + (kw * (w / -wm))) / 3.0) + 1.0) / 2.0)
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