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Last active January 5, 2020 03:51
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Backbone Router (Controller) for iframe content. Includes bookmarking and routing support for navigating iframe content.
define(['rit','util/router','navIndicator'], function(RIT,Router) {
var $ = RIT.$, _ = RIT._, B = RIT.Backbone, Events = RIT.Events, self;
* iEnside (/w enside.html) supports legacy Toyota connect and technology pages.
* Example uses include (URLs in browser's location / address bar, not iframe):
*!phones (uses urls property object)
* (uses default route, "defRoute")
* @type {Router}
var iEnside = Router.extend({
routes: {
'': "setIframe",
"!*hash": "setIframe"
urls: {
phones: "/connect/",
technology: "technology.html",
support: "/entune/learning-center/"
setSubNavItem: function(path){
var subNavItem = (new RegExp(this.urls.phones)).test(path)? "phones"
: (new RegExp( "support" : '',
subNavSelector = subNavItem? "#sub-nav-"+subNavItem : '';
if (!this.$subnav) this.$subnav = this.DOM.$subnav.navIndicator(subNavSelector);
else this.$subnav.setItem(subNavSelector);
captureClick: function(event){
var random = Math.round(Math.random()*101),
urlMatch = (/(\/entune\/learning-center.+)/).exec(this.href),
excluded = $(this).hasClass("disclaimer") || (/\?faq=/).test(this.href);
if (urlMatch && urlMatch.length && !excluded) {
location.href = "/entune/enside.html#!"+ urlMatch[1] +"?*="+ random;
heightPoller: function(){
return setInterval(function(){ try {
var $if = self.DOM.$iframe,
oh = parseInt($"height"),10),
nh = $if.contents().find("body").height();
if (oh !== nh) $if.height(nh).data("height",nh);
} catch(e) { console.log("Error adjusting height:",e); }
refocusIframe: function(){
window.scrollTo(0,0); window.setTimeout(function(){
if ($("html").hasClass("ie9")) window.scrollTo(0,1);
},500); // Resets subnav positioning for IE loading.
initIframe: function(){
// Update the browser's address / location for bookmarking,
// if the user clicks on a link within the iframe for support.
// If an ID has been set, clear the interval on iframe load.
if (this.heightPollerID) clearInterval(this.heightPollerID);
// Set the subnav item after the content loads.
// Poll iframe content height for adjustments.
this.heightPollerID = this.heightPoller();
// Go to the top of the page on load.
setIframe: function(route){
var defPath = "phones";
if (!route) route = defPath;
var isPath = (/^\//).test(route),
path = isPath? route : this.urls[route],
clMethod = (defPath===route)? "add" : "remove";
this.DOM.$iframe[0].src = path;
initialize: function(){
self = this;
this.DOM = {
$iframe: $("#ifLegacyContent"),
$subnav: $("#subnav"),
$body: $("body")
return iEnside;
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