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Last active December 22, 2015 15:49
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Save saxxi/6495116 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Elastic search grouping solution
# As at present ElasticSearch does not provide a group_by equivalent, here's my attempt to do it manually.
# In the example we have articles made by some authors and I'd like to have relevant docs, but not more than one per author.
# Assumption.
# 1) I'm looking for relevant content
# 2) I've assumed that first 300 docs are relevant,
# So I consider only this selection, regardless many of these are from the same few authors.
# 3) for my needs I didn't "really" needed pagination, for me it was enough a "show more" button updated through ajax
`curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:9200/articles"
curl -X PUT "http://localhost:9200/articles" -d '{
"settings": {
"index": {
"number_of_shards": 1, "number_of_replicas": 0
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9200/articles/article" -d '{ "id": 111, "author_id": "user_1", "title": "One bad doc", "findable": true }'
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9200/articles/article" -d '{ "id": 222, "author_id": "user_2", "title": "Two bad doc", "findable": true }'
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9200/articles/article" -d '{ "id": 333, "author_id": "user_3", "title": "Three good doc", "findable": true }'
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9200/articles/article" -d '{ "id": 444, "author_id": "user_1", "title": "Four good doc", "findable": true }'
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9200/articles/article" -d '{ "id": 555, "author_id": "user_2", "title": "Five good doc", "findable": true }'
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9200/articles/article" -d '{ "id": 666, "author_id": "user_1", "title": "Six good doc", "findable": true }'
curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/articles/_refresh'`
# # Raw test our query
# curl -X POST "http://localhost:9200/articles/_search?pretty=true" -d '{
# "query": {
# "bool":{
# "must":[{ "query_string":{ "query":"doc", "default_operator":"AND" } }],
# "should":[{ "query_string":{ "query":"user_2", "default_operator":"AND", "boost":2000 } }]
# }
# },
# "fields": [{ "term": { findable: "true" } }],
# "facets": {
# "tags": { "terms": {"field": "owner", "size": 10} }
# }
# }'
params_start_from = 0
per_page = 3
my_query = {
bool: {
must: [{ query_string: { query: "doc", default_operator: "AND" } }],
should: [{ query_string: { query: "user_2", default_operator: "AND", boost: 2000 } }]
my_and_filters = [
{ term: { findable: "true" } }
# FIRST QUERY - find all relevant ids
all_res = 'articles', query: my_query,
filter: { :and => my_and_filters },
fields: ['id', 'author_id'],
size: 300
docs = all_res.results.to_a.uniq { |el| el['author_id'] }
@total_results_non_unique = # <-- Global variable
@total_results = docs.size # <-- Global variable
start_from = params_start_from.to_i # should always be < Settings.research.max_results
docs = docs[ start_from .. start_from + per_page - 1 ]
doc_ids = docs.nil? ? [] : { |doc| doc['id'] }
and_filters << { ids: { values: doc_ids } } # TODO: move :highlight to Part 1 and query only by :id
res = 'articles', query: my_query,
filter: { :and => my_and_filters },
highlight: {
fields: ['title']
size: per_page
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Hey @saxxi, if you don't mind, we can continue your problem here?

I know both ruby and tire so I can discuss this gist right away.

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saxxi commented Sep 11, 2013

yes we can skype too if you like, I'm "aditonskype"

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saxxi commented Sep 11, 2013

As I've commented in my own stackoverflow question this solution has some drawbacks.

Lets examine how it works

I assume in my case an "author" (its a fake example) has on average 1.8 documents per head. I'll also set a phisical limit of -say- 10 per author.

  1. first the engine finds 300 docs
    • find only :id and :author_id
    • probably get also the :_highlight field
  2. in ruby group_by author_id (uniq) and cut the interested part (pagination)
  3. with this array -> query elasticsearch and have final results

Probably on step 3 we could even use standard activerecord (I use mongoid but still..) find method:


Please consider the following two options:

  1. use the _highlight field in first query (BUT have 300 _highlight text floating around the web)
  2. or use the full query + _highlight field on the second field (BUT process a complex query 2 full times)

Which would you consider a better option? I know, bechmarking is our friend, isn't it?! :D

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saxxi commented Sep 11, 2013

Now the gist is fully working

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I guess, the concept seems working right (step 1, 2, 3)?

Step 1 can be replaced by doing a faceting query instead.

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saxxi commented Sep 12, 2013

This is a satisfying solution for the present time (it's on staging env) but I would be glad to improve it, could you please provide some deeper hint on step 1? Thank you

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If you use term facet, you can get list of all author_id sorted by some conditions, you don't have to limit yourself to 300 number.

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